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Harriman High School Orientation roaneschools

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1 Harriman High School Orientation http://hhs. roaneschools
Harriman High School Orientation WELCOME Class of 2021!!!!

2 High School New Courses – learn new information, challenge yourself !
New Classmates – older students were once just like you New Teachers – do not be afraid to ask for help During high school you will grow physically, mentally, emotionally and socially

3 Success in High School Academically Socially Get organized
Take schoolwork seriously Always do your personal best Don’t let peer pressure run your life Learn to make wise choices Have healthy relationships Stay healthy and safe Deal with conflicts peacefully

4 Grade Classification Freshmen - less than 6 credits
Sophomore– 6 credits Junior – 12 credits Senior – 17 credits Graduate – 24 credits

5 HS Graduation Requirements
English - 4 Credits: English I English II English III English IV Note: Must maintain a 90 avg to remain in Acc. English each year. Gary- We’ve required 4 credits of English for many years and that remains unchanged. But, like all the core courses, the level of rigor has been significantly increased. Students will be asked to work harder than ever. (advance to slide 14)

6 HS Graduation Requirements
Math - 4 Credits: (Students must take a math class each year) Algebra I Geometry Algebra II Upper level Math (Pre-Calculus and Calculus) Bridge Math-Students that do not score 19 on the math section of the ACT must take this senior year Gary- We’ve moved from 3 credits of math to 4. This is a significant change. In the past, many students were able to complete their math requirements as early as the fall of their junior year. Not any more. Now, students must take a math course each year they are in high school. They will not be allowed to finish early. Students will have a math class on their schedule each year of high school. Art- That’s a really big change. (advance to slide 15)

7 HS Graduation Requirements
Science - 3 Credits: Biology I Chemistry Another Lab. Science *Must have B avg in Alg I & Bio for Che. *AP Biology (Must complete Bio & Chem. I) *AP Chemistry (Must complete Chem. I & Algebra II) Connie- Science requirements remain at 3 credits, but now students must complete either chemistry or physics in order to graduate. We know through research that biology, chemistry, and physics are essential experiences for students to have in order to have the kinds of ACT scores that ensure postsecondary readiness. Art- Can students take chemistry AND physics? Connie - Certainly. They are encouraged to challenge themselves at the highest levels possible. (advance to slide 16)

8 HS Graduation Requirements
Social Studies – 3 Credits: W. History OR W. Geography U.S. History Economics and Government AP US History *Students must pass Civics Exit Exam to graduate! Gary- There is little changed in terms of the social studies curriculum. We still believe that these courses are crucial in terms of giving students the types of high level experiences they need in order to be successful. (advance to slide 17)

9 HS Graduation Requirements
Other required courses – 5 credits: Wellness Physical Education and Personal Finance Fine Art 2 years of a Foreign Language Note: Students not pursuing a college career may opt out of foreign language and fine arts. Gary- We’ve added a couple of requirements that we are very excited about. One is a required course in personal finance. Many students graduate with very little knowledge about how to their handle money. We want students to have a real understanding about how credit works, about how to avoid predatory lending, and how to understand mortgages. Art- I wish I had a course like that in high school. Gary- So do I. Art- What else? Gary- We’ve added another physical education course to help ensure that our Tennessee students are healthier than ever. But we’ve added some flexibility to this and some of the other requirements. In certain cases, courses can be waived to give students more opportunities to take the courses that interest them. (advance to slide 18)

10 HS Graduation Requirements
Elective Focus – 3 Credits: career and technical (CTE) science and math fine arts (Band or Chorus) AP (Biology, Chemistry, US History, & Statistics) Art- Speaking of that, it sounds like you’re going to be keeping these students busy. Do they have any time for things that might interest them? Connie- Absolutely. In fact we’ve even built it into the schedule. The elective focus was mentioned earlier. This is the where students will really be able to find that thing that interests them and take extra courses in that area. When students have a focused interest it really makes the learning come alive. Art- Like what? Connie- Students can choose from a math and science focus, a humanities focus, a career and technical area focus, or even and advanced placement and international baccalaureate focus. Some schools will even have areas that are special to their school district. I would encourage students to talk to their counselors to learn more about this. (advance to slide 19)

11 Career & Technical Education
STEM Information Technology Law & Public Safety Health Sciences

12 1 World History & Geography 1 U.S. History ½ Economics/½ Government
High School Requirements– 24 credits 4 English 4 Maths – must include Algebra I, Geometry , Algebra II and Upper level Math, or Bridge Math (not met 19 on PLAN or ACT or Finite Math (have met a 19 on PLAN or ACT) 3 Science – Biology, Chemistry, and 1 Lab Science 3 Social Studies – 1 World History & Geography 1 U.S. History ½ Economics/½ Government .5 Personal Finance 1 Wellness .5 PE –exempt if in Band , Sports , Cheerleading 2 Foreign language – waived if not entering university 1 Fine Art – waived if not entering university 3 Elective Focus- CTE , AP, Science/Math, or Fine Arts

