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How do Stream Confluences Influence Stream Diversity and Function?

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Presentation on theme: "How do Stream Confluences Influence Stream Diversity and Function?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How do Stream Confluences Influence Stream Diversity and Function?
By Jeremy Brooks For University of Montana Undergraduate Research Conference

2 Aquatic Communities

3 4 Functional Community Groups
Shredders – eat large plants (i.e. leaves) Grazers – eat algae off of rocks Collectors – Filter feed particles of food Predators – eat other insects

4 Why do we need to be more specific?
Biomonitoring of Pollution How has the community changed? Restoring an Ecosystem- What is the goal?


6 River Continuum Concept is Simplified

7 River Continuum Concept is Simplified
Tributaries mean: More nutrients More water New Temperature New Community

8 How do stream confluences affect aquatic communities?
Will they: Increase the diversity of the main channel community? Shift the functional community? Increase proportion of predators and collectors? Do pairwise comparisons differ more with confluences?

9 Overview Methods Results Discussion

10 Site Location

11 Four Mile Creek Sampled in August 2016

12 Sample at each confluence
10-20 ft

13 Collect Habitat Data Temperature Average Substrate Size Canopy Cover

14 Identifying Insect Samples in Lab
1: Randomly pick 300 insects from each sample 2: Identify down to Genus 3: Quality Control (Rhithron): $600 for 3 samples 4: Redo sample to increase accuracy 5: Assign Functional Feeding Group Value August*4 Mile Creek * 4 sites *5 samples *300 insects = 6,000 insects

15 Results

16 Simpson’s Diversity Index
Four Mile Creek: Site 4 Simpson’s Diversity Index Diversity: 4.7 Diversity: 7.6 Diversity: 8.9 Diversity: 7.4 Q1: Do stream confluences increase the diversity of the main channel community? Diversity: 10.9

17 Q2: Do stream confluences shift the functional community?
Four Mile Creek: Site 4 Non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis 1 3 2 4 5

18 Four Mile Creek: Site 4 Q2: Do stream confluences increase the proportion of predators and collectors? = Collector/Gatherer = Grazer = Predator = Shredder = Collector/Filterer

19 Q2: Do functional pair-wise comparisons differ more with confluences?
Four Mile Creek: Site 4 Main Trib Main-Below Trib-Below

20 Simpson’s Diversity Index
Four Mile Creek: Site 3 Simpson’s Diversity Index Diversity: 7.2 Diversity: 14.3 Diversity: 9.8 Diversity: 10 Q1: Do stream confluences increase the diversity of the main channel community? Diversity: 5.3

21 Q2: Do stream confluences shift the functional community?
Four Mile Creek: Site 3 1 3 Non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis 2 4 5

22 Four Mile Creek: Site 3 Q2: How does functional diversity change in tributaries vs main channel? = Collector/Gatherer = Grazer = Predator = Shredder = Collector/Filterer

23 Q2: Do functional pair-wise comparisons differ more with confluences?
Four Mile Creek: Site 3 Main Trib Main-Below Trib-Below

24 Discussion Results show high spatial variation along river
Predictions for any site may depend upon habitat variation Tributary influences: Watershed area Habitat (substrate, canopy cover, slope)

25 No match with the RCC = Grazer = Predator = Collector/Filterer
= Collector/Gatherer Site 4 = Grazer = Predator = Shredder Site 3 = Collector/Filterer

26 Thanks to: Davidson Honors College for the Irene Ever’s Scholarship
Five Valleys Audubon Society and the College of Forestry for the Phillip Wright Scholarship Lisa Eby and my Committee for their Mentorship Wildlife of Montana

27 Main: Sub mm Canopy 40% Slope 7% W. Area: 5.1 sq miles Trib: Sub: 10-50mm Canopy 60% Slope: 9% W. Area: .7 sq miles = collector/gatherer Below: Sub mm Canopy: 40% Slope 7% W. Area: 5.8 sq miles = grazer = predator = shredder = collector/filter Q3: How does the habitat influence the community composition?

28 Q3: How does the habitat influence the community composition?
Main: Sub mm Canopy 40% Slope 7% W Area: 3.7 sq miles Trib: Sub: 10-50mm Canopy 60% Slope: 9% W. Area: 1 sq mile = Collector/Gatherer Below: Sub mm Canopy: 40% Slope 7% W. Area: 4.7 sq miles = Grazer = Predator = Shredder = Collector/Filterer

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