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Remodeling of Advisory Services in SA: Norms & Standards

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1 Remodeling of Advisory Services in SA: Norms & Standards
Programme: Agricultural Production Directorate: Scientific Research & Development Mr R J Sebola Presentation to Parliament’s Portfolio Committee 7 February 2005

2 Background Agricultural sector in the 1st decade of democracy:
Fundamental policy changes White Paper on Agriculture (1995) guided by BATAT transformation imperatives BATAT recognized total reorientation of agricultural advisory systems; Amalgamation of separate services into a single system in all provinces Lack of impact assessments of these developments on the extension services and its ability to improve agricultural production Sector Strategic Plan (2001) … “a united and prosperous agricultural sector” - Increased agric productivity, competitiveness, agri-business information Role of extension and advisory services?

3 From Extension to Advisory Services
Limitation of traditional concept of ‘Extension’ to few role players, mostly extension agents; Many role players (i.e. Animal health technicians, Vets, economists, Subject matter specialist,etc); Outcomes of commissioned study on Extension Services in RSA (2003): Collapsed or non-existent extension services Inadequate resources Incompetent officials Lack of policy guidelines at national level

4 Why norms and standards
To guide the agricultural sector in the provision of services; To enable participants and clients to acquire the necessary skills and technologies for efficient and productive farming; To clarify and differentiate roles and responsibilities among all role players in advisory services; To allow for effective monitoring and evaluation of compliance to set standards for service provision in the sector

5 Objectives To improve service delivery, the efficiency, relevance and cost effectiveness of publicly funded agricultural advisory services; To set a uniform system for measuring the impact of service delivery through extension and advisory services,

6 Context of support Provision of extension and advisory services should prioritize specific government programmes that respond to the urgent priority issues such as: food security, poverty alleviation, food safety, economic growth, and environmental conservation

7 Norms and standards - Guiding Principles
The implementation of advisory services will be guided by ff principles: Demand-driven Relevance Equity Sound and cooperative governance Effective monitoring and evaluation Human and social capital development Participatory Sustainability Priority focused Accountability Batho-Pele principles

8 Clients and support to farmers
Agr macrosystem within consumer economic environm Farm & Business level activity Household FS & Subsistence The Hungry & Vulnerable Agricultural Support Information &Knowledge Management Technical & adv. assistance Financing mechanisms Training & capacity bldng Mkting & business dev. On- & off-farm infrastructure 6 Pillars

9 Norms and Standards: Focus areas
Extension approaches Mentorship Funding Human resource Communication Institutional mechanisms

10 District municipality Local Extension office
Institutional arrangements for service delivery in Agricultural sector Farmer forum Agricultural Development Centre Local municipality Tribal authority Councilors Regional Office Farmer groups, individuals National Farmers’ Union DoA MINMEC ITCA NARF PDA Provincial Farmer’s Unions ARC, Private Sector, Academia, Service providers, other line departments, donors, producer organizations Agric.Dev. Institutes SETAs, etc. Regional forum District municipality Local Extension office Line of authority Line of farmer representation Line of service facilitation, liaison and consultation

11 Extension Officer: Farmer Ratios
demand for advisory and /or extension services varies according to the nature of the farming practices. figures are a rough indication and estimates of what the extension: farmer ratios should be, but the local conditions, circumstance and realities must dictate the application of these ratios.

12 Proposed Extension Officer: Farmers Ratios
Scale of operation Nature of operation/farming Crops Livestock Mixed Subsistence and household 1:400 1:500 Semi-commercial 1:250 1:300 Market oriented and large scale commercial

13 Communication implications
Workshops (national and provincial); Distribution of printed material through public institutions; Accessible through the DoA’s website address

14 Thank You for your attention!

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