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Introducing Yourself.

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1 Introducing Yourself

2 Skill steps: Approach the other person. Greet the person and say your name (Hi, I’m ______) Make small talk (comments, questions) When you introduce yourself to others you appear confident and friendly, you may help others feel more comfortable, you help others have a positive first impression of you.

3 Introducing yourself to other people can be intimidating but you want to make sure that you make a good first impression. When you introduce yourself to adults you usually do it in a more formal way than when you introduce yourself to peers. Make a list Make a list on the board of times when you might need to introduce yourself to adults. Now make the same list for peers.

Approach the other person. Shake hands if you want. Say, “Hello, my name is ______.” INFORMAL INTRODUCTION Approach the other person. Say, “Hi, I’m ______.”

5 Role play: How would you introduce yourself to your friend Mario’s mom?

6 Role Play Show how you would introduce yourself to the new kid in your neighborhood.

7 Role play Pretend you are going into Lee’s for a job interview. How would you introduce yourself to the manager Ms. Jenks?

8 Role play: Say you are at a new jr high next year. You are at your locker and you cant seem to get it open. You see someone a few lockers down who might be able to help you, how would you introduce yourself?

9 Role play Suppose you go to a large family reunion. You end up sitting across from someone who you think is your second cousin. Demonstrate how you could introduce yourself.

10 Role play Suppose you are a freshman at a school assembly. You are sitting with several students whom you don’t know. Demonstrate how you could introduce yourself.

11 Role play Suppose you have signed up to take a junior lifesaving course. There are four other people who show up for the class. Demonstrate how you could introduce yourself to them.

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