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Published byCharles Barnett Modified over 6 years ago
Using the AIR Ways Student and User Management System
Training Module Welcome to the online training module for the AIR Ways Student and User Management System. This training module will explain how district and school personnel as well as teachers use the Student and User Management System to add teachers and students in order to successfully administer tests.
Objectives Preparing for Testing
Activating your new Student and User Management account and logging in to the system Navigating the Student and User Management system interface Understanding user roles and permissions Managing user accounts Managing student information and test settings Administering Tests Managing appeals Monitoring test progress Printing test tickets This presentation will address many areas in the Student and User Management system, including tasks that typically take place when preparing for testing, during test administration, and after testing has concluded. This slide shows the tasks you should be able to perform after viewing this training module.
Activating your Account
Follow the activation link in your . Create a password that meets the following requirements: At least 8 characters At least 1 upper case letter At least 1 lower case letter At least 1 special character At least 1 number Submit your new password. Before you can access any AIRWays system, you must activate your account. When you are first added to the Student and User Management System, you will receive an account activation containing a temporary link to reset your password. The contains an activation link and a second link to request a new activation . The activation link is valid only for 15 minutes. After that time, the link expires and you will need to click the second link to request a new activation . When you click the activation link, the Reset Your Password page will appear. Create the password you will use to access the Student and User Management System. If the password you enter is not processing, please ensure that you have meet all system password requirements. A Student and User Management system password must contain at least 8 characters, at least 1 upper case and 1 lower case letter, at least 1 special character and at least 1 number. If your password meets all requirements, click Submit.
How to Access Student and User Management
After activating your account, you will have access to the various AIRWays systems located on the AIRWays portal. To access the Student and User Management system, go to the AIRWays portal, select your role, and select the Student and User Management icon. Once you are on the login page, enter your address and password and click Secure Login.
How to Log into Student and User Management
AIRWays systems have an authentication process that will be triggered when you log in from a new device or browser, or clear cache. If you see this screen, an will have automatically been sent to your address. Enter the code and click Submit. If you need the code resent, click Resend Code. For security purposes there is an authentication process. This will be triggered only if you log in on a new device or browser, or clear the cache on a previously-used browser. You will see an Enter Code page. If this page appears, an authentication code was automatically sent to your address. You will be required to enter the code on this page within five minutes of receiving the . If you do not receive a code or do not enter the code within the five minute time limit, select Resend Code. Click Submit after entering the authentication code to enter the system.
How to Reset Your Password
You will need to reset your password in the following situations: You forget your password Your activation link expired A Student and User Management administrator locks your account To reset your password, click the Forgot Your Password Link. You will be taken to the Reset Your Password page. Enter and confirm a new password and click Submit.
How to Navigate the System
Banner Dashboard After you log in, the Student and User Management home page appears with the Student and User Management banner and dashboard, as shown on this screen. The dashboard organizes all system tasks to reflect the testing process including tasks that take place before and during testing. Menus are accessed in the dashboard via the drop-downs arrows. The menus organize the specific tasks you can perform. For example, if you want to add a student to the system, you have to click the Students tab and then select Add Students.
How to Use the Banner A banner appears at the top of each Student and User Management page showing the test administration and your user role. You will also find, a Help button that displays the AIRWays User Guide, an Inbox button, a Manage Account drop-down list where you may modify your role, if you have more than one, update your account details, and a Logout button.
How to Use the Inbox To access secure documents and files you have previously exported in TIDE and other AIR systems, click the Inbox button in the banner. From the inbox you can download, archive, or delete previously exported files. For more information on this feature, see the TIDE User Guide.
What are Roles and Permissions?
Task District Test Coordinator (DC) School Test Coordinator (SC) Teacher (TE) Adding Students Viewing Students Adding User Accounts Viewing and Editing User Details Adding Rosters Generating Test Completion Reports Your Student and User Management system account is assigned a role, and that role has certain permissions. This table shows some of the permissions associated with roles in your district. For example, a district-level user may be able to perform tasks that are not available to a school-level user. Jurisdiction also limit the scope of data access. A district-level user can work with data pertaining to that district, and a school-level user can work with data pertaining to that school. For a detailed list of user roles and associated permissions, see your AIRWays User Guide.
How to Add A User You can individually add new users from the Add Users page. Enter the address for the user you want to add. Click the Add user or add roles to user with this . If the exists, additional options will be available to add the school and role(s) for the user. The new user’s address will serve as their username when logging in to any AIR system.
How to View/Edit/Export Users
The View/Edit/Export Users page allows you to select search criteria to search for users. Complete the appropriate fields you wish to search. Any field marked with an asterisk is mandatory. Click Search to view your results.
How to View/Edit/Export Users, cont.
After clicking Search, Student and User Management will display your results. If your user role permits, you can edit a user’s information by clicking the green pencil icon. Another page will appear where you can edit and save information. To export user information, mark the checkboxes next to the users you wish to export and click the green export button above the search results. A popup will appear giving you the option to export to the Inbox in either Excel or CSV format. To delete users from Student and User Management, mark the checkboxes next to the users you wish to delete and click the orange trash can button above the search results. To make the search form re-appear and search for additional users, click the plus sign in the Search Users panel, which appears as a blue bar. For more detailed information on managing users, see the AIRWays User Guide.
How to Upload Multiple Users
If you have many users you need to upload, you can use the Upload Users page to upload them all at once. To upload multiple users at one time: In the Users menu, click Upload Users Click Download Templates in the top right corner to download a Excel or CSV file Open the file, enter the user information, and save the file Return to the Upload Users page, click Browse, and select the file you just saved and click Next. The Student and User Management will generate a preview of the file To view your upload history, click the + sign on the Upload History panel.
