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The Scientific Revolution

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1 The Scientific Revolution
Section 6-1

2 The Roots of Modern Science
Before 1500 most scholars referred to the Bible or Greek and Roman texts as the final authority in regard to knowledge The geocentric theory was established by Aristotle and said that all other heavenly bodies revolved around the Earth

3 The Scientific Revolution
The new way to think about the natural world that was based on careful observations and a willingness to question accepted beliefs The explorations that happened because of the Renaissance showed Europeans new peoples and animals on other continents

4 The Heliocentric Theory
Created by Nicolas Copernicus Stated that the planets and other stars revolved around the sun Tycho Brahe and Johannes Kepler came up with new additions to the idea and supported it mathematically

5 Galileo Wrote Starry Messenger a book that built on the new theories about astronomy Jupiter had 4 moons, the sun had dark spots, and that he supported Copernicus These statements got him in trouble with the church because they went against church teachings Even thought Galileo retracted his statements the church still imprisoned him for the rest of his life

6 The Scientific Method A logical procedure for gathering and testing ideas Problem from an observation > a hypothesis > experiment > analyze reach a conclusion

7 Descartes VS. Bacon Rene Descartes states that math was the way to deal with problems in science Francis Bacon says that a person must experiment in order to solve problems Both said that the old assumptions should be thrown out and the new ideas used

8 Sir Isaac Newton Stated that the same force ruled all matter on Earth and in space and that all objects are attracted to each other, that attraction depends on the mass & distance In The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy Newton said that the universe was like a clock and God was the clock maker that set everything in motion

9 Inventions and Innovations
Zacharias Janssen – 1st microscope Anton van Leeuwenhoek – examined red blood cells for the 1st time and examined bacteria Evangelista Torricelli – 1st mercury barometer Gabriel Fahrenheit – system for gauging temperature Anders Celsius – another system for gauging temperature Andreas Vesalius – 1st to dissect a human corpse to observe human anatomy Robert Boyle – introduced the ideas that matter was made up of smaller primary particles that joined in different ways

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