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Observe and record the weather

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Presentation on theme: "Observe and record the weather"— Presentation transcript:

1 Observe and record the weather
Senior 1

2 WALT We are learning to observe and record the weather

3 Success Criteria I will be able to: Define the term weather
Describe how some elements of weather are measured and recorded


5 Meteorology is the study of
the weather.


7 Temperature Precipitation Wind speed Rain gauge Thermometer Anemometer


9 Cloud type Wind direction Visibility Wind vane Cloud cover General weather

10 Cirrus - fibrous wisps of delicate white ice crystal cloud that show up clearly against the blue sky. They are commonly known as "mare's tails" because they are shaped like the tail of a horse. Cirrus clouds are often seen during fair weather. Cumulonimbus - Heavy towering masses of cloud with dark-grey to nearly black bases that are associated with thunderstorms and showers. Thunderstorms can produce a range of severe weather that includes hail, tornadoes, a variety of other localized strong wind events, several types of lightning, and local very heavy downpours of rain that can cause flash floods. Cumulus - Clouds with clear-cut flat bases and domed tops. The smaller cumulus types are generally associated with fair weather. However they do bring at times stormy weather. Watch for rain showers when the cloud’s tops look like cauliflower heads. Stratus - A uniform layer of cloud resembling fog but not resting on the ground.

11 Can you? Define the term weather?
Identify the elements which make up the weather? Identify the instrument+ts used to measure the weather?

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