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Presentation on theme: " A Joint Research Project funded under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Commission High Speed - Inspection Work on."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Joint Research Project funded under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Commission High Speed - Inspection Work on the Contiunous track monitoring and advanced monitoring for switches & crossings Dr. Gunnar Baumann Director Infrastructure System Interfaces – I.NVT 8

2 A Joint Research Project funded under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Commission Aims Unplanned and planned non-availability of the track caused by failures or restrictions are cost-drivers in the networks. A prediction of failures allows an optimisation of the instant of time, where the work is economical in a larger part of the track. Larger maintenance sections reduce the costs and provide usually a better quality !!! Switches are most critical devices in the network concerning availability and costs. A reduction of failures are direct noticeable by the passenger or the logistic company.

3 A Joint Research Project funded under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Commission Solutions Monitoring of track alignment by regular sheduled trains during operation to get Online-Information of the track. On this basis a prognosis of the deterioration of single faults is possible and a maintenance planning for the line is more economical. Monitoring and inspection of switches will give an individual information about the Health of a switch. Maintenance intervention before any faults are possible, maintenance staff will be equipped with the spare-parts needed. Traffic interruption caused by switches will be reduced.

4 A Joint Research Project funded under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Commission WP 3 Organisation WP 3.1 In-Service Measurement (ISM): Measurement of the track alignment by an in-service freight locomotive in the demonstrator. Line will be Rotterdam (Nl) – Dillingen (D). Data processing for failure prediction and the display to the maintenance staff (MMI). WP 3.2 Switch: Monitoring and inspection of switches by intelligent sensors and failure prediction by modern algorithms and the display to the maintenance staff (MMI). Demonstrators are switches in Eslöv (S). WP 3 Partners: ProRail, Network Rail, Deutsche Bahn, Trafikverket, Strukton Rail, Damill, Birmingham Univ., Luleå Tekniska Univ., DLR, Mermec, Vossloh

5 A Joint Research Project funded under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Commission Workflow Programming of the MMI VCSA Development of Algoritms UoB Delivery of switch data UoB / DAM Delivering of track recording data DB / MER Algorithms for failure prediction DLR / UoB Prediction of opt. time for Mainten. DLR / UoB Development of Maintenance Prog. Stru / LTU Input for WP2, WP4, WP5 Demonstrators WP 3 Organisation

6 A Joint Research Project funded under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Commission Advantages of ISM Advantages Reduction of service breakdown and delays by early detection of defects Measured data are automatically stored in a maintenance database Prediction of defect development (more frequently measurements) Early maintenance planning due to defect/failure prediction (Single defect tamping vs. line tamping) Verify the quality of repair efforts (close control loop) Measurement is a by-product (spin-off) of train operation Improvement of maintenance management Reduction of costs (LCC) From Find and Fix to Predict and Prevent High Availability of the Freight-Backbones of the ports (Target of FP 7 !)

7 A Joint Research Project funded under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Commission Equipment of ISM Continuous monitoring of track geometry on Freight Loko (BR 189) Acceleration sensors on axle bearing Onboard-computer module (IPC) Location with GPS Data transmission by radio Freight train IMU (Gyroscope)

8 A Joint Research Project funded under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Commission Corridor for demonstrator Dillingen/ Saar Foto: A. Seidel Ore line Rotterdam - Dillingen

9 A Joint Research Project funded under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Commission Corridor for demonstrator Foto: Ore-line Rotterdam - Dillingen Decision was done due to the automatic coupling of the lokomotive fixed schedule for the ore-line

10 A Joint Research Project funded under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Commission Processing of the acc.-data Quelle: DLR Processing of the acceleration data To gain the vertical alignment from the acceleration data, a double integration has to be carried out. Algorithms were applied to minimize sensor errors. Still, different measurement runs could not easily be compared, see the Fig. left side. Fig: Vertical alignment of several measurement runs before (left) and after (right, zoomed in) filtering

11 A Joint Research Project funded under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Commission Defect/Failure prediction Defect growth prediction Date Vertical Deviation of track alignment [mm] Limit value (11 mm) Predicted exceeding of the Limit value Inspection measurement (Railab) Mid-October Date of the predicted exceeding of the limit value Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec In-service measurement (ISM)

12 A Joint Research Project funded under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Commission Monitoring of defects Sustainable maintenance: Track position [km] Date Vertical Deviation of track alignment [mm]

13 A Joint Research Project funded under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Commission Switches & Crossings SP 3.2 Monitoring & intelligent self-inspection of switches Switch inspection with special staff for the signalling and the track part causes a lot of logistic and economical effort Inspections are carried out in fixed time periods –The condition of the individual switch is not respected –Sudden defects will be undetected until the next inspection or produced a failure Prediction of development of defects is difficult Monitoring is different than Self-Inspecting

