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Bioenergetics and Digestion

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1 Bioenergetics and Digestion

2 We’ll be discussing Trends and Various Strategies Used by Organisms to Process Food Process of Digestion in Man Disorders of the Human Digestive System

3 Core Concepts Nutritional requirements
Animals are heterotrophs that require food for fuel, carbon skeletons, and essential nutrients. Metabolic rate provides clues to an animal’s bioenergetic strategy.  Evolutionary adaptations of feeding mechanisms and digestive systems Diverse feeding adaptations have evolved among animals. Structural adaptations of digestive systems are often associated with diet. Symbiotic microorganisms help nourish many vertebrates.  Overview of food processing The four main stages of food processing are ingestion, digestion, absorption, and elimination. Digestion occurs in specialized compartments. The oral cavity, pharynx, and esophagus initiate food processing. The stomach stores food and performs preliminary digestion. The small intestine is the major organ of digestion and absorption. Reclaiming water is a major function of the large intestine. Hormones regulate digestion. Nutrition and disorders of the human digestive system A healthful diet provides both fuel and building materials. Nutritional disorders damage health.

4 Keywords absorption alimentary canal amebocytes anorexia bile bolus
brush border bulimia cecum chyme complete digestive tract crop digestion duodenum elimination endocytosis enzyme esophagus essential nutrient extracellular digestion filter feeders gallbladder gastrovascular cavity gizzard heterotroph ileum incomplete digestive tract ingestion intracellular digestion jejunum large intestine liver malnutrition microvilli minerals nutrition obesity pancreas peptic ulcers peristalsis phagocytosis pharynx salivary glands small intestine sphincters stomach undernutrition vesicles villus vitamins


6 Bioenergetics of an animal
Food Fuel C-skeletons essential nutrients ATP resting metabolism activity temperature regulation Excess for biosynthesis 85-90% of energy from food is lost as heat

7 Metabolic rates Metabolism Resting/ Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
Anabolism Catabolism Resting/ Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) energy/unit mass/hr Size and relative metabolic rate are inversely proportional

8 Do plants have digestive systems?
Pitcher plant – Heliamphora nutans Sundew– Drosera capensis Venus fly trap– Dionaea muscipula Carnivorous plants with primitive digestive systems Habitats with N-poor soils Adaptation: occasionally feed on animals Insect traps Glands in trap secrete digestive enzymes Nutrients absorbed by leaves Flypaper trap – Pinguicula gigantea

9 Evolution of digestion
Different types depending on diet and lifestyle All must accomplish Ingestion Digestion Mechanical breakdown Chemical breakdown Absorption Elimination Digestion occurs in specialized compartments

10 Intracellular digestion (evolved in single-celled protists, retained in simplest animals)

11 Intracellular digestion (Protists, Porifera)

12 Extracellular digestion
FUNGI Sedentary heterotrophs living in or on food supply Saprotroph/parasites No internal cavity  release digestive enzymes Image from

13 Extracellular and intracellular digestion Incomplete digestive system
Image from Extracellular and intracellular digestion Incomplete digestive system CNIDARIANS Hydra gastrovascular

14 Extracellular and intracellular digestion Incomplete digestive system
PLATYHELMINTHES Planaria Extracellular and intracellular digestion Incomplete digestive system

15 Extracellular digestion Animals with complete digestive systems
NEMATODA to VERTEBRATES Earthworms Extracellular digestion Animals with complete digestive systems 20 cm long with ~ 100 segments 1st – mouth Last – anus Eats its way through soil

16 Feeding adaptations for ingestion
Suspension-feeders Deposit-feeders Substrate feeders Fluid feeders Bulk feeders Vertebrate dentition

17 Comparison of vertebrate digestive systems

18 Mammalian digestion General plan

19 Comparison of mammalian digestive systems (Diet plays an important role in the length and structure)
Esophagus – no sphincter valve, two-way contraction of esophagus muscles Rumen and reticulum – low partition, intermix, main fermentation <synthesis of vitamins and proteins, breakdown of fibrous feeds> vat teeming with microorganisms (before exposing to gastric juices) Omasum – filter pump to sort food (absorption) Abomasum – true stomach (gastric juices)


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