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WHAT ARE WAVES? Week 1 Notes: Ch. 1, Sect 1 P. 6 – 10.

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Presentation on theme: "WHAT ARE WAVES? Week 1 Notes: Ch. 1, Sect 1 P. 6 – 10."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHAT ARE WAVES? Week 1 Notes: Ch. 1, Sect 1 P. 6 – 10

2 1. __SOUND__ is a wave. Examples: __VOICES__, __MUSIC__, and __BACKGROUND__
2. __LIGHT__ is a wave. Examples: __COLORS__, __SUNLIGHT__, and __TELEVISION__ Giant Wave created by explosion: (41 sec) WHAT ARE WAVES?

3 1. A __WAVE__ is a __DISTURBANCE__ that transfers energy from place to place.
2. __ENERGY__ is the __ABILITY__ to do __WORK__ I. WAVE AND ENERGRY

4 1. __WAVES__ needs something to travel __THROUGH__ Example: __SOUND__ waves need air, __WATER__ waves need the surface of water 2. The __MATERIAL__, which a wave travels through, is called a __MEDIUM__ 3. Waves that need a __MEDIUM__ to help travel is called __MECHANICAL WAVES__ 4. Waves that __DO NOT__ need a medium to travel is called __ELECTROMAGNETIC A. What Carries Waves?

5 B. How Do Waves Transfer Energy?
1. __MECHANICAL__ waves travel through __MEDIUMS__ but they do not carry the medium with them. 2. __MEDIUMS__ are all made up of __PARTICLES__, The wave’s __ENERGY__ travels through the __PARTICLES__ of the medium. Wave through the clouds (32 sec) B. How Do Waves Transfer Energy?

6 1. Mechanical waves are produced when a source of __ENERGY__ causes a medium to __VIBRATE__
2. A __VIBRATION__ is a repeated back- and-forth or top-and-down __MOTION__ II. TYPES OF WAVES 1. __MECHANICAL__ waves are classified by how they __MOVE__ C. What Causes Waves?

7 1. __WAVES__ that move the __MEDIUM__ at __RIGHT__ angles to the direction of the wave are called __TRANSVERSE WAVES__ 2. Transverse means __ACROSS__ The wave moves across the __RESTING POSITION__ 3. Transverse Wave Parts: __HIGH__ part of a wave = __CREST__, and the __LOW__ point is called a __TROUGH__ A. Transverse Waves

8 1. __LONGITUDINAL WAVES__ move the medium __PARRALLEL__ to the __DIRECTION__ in which the wave travels. 2. Longitudinal Wave Parts: __COMPRESSIONS__ where the medium is __GROUPED__ together, __RAREFACTIONS__ are where the medium is __SPREAD__ out. 3. __SOUND__ is a __LONGITUDINAL__ waves Shockwave travels through smoke (2:01) B. Longitudinal Waves

9 C. Representing Types of Waves
1. Draw a __Transverse__ wave: Must have Resting Position, Crest, and Trough C. Representing Types of Waves

10 C. Representing Types of Waves
2. Draw a __LONGITUDINAL__ wave: Must have Rarefactions and Compressions BrainPop: Waves (4:00) 3. __TROUGHS__ are equal to __RAREFACTIONS__ and __COMPRESSIONS__ are like __CRESTS__ C. Representing Types of Waves

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