14 A Joint Research Project funded under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Commission Modular Self-Inspecting Infrastructure – Switches Condition monitoring Automatic inspection Focussed on inspecting the asset according to inspection standards and it can: - identify the assets that do not meet the standards - carry out inspections specified in inspection standards - carry out the inspections in a way that satisfies the inspection requirements (e.g. precision of measurement) Orientated on the fault and it can do: - fault detection: a system is able to detect a fault which is happening - fault diagnosis: a system is able to diagnose the fault - fault prediction: the system is able the predict a fault a certain amount of time before it will happen

15 A Joint Research Project funded under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Commission Modular Self-Inspecting Infrastructure – Switches Condition monitoring Automatic inspection 1.Measure parameters specified by inspection standards. 2.Parameters must be measured must be in line with the standards. 3.The drive is to eliminate the need for maintenance personnel to inspect switches in person. 1.Measures parameters that reveal faults in the system. 2.Analyse the data and identify the faults or predict potential faults. 3.Develop a cost effective system. The drive is to use the smallest number of sensors to identify the largest number of faults.

16 A Joint Research Project funded under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Commission Summary of self inspecting switch: Review of inspection tasks Visual inspection Potential solution Video train Shape, size, gauge and position of rails Potential solution Laser measurements Point machine inspection Potential solution Improved CM Cracks in rails and crossing Potential solutions ??? Switch rail fittings (bolt loosening, cracks) Potential solution ???

17 A Joint Research Project funded under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Commission Architecture of the MMI (Man-Machine-Interface)

18 A Joint Research Project funded under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Commission MMI data flow Used in WP6 for demonstration MMI Vossloh Scheduling Tool (WP5) SNCF Internet Emails, SMS Track data (scenario 1) MERMEC/UoB system Track data (scenario 2) DLR/DB system Switch data (scenario 3) UoB system Switch data (scenario 4) Damill system RailML + HTTPS Maintenance workers RailML + HTTPS Switch data (scenario 5) Struckton system RailML + HTTPS Internet Import RailML files Infrastructure managers MTN Task

19 A Joint Research Project funded under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Commission MMI architecture Used in WP6 for demonstration

20 A Joint Research Project funded under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Commission Maintenance task definition The MMI is a task management system. The level of data managed by the MMI is a maintenance task. From ISO13374-1:2003 (Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines Data processing, communication and presentation Part 1: General guidelines) the level of data for a maintenance task is defined as a recommended action.

21 A Joint Research Project funded under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Commission Maintenance task process

22 A Joint Research Project funded under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Commission RailML data standard Since 2001: The Initiative was founded against the background of the chronic difficulty of connecting different railway IT applications. Its main objective is to enable heterogeneous railway applications to communicate with each other. Today, the connection of various railway software packages is beset with problems. The purpose of the Initiative has been to find, discuss and present systematic, XML-based solutions for simplified data exchange between railway applications. First step in european standardisation for maintenance IT-tools MERMEC has already provided lists of standard defects and standard measurements.

23 A Joint Research Project funded under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Commission RailML data standard State of the art in AUTOMAIN The RailML schema was agreed by all partners The level of data is the maintenance task. Every demonstrator has to decide the way of communication: The monitoring inspection systems must send a maintenance task to the MMI The monitoring inspection systems send a failure to the MMI, and a translation table validated by the maintenance will match the tasks in relation to the failure produced. Every system must send a message to confirm the system is alive A draft of a XML schema exists to understand The RailML standard will be a data schema file (XSD file). When it is mature (approved by demonstration), it will be proposed to the official RailML organization.

24 A Joint Research Project funded under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Commission Map for Tasks The assets have colours and description for the flag: No flag if no task RED Flag: Needing corrective maintenance. ORANGE Flag: Needing preventative maintenance For the scheduled maintenance, the asset will be orange when its time to do it and red when its too late. For the conditional maintenance, the asset will be orange when it appears (alarm from a system, expert report...)

25 A Joint Research Project funded under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Commission Specifications MMI main features 1 unique access for all the systems monitoring assets (through Internet) 1 unique level of data : maintenance task Map with the status of the maintenance tasks for several assets Table with the status of the maintenance tasks for several assets Inspection report on site (questionnaire on site to perform the maintenance task ) MMI administration Import/export infrastructure RailML data RailML maintenance tasks exchange between applications Send emails, SMS, etc... to the maintenance team when a task needs it Allow confirmation by maintenance to take the work in charge Monitors the availibility of the systems (message to know if each system is still alive)

26 A Joint Research Project funded under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Commission … 18 months left Thank you for your attention!

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