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Managing Committee Meeting – 8-9 October 2013, Eindhoven BioenNW – Delivering Local Bioenergy to North West Europe Request for Formal Change.

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1 Managing Committee Meeting – 8-9 October 2013, Eindhoven BioenNW – Delivering Local Bioenergy to North West Europe Request for Formal Change

2 Budget change: 1.From HI3 – to Eubia: 63,000 (2013 – 2015) 2.From HI3 – to Aston University: 60,000 (2013 – 2015) 3.From BCU – to HAUC: 90,000 (2012) Activities: Partners defined a scope of transferred activities Partnership: 1.OREG stepped down 2.HI3 replaced OREG 3.HI3 – management changes 4.Additional change – Energy Hills stepped down 5.New partner: IZES Approved amendments Managing Committee Meeting – 8-9 October 2013, Eindhoven BioenNW – Delivering Local Bioenergy to North West Europe


4 Budget modifications Managing Committee Meeting – 8-9 October 2013, Eindhoven BioenNW – Delivering Local Bioenergy to North West Europe

5 External experts and consultants: increase by 76% (by 175,696) caused by HI3 who moved significant resources from their staff budget to the external experts and consultants line (133,200). This change however didnt have an impact on the staff budget on the project level as majority of partners increased their staff budgets and those increases balanced a change introduced by HI3. Meetings and seminars: reduction by 18% (by 41,650). The number of physical meetings has been reduced and replaced by web conferences. Travel and accommodation: reductions by 30% (by 235,136) as result cuts in the meetings and seminars budget and cuts in travel costs for the Observers who agreed to travel to the events organised by the BioenNW using their own resources. Publicity: reductions by 28% (by 90,557). The development costs of designing a website and creating an electronic repository were overestimated. The LP obtained a very competitive quote which accounted for 50% of the original publicity budget. The LP encouraged collaboration with 2 Interreg IVB strategic initiatives in the UK which will result in optimising the strategic communication budget by organising joint strategic events promoting achievements of those projects in the field of the bioenergy. Investment: increase by 28% due to a planned purchase of a gas CHP unit. It will cost 200,030 to purchase the gas CHP engine however the total budget of Investment 2 is proposed to increase by 260,446 (60,416 represents an increase proposed by HAUC to cover costs of spare parts and engine testing originally not included in the approved application). The proposed amount of 200,030 has been recovered from Astons budget. Audit costs: reduction by 22% due to adjustments made by individual partners based on agreements for first level control services signed between partners and their auditors Budget line modifications Managing Committee Meeting – 8-9 October 2013, Eindhoven BioenNW – Delivering Local Bioenergy to North West Europe

6 A new project management team was formed and individuals indicated in the original application were replaced by dedicated staff. The new LP Project Manager and Financial Manager were appointed in March 2012. At the same time a new Communication Manager was appointed as the previous person left Fondaterra's (FON). New coordination mechanisms have been put in place to manage the partnership in a more effective manner. The coordination role has been moved from BCC and Energy Hills and allocated to the LP to coordinate activities via regular monthly videoconferences with 3 working groups: Communication, Work Package Leaders, and Bioenergy Support Centres Steering Group. The latter is supported by TWEED who chairs the meetings of the Group. The partnership formed 2 management committees: Steering and Management. The Management Group meets twice a year and the Steering Group once a year and its meetings coincide with the meetings of the Management Group. Management changes Managing Committee Meeting – 8-9 October 2013, Eindhoven BioenNW – Delivering Local Bioenergy to North West Europe

7 In an early stage of project delivery (Q1 2011) OREG decided to step out. Their budget (e.g. 304,148) and associated activities were transfer to HI3. Later in 2012 Energy Hills decided to step out. They already spent a part of their 409,970 budget (29,750) and delivered a part of activities. The LP identified a new partner in Germany to take on their responsibilities – IZES. They are also a partner in the Arbor project and in this way we build internal bridges between the two Interreg strategic initiatives. Partner changes Managing Committee Meeting – 8-9 October 2013, Eindhoven BioenNW – Delivering Local Bioenergy to North West Europe

8 The new partner – IZES, took on Energy Hills activities except for the management of the relationship with the Observers. The majority of the remaining budget of Energy Hills (249,800) was offered and accepted by IZES. The remaining 130,417 was allocated to HI3 to manage the relationship with the Observers. A part of testing activities worth 90,000 was moved from BCU to HAUC. When OREG stepped out HI3 agreed to take on their activities and budget (304,149). Partners agreed that some activities originally allocated to HI3 should be reallocated the Aston and EUBIA as they are better placed to deliver them e.g. testing of samples of residue waters fractions coming from various stages of the AD and pyrolysis processes. The value of those activities is: 60,000 for AU and 63,000 for EUBIA. EUBIA will use their extensive network of partners to test biomass samples provided by the partners. HI3's budget as a result of those transfers increased by 311,565 in total. FON decided that they will not require 25,591 so this was reallocated to SRE. Budget changes Managing Committee Meeting – 8-9 October 2013, Eindhoven BioenNW – Delivering Local Bioenergy to North West Europe

9 An extension to Investment 2 was requested. AU planned to purchase a gas CHP engine to increase efficiency and capacity of the Pyroformer. Gas CHP engines coupled with Pyroformer allow to use wider range of feedstock used to feed the Pyroformer, as the final product – gas – is a better quality fuel than oil mix with diesel. Pyroformer can perform independently and is not linked to a particular type of feedstock or a supplier. This is important for the project as only a flexible and easy to adapt to external conditions biotechnology can be successfully deployed across NW Europe in demonstration sites/use cases. The gas CHP engine will allow utilising equipment for testing various types of feedstock. Testing could be done together with the partners and contribute to their knowledge and results of testing would be included in the Decision Support Tool. It will cost 200,030 to purchase the gas CHP engine however the total budget of Investment 2 will increase by 260,446 (60,416-an increase proposed by HAUC to cover costs of spare parts and engine testing originally not included in the application). 200,030 has been recovered from Astons reduced publicity budget (overestimated costs of developing a website and repository by 70,600) and travel budget (cut off observers travel budget by further 129,430). Additional Investment 2 Managing Committee Meeting – 8-9 October 2013, Eindhoven BioenNW – Delivering Local Bioenergy to North West Europe

10 June 2012 – budgets, roles and a scope of transferred activities ultimately confirmed July 2012 – a request submitted to JTS by LP August 2012 – Energy Hills – formal letter September 2012 – JTS advised to keep RfC on hold to include new partners; JTS supported proposed changes October 2012 – IZES submitted LoI October 2012 – LP submitted a final RfC January 2013 – JTS formally approved the RfC New budgets and spending profiles 2013-15 circulated to the partners – March 2013 Formal letter of Approval from JTS – 9 th September 2013 Revised application – to be circulated asap Timetable Managing Committee Meeting – 8-9 October 2013, Eindhoven BioenNW – Delivering Local Bioenergy to North West Europe

11 Managing Committee Meeting – 8-9 October 2013, Eindhoven BioenNW – Delivering Local Bioenergy to North West Europe

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