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Image Analysis – See/Think/Wonder

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1 Image Analysis – See/Think/Wonder
Working Conditions

2 #1

3 #2

4 #3

5 #4

6 #5

7 #6

8 #7

9 #8

10 Industrialization Causes Effects Predictions T T T

11 Labor Unions Read assigned section Union Logo
The Knights of Labor (pg. 248) The American Federation of Labor (pg. 249) Union Logo Must draw and color Must represent: The members—who joined this union Their goal(s)—what did they want Their method(s)—what did they do to try and achieve their goal

12 Wealth Differences Small group of wealthy vs. large group of poor  many poor upset Some turn to socialism (society should control nation’s wealth; equal distribution) Many turn to labor unions

13 Add to your notes what your partner shares with you about their union.
Union Logo Share

14 Labor Unions Early Labor Unions The Knights of Labor
Better pay and working conditions Many failed when times got tough The Knights of Labor Skilled and unskilled African Americans and women Some success, but by 1890s had disappeared The American Federation of Labor (AFL) Only skilled workers (white men) Better pay, hours, and working conditions Collective bargaining

15 Employer Reactions Hated, forbid, and fired union members
Made workers promise to never join  sign yellow dog contracts Refused to recognize or bargain with

16 Homestead Strike (1892) Carnegie & Henry Frick – cut wages
Strike  Frick calls Pinkertons Assassination attempt on Frick Strikers lose public support

17 Pullman Strike (1894) Pullman towns
Lay offs and wages cut, BUT doesn’t change rent and prices Union calls for national strike Disrupts mail service (federal) Sherman Anti-Trust Act Gov’t sends in troops to stop strike Pullman Strike (1894)

18 Ch. 6 Monday! What is the Industrial Revolution?
Technologies of the IR – know their impact Captains of Industry vs. Robber Barons Carnegie and Rockefeller – industry & method for monopoly Vertical and horizontal consolidation - explain each Monopoly, trust - goals and purpose Sherman Anti-Trust Act Wealth distribution and Social Darwinism Working conditions in factories and mines & child labor Labor unions Labor Strikes: Pullman, Homestead

19 Prompt #5 Think of something you are unsatisfied with. Briefly describe what you would want changed and how you would try and get it changed.

20 Prompt #6 Create a flow chart with at least 4 boxes for the series of events involved in both the Homestead Strike and the Pullman Strike. (2 flow charts)

21 After Quiz Turn in the quiz to the basket Pick up strike assignment sheet Decide which option you are going to do tomorrow in the lab Begin to plan

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