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Trophic relationship.

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1 Trophic relationship

2 1.Trophic relationship Trophic relationship are important connections between the organisms within an ecosystem. They are the feeding relationships between organisms that “ eat ” and organisms that “ are eaten ”.

3 2. Trophic level In a ecosystem ,we can group organisms by the thing that they feed on .Each group forms a different trophic level. Trophic level : The trophic level of an organism is the position it occupies in a food chain. trophic level has five groups: the producers ,the primary consumers ,the secondary consumers ,the tertiary consumers and the decomposers.

4 3.Producers Producers : Producers are like plants and algae : they make their own food. Producers are eaten by herbivores.

5 4.Primary consumers Primary consumers :
Herbivorous organisms are primary consumers: they feed on plants and algae. Primary consumers are eaten of secondary consumers.

6 5.Secondary consumers Primary consumers:
Carnivorous organisms are secondary consumers: they feed on herbivorous. Secondary consumers are eaten of tertiary consumers.

7 6.Tertiary consumers Tertiary consumers:
Tertiary consumers feed on secondary consumers. Tertiary consumer are eaten by decomposers.

8 7.Decomposers Decomposers:
Fungi and bacteria are decomposers: they break down the remains of dead organisms. Decomposers eat producers, primary, secondary and tertiary consumers.

9 8.Trophic or food chain A trophic chain and food chain:
A trophic chain or food chain represents the interrelationships between organisms on different trophic levels.

10 9.An example of food chain
In nature, ecosystem include more than one food chain. For example, in a country field, there can be plants that provide food for insects, but snails and mice eat the plants too. Frogs eat the insects, along with spiders , worms and slungs.

11 10.Trophic or food web A trophic web or food web:
A trophic web or food web represents all the different food chains within an ecosystem.

12 Video of food chain: A video of a food chain

13 Activities Activities of trophic levels

14 the end

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