13 State End of Course Exams
Count 15% of Yearly Average!!! ( ) English I English II English III Biology I Algebra I U.S. History Algebra II Chemistry Geometry

14 ACT– required for graduation & admission to college!!!
ACT recommended in Junior year after completing at least Geometry . Also needed to take Dual Credit classes at RSCC PreACT– all Sophomores take as a practice ACT and to determine areas to concentrate on before actual ACT. This test also determines what Math courses will be taken Senior year and dual enrollment eligibility

15 Sample Schedule Freshmen Sophomore English I Wellness
Algebra I or Geometry Biology World Geography Chorus or Band or CTE Elective English II Geometry or Algebra II Physical Science or Chemistry U.S. Government/Economics Spanish I Chorus or Band or CTE Elective

16 Sample Schedule Junior Senior English IV
Pre-Calculus or AP Calculus or Finite Math or BRIDGE Math AP Chemistry or AP Biology (if needed) Personal Finance/PE II Elective Focus (If needed) * Dual Credit - RSCC English III Algebra II/PreCalculus/ Geometry Chemistry/AP Biology/AP Chemistry U.S. History Elective focus (Chorus/Band/CTE) Spanish II * Dual Credit – RSCC

17 Scholarships Lottery 3.0 GPA or 21 ACT
$5000 per year / renewable – 4 year college or university $3000 per year/renewable – 2 year college or university TN College of Applied Tech- no GPA or ACT requirement Must keep a 2.75 GPA in college to retain scholarship

18 Scholarships General Assembly/Merit 3.75 GPA AND 29 ACT Need based
$36,000 family income Wilder Naifeh Technical Scholarship Enroll with a diploma at a TN College of Applied Technology(TCAT)

19 Tennessee Scholars Program
4 units English 4 units Math (Alg. 1, Alg. II, Geometry, 1 upper level math) 3 units Science (Must include 3 lab sciences) 3 units Social Studies 2 units of a Foreign Language 1 unit of Wellness 1 unit of Fine Arts 2 Career/Technical courses or 2 AP courses or Dual Credit Courses

20 Tennessee Scholars Meet required courses 80 hours of community service
Overall “C” average in required courses No out of school suspensions (Alt. School) 95% attendance rate

21 Graduate with Honors Students who have a “B” average and score at or above all of the subject area readiness benchmarks on the ACT or equivalent score on the SAT will graduate with honors. Art- You’ve talked about the ACT benchmark scores. What happens for students who are able to attain this level? Gary- They will graduate with “honors” if they meet or exceed all four. These are the students who are truly prepared to be successful at the next level. (advance to slide 20)

22 ACT BENCHMARKS English 18 Mathematics 22 Reading 22 Science 23

23 Graduate with Distinction
Students will be recognized as graduating with “distinction” by attaining a B average and completing at least one of the following: earn a nationally recognized industry certification participate in at least one of the Governor’s Schools participate in one of the state’s All State musical organizations be selected as a National Merit Finalist of Semi-Finalist (Must take PSAT exam) Art- Dr. Nixon, school is not just about classes. There are many students who work hard both in and out of the classroom. What can we do for these students? Gary- I happy you brought that up. The State Board has created a new designation- Graduation with Distinction. This is for those students who have put into practice what they have learned in the classroom. (advance to slide 21)

24 Graduate with Distinction
attain a score of 31 or higher composite score on the ACT attain a score of 3 or higher on at least two advanced placement exams earn 12 or more semester hours of transcripted postsecondary credit Gary- Students who challenge themselves at the highest levels certainly deserve to be recognized. These are also the types of activities that colleges and employers are looking for. They know that these students are committed and not afraid of hard work. Art- Well Dr. Nixon, we’re almost out of time. Do you have any final thoughts? (advance to slide 22)

25 DUAL STUDIES Roane State Community College – Students may begin taking Junior year!!! Must have 3.0 GPA and have met ACT benchmarks for subjects listed below Current Courses offered: English Comp 1 & 2, College Algebra, and Psychology Middle College- Must have 24 ACT/Pre-ACT Harrriman Student must have a 2.0 and good record of behavior and attendance

26 Extracurricular Activities – it is strongly suggested that students be involved in extracurricular activities such as service clubs and athletics

27 Clubs/Activities Fellowship of Christian Athletes Ebony Club Beta Club
Chess Club Science Club Interact Club DECA Club FCCLA HOSA Skills USA Yearbook Band Cheerleading Drug Free

28 Athletics Bobby Clark Athletic Director
Baseball Football Basketball Softball Golf Tennis Soccer Girls Volleyball

29 QUESTIONS??? Thank You for your attendance!

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