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Team Members: Robert Muntean

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1 Team Members: Robert Muntean 1832066
ELG 4152 Modern Control PID Control for a Path Following Car Professor: Riadh Habash TA: Wei Yang Team Members: Robert Muntean Yanhui Gao Muntaber Al Timini Yirong Wang

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Introduction The main goal of our project is to control a car and make it able to follow a desired path based on a PID controller. The car must sense its position with respect to the desired path and adjust itself automatically if it is deviated from the desired path. We have created a Matlab simulation environment to test our kinematics model. The simulation shows the car’s behavior. We have implemented the sensors and controller as closely as possible to the actual system. 11/26/2018 Template copyright

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11/26/2018 Introduction References: Rezaei, S.; Guivant, J.; Nebot, E.M. “Car-like robot path following in large unstructured environments” Intelligent Robots and Systems, (IROS 2003). Proceedings IEEE/RSJ International Conference on, Vol.3, Iss., Oct. 2003 L. Consolini􀀀, A. Piazzi , M.Tosques, “Motion Planning for steering car-like vehicles”, Proceeding of the European Control Conference 2001 Naranjo, J.E.; Gonzalez, C.; Garcia, R.; de Pedro, T.; Haber, R.E, “Power-steering control architecture for automatic driving”, IEEE Transaction on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume 6,  Issue 4,  Dec Page(s):406 – 415 Eric N Moret, “Dynamic Modeling and Control of a Car-Like Robot”, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Feb 5, 2003. C. Hatipoglu, U. Ozguner and Keith A. Redmil, “Automated Lane change Controller Design”, IEEE Transaction on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume4, Issue 1, March 2003 11/26/2018 Template copyright Copyright 2005 Brainy Betty, Inc.

4 Mathematical Modeling
Derivation of the kinematics Model * v1 is the linear velocity of the rear wheels * v2 is the angular velocity of steering wheels. 11/26/2018 Template copyright

5 Mathematical Modeling
Simulink representation of the cars kinematics model 11/26/2018 Template copyright

6 Mathematical Modeling
Derivation of the Dynamic Model c(s) is the path’s curvature and is defined as: c(s)=dθt/ds. The magnitude of c(s) is 1/R. If the path is turning left, c(s) is positive and if the path is turning right, c(s) is negative. 11/26/2018 Template copyright

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Systems Block Diagram Gc(s) = k1+k2/s +k3s The values of the parameters used in the simulation were: Lambda = 8. k1= lambda^3 = 512 k2=3*lambda^2 = 192 k3=3*lambda = 24 11/26/2018 Template copyright

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Control Algorithms With the system in chained form, the controller to perform path following can be developed. For the car model with four states, the chain form system is: Finally, the control law is defined as Where k1, k2, and k3 are arbitrary gains. This control law takes the dynamics of the servo into account. As will be shown in the simulation part, this small addition makes for much less error. 11/26/2018 Template copyright

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Simulation Program Flowchart of the program The initialization involves creating the car and path. The car’s position on the path is determined and the values needed by the controller are calculated. The controller then calculates the necessary velocity and steering inputs to make the car follow the path. These inputs are used in the kinematic model to update the car’s position. These steps are repeated until the end of the simulation is reached 11/26/2018 Template copyright

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Simulation Program The simulation was designed to match the car’s actual environment as closely as possible, and in an effort to keep true to this, the simulation used both sampling times as well as digitized data. In the simulation, an ideal path is created for the car to follow. The car’s movement is given by the dynamic model. 11/26/2018 Template copyright

11 Initialization of Simulation
There are three files involved with the initialization of the simulation. One of the files is simply to create the car. Another file is to placed the car in the proper initial position. The third file is to create the path for the vehicle to follow, a path that contains a straight segment, followed by a curve, followed by another straight segment. This file also contains all the constants involved with the vehicle such as mass, wheelbase, number of sensors, and motor and servo constants. It is this file that the user chooses the desired velocity of the vehicle. 11/26/2018 Template copyright

12 Determination of the car’s position
There are three files involved with the determination of the position of the car or the error One of the files deals with finding the error between the position of the car with respect to the path that needs to be followed. The second file is to simulate an array of sensors that detects the position of the line that the car needs to follow with respect to the center of the car. For instance, if the car was slightly to the left of the center of the path, the resultant sensor reading would be where the zeros show the position of the line beneath the vehicle. The third file is to simulate the heading angle, θp, which is the angle between the car and the path. 11/26/2018 Template copyright

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Simulation Program Control Calculation There are two parts involved with the control calculation part of the simulation. The first part in the program is to determine the steering and velocity inputs to move the car along the path. In the second part, the main program, creates the control equations and then starts the dynamic simulation. The velocity and the heading angle are calculated then these are used to update the position of the car in the kinematics model. 11/26/2018 Template copyright

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Simulation Results 11/26/2018 Template copyright

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Simulation Results Comparison of path and car traverse at different speed 11/26/2018 Template copyright

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Simulation Results 11/26/2018 Template copyright

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Simulation Results 11/26/2018 Template copyright

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Methodology Task Distribution Finding references and Research was done by all members of the group Robert and Muntader - research of the mathematical model Yanhui and Yirong - Simulation in Matlab and Simulink Tools used Matlab Simulink 11/26/2018 Template copyright

19 Conclusion/Limitations
We have successfully simulate the behavior of a car that follows a path at different speeds using a PID controller Limitations The improvement of the steering response at higher speed Check the behavior of the car that is using a different type of controller 11/26/2018 Template copyright

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Questions? 11/26/2018 Template copyright

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