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Alexian Brothers Housing and Health Alliance Chicago and Waukegan

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1 Alexian Brothers Housing and Health Alliance Chicago and Waukegan
Erika Anttila, LCSW, and Susan Zeigler, LCSW January 24, 2018

2 Alexian Brothers Housing and Health Alliance
PSS Quality Improvement Presentation: Defining “Success” and “Aftercare” in a Recovery Home “Success” definition does not tell whole picture – usefulness in current form? What does having such a measure mean for our clients? What do we need to look at in our program in terms of effectiveness versus what we look at now? FY2017 discharge data: 33% “successful” and 67% “unsuccessful,” with 50/50 vol/ invol discharges Success at BH: 1) achieve goals; 2) not being asked to leave as a result of relapse (if relapse does occur, client follows tx recommendations), 3) following program guidelines; and 4) in the program at least 12 months Success in recovery home research: 1) sobriety; 2) improvement in global health (physical, emotional, relational, spiritual), and 3) citizenship (positive community re-integration). Important to note that the benefits of recovery homes are contingent on adequate lengths of stay (defined as “more than six months”), and having a supportive community environment in the residence). Discharge data: challenges with relapse – not always leading to discharge, but a 54% rate; challenges with having adequate supports when clients leave = both when voluntary and involuntarily discharged © 2016 AMITA Health

3 Alexian Brothers Housing and Health Alliance
PSS Quality Improvement Presentation: Defining “Success” and “Aftercare” in a Recovery Home Aftercare and success Level of care-Recovery Homes are “Aftercare” in the Treatment Model. So what is our Aftercare Program? How do you measure success? 85% change for clients to relapse after treatment in their first year FY2017 aftercare data: 28 data points re: social support – 29% of responses with never or rarely responses Overall obj for successful aftercare Increase coping skills, self-sufficiency, self-confidence, strengthen support groups Aftercare data: about a year ago, added some questions to address social supports after leaving: 1) In the last 3 months are you satisfied with your current level of social activity?; 2) In the last 3 months can you find a friend when you need one?; and 3) Do you feel you have people who care about you? © 2016 AMITA Health

4 Alexian Brothers Housing and Health Alliance
PSS Quality Improvement Presentation: Defining “Success” and “Aftercare” in a Recovery Home While in Program Engaging clients in more social supports immediately upon program entry More robust assessments at intake/ongoing to more precisely determine level and depth of service needs (ASAM criteria and Arizona self-sufficiency matrix). During Aftercare Maintaining/increasing social support Accessibility and financial/transit While in Program (SZ) Social supports - How can we compel people who are not necessarily compelled to reach out and connect socially? ASAM – determine level of care AZ self-sufficiency matrix – where are there deficiencies and how can they be integrated thoughtfully into the tx plan? During Aftercare (EA) Social supports - What, if anything, changes regarding how they should engage in social support once they are out of the program versus in the program? Accessibility issues – location, time of day, etc. Transit – impact on ability to get to location © 2016 AMITA Health

5 Erika Anttila (x120) and Susan Zeigler (x151)
Questions? Erika Anttila (x120) and Susan Zeigler (x151)

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