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Flavius’ story: The siege of Troy

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1 Flavius’ story: The siege of Troy
Chapter 7 Flavius’ story: The siege of Troy

2 Agamemnon, rex Mycenarum, omnes principes Graecorum convocat;
DO V Agamemnon, the king of Mycenae, calls together all the leaders of the Greeks;

3 iubet eos bellum in Troianos parare.
V DO DO Agamemnon, the king of Mycenae, calls together all the leaders of the Greeks;

4 frater eius, Menelaus, adest; Achilles, heroum fortissimus, venit a Thessalia;
His brother, Menelaus, is there; Achilles, a most brave hero, comes from Thessaly;

5 adest Ulixes ab Ithaca cum comitibus, et multi alii.
V S S Ulysses is there from Ithaca with his comrades, and many others.

6 magnum exercitum parant et multas naves.
DO DO They prepare a large army and many ships.

7 ad urbem Troiam navigant et Troianos oppugnant.
DO V They sail to the Trojan city and fight the Trojans.

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