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Native Plant Society of New Mexico Albuquerque Chapter

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Presentation on theme: "Native Plant Society of New Mexico Albuquerque Chapter"— Presentation transcript:

1 Native Plant Society of New Mexico Albuquerque Chapter
Conservation Committee March 28, 2018 Pecos Sunflower

2 Conservation & Restoration
What we do Conservation & Restoration Research & Education Community Engagement

3 The worldwide distribution of Holy Ghost ipomopsis (Ipomopsis sancti-spiritus), a federally endangered plant, is limited to a 2-mile stretch of Holy Ghost Canyon on the Santa Fe National Forest in north-central New Mexico...... ….along a road to a campground in a canyon developed for summer homes. Road maintenance, recreation and associated traffic, and catastrophic forest fire are immediate management concerns …….. the species is highly palatable to wildlife and livestock.

4 Apache plume (Fallugia paradoxa), purple thistles (Cirsium undulatum), chocolate flower (Berlanadiera lyrata), desert willow (Chilopsis linearis), tansy aster (Machaeranthera tanacetifolia)

5 Now, see El Oso

6 Bob Sivinski: “A cienega is like an oasis in a desert that
that provides habitat for many unique native plants and animals. By preserving Blue Hole Cienega, we’re protecting a rare habitat and providing a way to help the Pecos Sunflower recover its population. Our goal is to be able to remove this plant from the endangered and threatened lists.

7 Little Water Canyon, Zuni Mnts
Intact riparian area in Little Water Canyon

8 Compromised riparian and meadow area in Little Water Canyon


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