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INFRAEOSC 5c call Proposal summary
FAIRsFAIR INFRAEOSC 5c call Proposal summary
FAIR uptake and compliance in all scientific communities
Coordinate initiatives across member states and associated countries Develop and implement measures on FAIR data policies Support organisation and participation on FAIR uptake and compliance Support the co-development and implementation of standards for data management and of certification schemes for data repositories Organise FAIR competence centers for different thematic areas and disciplines not supported by other initiatives Address the establishment of a European data science competence framework to include in academic curricula
Workpackages Management and sustainability FAIR data standards
FAIR RDM FAIR certification Engagement & Communication and Uptake Training and Competence centers FAIR Data Science
Core group Data Archiving and Networked services (DANS) – Coordinator, WP 1, WP 4 Finnish IT Center for Science (CSC) – WP 2 Digital Curation Center (DCC) - WP 3 Trust-IT - WP 5 Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC) - WP 6 European University Association (EUA) - WP 7 Strategic cooperation with RDA, CODATA WDS, GO-FAIR, the ESFRI-clusters …and other partners
Context Deadline June 19, 2018 Budget: 10 million EUR
Alignment with call for EOSC governance (INFRAEOSC 5a) Collaboration with a wide range (global) relevant projects
FAIR in the EOSC Implementation Roadmap
“Data infrastructures would operate in the EOSC according to FAIR data principles and seek to become FAIR-accredited/certified entities” Milestones: Q3 2018: FAIR data Action Plan published (FAIR Data Expert Group) Q2 2019: European framework for FAIR research data agreed Q42019: FAIR certification scheme available
FAIR Standards Objectives: Monitor, develop & harmonize FAIR standards for metadata schemas, vocabularies, protocols, and ontologies Landscape analysis FAIR semantics FAIR repositories FAIR services •
Landscape analysis Review the current state of the art regarding the implementation of FAIR practices within all (?) European members states and research communities, as well as global initiatives. Document the different guidelines and tools that are being used to make data FAIR across the stakeholders Identify commonalities, differences, and gaps across these stakeholders in terms of standards, vocabularies and ontologies. Compile a FAIR standards roadmap, that keeps track of technical development, but also pushes forward the missing standard work, in collaboration with relevant foras (such as RDA, Go-FAIR, and the FAIR Data Expert Group)
FAIR Semantics Support and further develop the emerging work around the creation of FAIR semantic resources (i.e. controlled vocabularies and ontologies) Develop a pluri-disciplinary registry of vocabularies to support FAIR implementations and to assess the FAIRness of vocabularies and their supporting services Address the question of interoperability of the semantic resources both at the metadata and the API level and the discoverability of these resources. Propose ways to further align standards and practices and provide a set of good practices for knowledge engineers.
FAIR Semantics Support the “FAIRification” of repositories by extending repositories interfaces to comply with FAIR practical guidelines such as e.g. FAIR data point specifications proposed by GO-FAIR – but not only Organise pilot with repositories selected in the course of the project (through an open call)
FAIR Services Investigate the possibility to extend the FAIR concept currently applied to data to IT services. Propose a framework for discussing and further develop the concept of FAIR services and set a series of recommendations for making services FAIR or to further enable services to make data FAIR
FAIR and EOSC-Hub Objective: Provide an access channel to research data infrastructure services 100 partners, 76 beneficiaries Mobilises providers from 20 digital research infrastructures (EGI, EUDAT, ESFRIs, etc.) Above 40 services initially involved
Findable Accessible Interoperable Reusable FAIR Data
Data has rich metadata, specifies data identifiers, has a globally unique persistent identifier and is registered and/or indexed in searchable resources Data is retrievable via their identifier, via standard protocols, protocols are open, free and universally implementable, allows authentication and authorization where necessary and metadata are kept accessible when data is no longer available Data has formal, accessible, shared and broadly applicable knowledge representation, use vocabularies that flow FAIR principles and include qualified references to other (meta)data Data has plurality of accurate and relevant attributes, is released with clear and accessible data usage license, has associated provenance and meets domain-relevant community standards
EOSC-hub Support to FAIR
Findable Discovering scientific products, services and resources Accessible Enabling access to scientific resources and services Interoperable Integrating and maintaining relevant services according to a defined standards roadmap Reusable Managing and preserving data (raw data, metadata, software, scientific products, annotation)
EOSC-hub service catalogue mapping to FAIR
Findable Accessible Interoperable Reusable Service F A I R B2Handle X B2Find Marketplace Application Database B2SHARE B2DROP DataHub European Trusted Digital Repositories Service F A I R Federated AAI X B2SAFE B2NOTE Federated Cloud/HTC Jupyter Notebook Applications on Demand Workflow Management and orchestration Sensitive Data Services
European Open Science Cloud
Introduction to the European Open Science Cloud Juan Bicarregui Co-ordinator EOSCpilot #EOSC #EOSCForum @eoscpilot
Introduction Motivation for EOSC High level overview of EOSCpilot
A Decade of Policy The Innovation Lifecycle How to get there from here High level overview of EOSCpilot Project Aims and Objectives Project Challenges Workpackages The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no
A Decade of Policy 2006-2016 2006, OECD
Recommendation on Access to Research Data from Public Funding. 2007, EC Recommendation on access to and preservation of scientific information 2007, EC, Communication and Conclusions on scientific information in the digital age 2010, HLEG on Scientific Data Riding the wave: How Europe can gain from the rising tide of scientific data 2011, G8+5 Global Research Infrastructure Group on Data 2012, EC 2013, G8 Ministerial Communiqué “… [publically funded] scientific research data should be open…” 2015, G7 Ministerial Communiqué, October “…accomplish an effective open-data science environment...” 2016, EC Communication on European Cloud Initiatives The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no
