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What should we watch today?

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Presentation on theme: "What should we watch today?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What should we watch today?

2 Welcome to the Oprah show!!!!!

3 Little did you know… YOU ARE ON OPRAHS FAVORITE THINGS!!!!

4 So where do we go to find the world’s largest supply of platinum, gold, and diamonds????

5 South Africa of course 
Did you know… South Africa has a mixed economy Population 54 million GDP in 2016: $736 billion GDP per capita: $13,200 Unemployment rate: 27%

6 South Africa- South Africa is the most developed country in Africa They have a mixed economy that leans heavily on the market side--currency is called the Rand. South Africa, like the U.S. relies heavily on Service Industry Service Industries-Banking, tourism, entertainment, retail, etc.

7 Economic Issues-South Africa’s economy is still fighting the legacy of the Apartheid-27% of the population is unemployed-the majority of those people are black. Also crime has made it harder to attract foreign investment even with their abundant natural resources. Economic inequality South Africa also has the highest rate of HIV/AIDS in Africa-causing the country to spend more money on health care than anything else


9 Just Remember… Exchange your currency… $1 = 13 rand

10 Sorry this program has ended…please join us next time!
Next…The Simpsons…

11 This time on The Simpsons…
Homer gets transferred to NIGERIA!!!

12 Most populated country
Oh Homey….. Aren’t you worried? Corrupt government Poor infrastructure Most populated country

13 Nigeria has issues (don’t we all?)
While Nigeria “should” be one of the wealthiest countries in Africa due to its resources, it is not. Why? Nigeria is torn apart by civil war, corrupt government, and an increase in population. Nigeria has a large supply of oil-that has brought the country money, but also corruption. Most of the money the country makes off of oil goes to the government-leaving the rest of the population in poverty.

14 Have no fear…Bart is here!
We can get into the OIL business! Did you know that 95% of Nigeria’s exports come from OIL? Not much for diversifying though!

15 Let’s Get Real!!!! According to my calculations…
_ Nigeria’s population is million Nigeria’s GDP is $1.089 trillion Nigeria’s GDP per capita is only $5,900 The unemployment rate is only 13%!

16 What about money? The currency of Nigeria is the Naira. $1 = 315 Naira

17 Improving Economies Southern African Development Community (SADC)
What are ways that countries in Africa can improve their economies? Investment in Human Capital (citizens) HOW? -Education -Better benefits -Health Care Investment in Capital goods…HOW? -New technology -New machinery Southern African Development Community (SADC) 9 South African countries came together in 1980 to help financial growth The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Created in 1975 to raise the standard of living and stability in West African countries.

18 It’s Official…We are going to NIGERIA!!!

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