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REDD+ FOR THE GUIANA SHIELD Technical Cooperation Project

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Presentation on theme: "REDD+ FOR THE GUIANA SHIELD Technical Cooperation Project"— Presentation transcript:

1 REDD+ FOR THE GUIANA SHIELD Technical Cooperation Project
Session 2 – Country Level Support Marie Calmel, ONF International December 11th, 2013 2nd Steering Committee Meeting, Macapá

2 Presentation outline Introduction
Presentation of identified activities that could be supported by the project In Suriname In French Guiana In Amapa In Guyana Discussion

3 Introduction Last months observations:
Different level of advancement in the countries All countries are very busy with their own activities and commitments to other national activities in terms of developing the REDD+ package (especially end of the year) All countries acknowledge the benefits of regional discussions, but prioritize the development of the national framework for REDD+ (or for REDD+ type instrument) Very complicated to propose activities and discussion topics that will fit in all the different countries immediate needs Countries have immediate needs directly linked to the project objectives Can the project provide Country Level Support?

4 Type of support Available channels to provide country level support:
Focal Points ONFI technical backstopping (100 days available, not all can be used) Overview and additional support from Project Manager NB: in addition to (not replacing) the other opportunities for capacity building Objective: Start active collaboration with countries Enabling first outcomes and realistic achievements in a short term perspective Facilitate the regional dialogue by reinforcing capacities Facilitate the identification of capacity building needs and the design of a capacity building plan Conditionality: Type of support: technical expertise (man-days) Scope: within the project components Needs for capitalizing at regional level (experience sharing)

5 Budget and level of support
Total estimated budget for country level support – 70k€ (~2.5% of total budget) Focal Points support About 20 man-days per country support With 1 mission of an international expert Type of expertise: Remote sensing / GIS Biomass inventories REDD+ process (REL establishment, Monitoring system development, etc.) And additional expertise upon agreements with countries/state/region Some activities have already been identified

6 Suriname

7 French Guiana Objective : Study the feasibility of a REDD+ type instrument in French Guiana Context: As a French Department, French Guiana is not eligible to REDD+ Last results of the GHG inventory performed by France in the framework of UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol shows that : French Guyana account for half of the country deforestation Reforestation in the region does not enable to compensate those emissions Developing region with very high demographic growth (>3%/y) and increasing needs in terms of agricultural commodities. Question: considering the international climate regime, as well as the France position and the European scheme, which type of instrument could help encouraging French Guiana to reduce its emissions?

8 Amapá

9 Guyana

10 Discussions

Photo credit: ONF Guyane

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