G7 Ministerial Communiqué Berlin Oct 2015
Neglected tropical diseases Future of the Seas and Oceans Global Research Infrastructures (GRIs) “…[4 items about Global (physical) Research Infrastructures]… Further progress on sharing and managing scientific data and information should be achieved, especially by continuing engagement with community based activities such as the Research Data Alliance RDA. We encourage the GSO to continue their work on convergence and alignment of inter-operable data management that could accomplish an effective open-data science environment at the G7 level and beyond.” Clean Energy The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no
ECI Communication (2016) To develop EOSC it will be necessary to:
Make all scientific data produced by the Horizon 2020 programme open by default. Raise awareness and change incentive structures for academics industry and public services to share their data. Develop specification for interoperability and data sharing across disciplines and infrastructures Create a fit-for-purpose pan-European governance structure to federate scientific data infrastructures and overcome fragmentation. Develop cloud based services for Open science supported by the necessary data infrastructure Enlarge the scientific user base to researchers and innovators from all disciplines. The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no
The INFRAEOSC Programme
Also Thematic Clouds The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no
The Innovation Lifecycle
Open Science Cloud Creation Collection Capacity Computation Curation Collaboration and Communication The Innovation Lifecycle Open Science Cloud Open Science Open Access Creation Collection Capacity Computation Curation Collaboration Communication Creation Collection Capacity Computation Curation Collaboration Communication Collaboration and Communication Open Data The 7 C’s
Specific research infrastructures
Existing Horizontal and Vertical infrastructures Domain and National Specific research infrastructures Interdomain e-infrastructures The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no
Greater sharing of Resources and Data across RIs and eIs
Integrated Horizontal and Vertical provision Domain and National Specific research infrastructures Greater sharing of Resources and Data across RIs and eIs Inter-domain Catalogue of Services The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no
Introduction Motivation for EOSC High level overview of EOSCpilot
A Decade of Policy The Innovation Lifecycle How to get there from here High level overview of EOSCpilot Project Aims and Objectives Project Challenges Work breakdown: Workpackages etc. The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no
EOSCpilot: High Level Aims
The EOSCpilot project will support the first phase of development of EOSC: Engage with a broad range of stakeholders, crossing borders and communities, to build the trust and skills required for adoption of an open approach to scientific research Develop a number of demonstrators functioning as high-profile pilots that integrate services and infrastructures to show interoperability and its benefits in a number of scientific domains Establish the governance framework for the EOSC and contribute to the development of European open science policy and best practice ----- Meeting Notes (29/11/ :16) ----- ppnn The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no
Aims Objectives It will establish the governance framework for the EOSC and contribute to the development of European open science policy and best practice; It will develop a number of pilots that integrate services and infrastructures to demonstrate interoperability in a number of scientific domains; and It will engage with a broad range of stakeholders, crossing borders and communities, to build the trust and skills required for adoption of an open approach to scientific research Impact Reduce fragmentation between data infrastructures by working across scientific and economic domains, countries and governance models; and Improve interoperability between data infrastructures by demonstrating how data and resources can be shared even when they are large and complex and in varied formats The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no
EOSCpilot Challenges Three types of challenges:
Scientific Challenges are really Opportunities Scientific Challenges: deploying the EOSC to deliver Open Science Technical Challenges are Barriers to overcome Technical Challenges: developing technical solutions that meet the scientific needs Cultural Challenges are also Barriers Cultural Challenges: adopting new, more open ways of working The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no
Motivation and HL introduction
Scientific Challenges – Needs and provision What do research communities need from an “Open Data Science Environment”? Technical Challenges - Services and integration How can EOSC deliver integrated services that are relevant to community needs? Cultural Challenges 1 – Skills and engagement What changes are needed in capability and practices? Cultural Challenges 2 - Governance and policy How should provision be overseen to maximize benefit? The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no
Workpackage Challenges
WP 4 WP 5-6 WP 7-8 WP 2-3 The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no
Workpackage Level Objectives
WP 4 WP 2-3 Science Demonstrators Objective To develop a number of Science Demonstrators … to drive the development of the EOSC. Services Objective To create a number of EOSC pilot services that federate data, infrastructure and services … Interoperability Objective To define and implement specifications, interfaces, standards and processes that …underpin interoperability and sharing … Governance Objective To design and trial a stakeholder-driven governance framework … Policy Objective. To establish the policy environment required for the effective operation… Skills Objective. To develop common standards and assessment frameworks to ensure … Community Engagement Objective. To identify and bring together … the major groups of stakeholders … WP 5-6 WP 7-8 Gov, pol,demo,serv,inter,skill,community 10,10,25,20,20,5,10 The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no
The INFRAEOSC Programme
Also Thematic Clouds The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no
Introduction Motivation for EOSC High level overview of EOSCpilot
A Decade of Policy The Innovation Lifecycle How to get there from here High level overview of EOSCpilot Project Aims and Objectives Project Challenges Workpackages The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no
Presentation of project
Questions The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no
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