How to Upload Multiple Users, cont.
The Student and User Management system will validate the file and display any errors or warnings according to the legend on the page. An orange triangle indicates an error, and a blue flag indicates a warning. Click the orange error icons and blue warning icons in the results to view the reason a field is invalid. If a record contains an error, that record will not be included in the upload. If a record contains a warning, that record will be uploaded, but the field with the warning will not be loaded. To complete the upload, click Continue with Upload. To upload a different file, click Upload Revised File. To cancel the upload, click Cancel. To view a PDF file listing the validation results for the upload file, click Download Validation Report in the upper-right corner. When the upload is complete, a confirmation page will appear with a message that summarizes how many records were committed and how many were excluded.
How to Add Students to the Testing System
Now we are going to discuss how to add students to Student & User Management. All students must be added to the system prior to testing in order to participate in a test session. To add an individual student, select Add Students from the Students menu. The Add Students page contains multiple panels, such as Student Information, Participation Student, and Visual Assistance Tools. Complete the fields for the student you are adding, and click Save. The fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory.
How to View/Edit/Export Students
The View/Edit/Export Students page allows you to select search criteria to search for users. Fill in the fields you wish to search. Any field marked with an asterisk is mandatory. To further refine your search, use the Advanced Search to select additional search criteria. Click Search to view your results.
How to View/Edit/Export Students, cont.
After clicking Search, Student and User Management will display your results. You can decrease the number of fields displayed, click the dropdown box in the upper right corner of the results, and select the columns you want to display. If your user role permits, you can edit a student’s information by clicking the green pencil icon. Another page will appear where you can edit and save information.
How to View/Edit/Export Students, cont.
To export all student information, click the Export button located next to the print button and select either Export all to Excel or Export All to CSV. To export specific student information, mark the checkboxes next to the students you wish to export and click the green export button above the search results. From the drop-down menu, select either Export My Selected to Excel or Export My Selected to CSV. To delete students from Student and User Management, mark the checkboxes next to the students you wish to delete and click the orange trash can button above the search results. To make the search form re-appear and search for additional students, click the plus sign in the Search Students panel, which appears above as a blue bar. For more detailed information on managing students, see the AIRWays User Guide.
How to Upload Multiple Students
If you have many students you need to upload, you can use the Upload Students page to upload them all at once. To upload multiple students at one time: In the Students menu, click Upload Students Click Download Templates in the top right corner to download a Excel or CSV file Open the file, enter the student information, and save the file Return to the Upload Students page, click Browse, select the file you just saved, and click Next. The Student and User Management will generate a preview of the file To view your upload history, click the + sign on the Upload History panel.
How to Upload Multiple Students, cont.
The Student and User Management system will validate the file and display any errors or warnings. The legend above the validation results shows that an orange triangle indicates an error, and a blue flag indicates a warning. Click the orange error icons and blue warning icons in the results to view the reason a field is invalid. If a record contains an error, that record will not be included in the upload. If a record contains a warning, that record will be uploaded, but the field with the warning will not be loaded. To complete the upload, click Continue with Upload. To upload a different file, click Upload Revised File. To cancel the upload, click Cancel. To view a PDF file listing the validation results for the upload file, click Download Validation Report in the upper-right corner. When the upload is complete, a confirmation page will appear with a message that details how many records were committed and how many were excluded.
How to View/Edit/Export Test Settings and Tools
The View/Edit/Export Test Settings and Tools page includes a form for setting selection criteria to retrieve a student’s test settings and tools. Required criteria, such as the district and school in this example, are marked with asterisks. Other criteria are optional, such as the student ID and the student’s first or last name. You can further refine your search criteria by entering additional demographic information or test settings in the Additional Search panel. The students you can retrieve on this page are limited by your role’s scope. For example, if you are a district-level user, you can retrieve settings for those students enrolled within your district. If you are a school-level user, you can retrieve settings only for those students enrolled in your school. Click Search to continue. You’ll see a message asking whether you would like to view the results of your search, export the list of students to your inbox, or modify your search criteria and try again. If you choose to export the results to your inbox, you will receive an when the file is ready for you to download.
How to View/Edit/Export Test Settings and Tools, cont.
When you click View Results, Student and User Management will display all the students satisfying the search criteria. If all columns cannot fit on the screen at once, you can click the blue arrow on the right side of the screen to scroll right and display more information. You can edit a student’s test settings and accommodations, by clicking the green pencil icon. To make the search form re-appear and search for additional students, click the plus sign in the Search Students panel, which appears as a blue bar. For more detailed information on managing student test settings and tools, see your Student and User Management User Guide. To edit student information, click on the edit icon (pencil). Print or export student information or delete students from Student and User Management by selecting the desired students and clicking the Print, Export, or Delete button above the search results. Selecting the Print button will display a dropdown menu with options to print test tickets and student settings and tools. Selecting the test ticket options will take you to a ticket layout screen. Choose the layout, click print, and the system will generate and download a PDF of the test tickets. Selecting the student settings and tools options will take you to a print dialog box. To export or delete the results, mark the checkboxes next to the results you wish to export or delete and click the green export button above the search results. If you export a file, a popup will appear giving you the option to export to the Inbox in either Excel or CSV format.
How to View/Edit/Export Test Settings and Tools, cont.
The View/Edit screen will allow you to set each of the test settings and tools. These are organized into logical groups; for example, the Literacy Assistance Tools are Text-to-Speech and TTS Tracking. The following slides show the different options within their groups
How to View/Edit/Export Test Settings and Tools, cont.
Under the Presentation grouping, you can define if the test will be in Braille or in Spanish based on availability or if American Sign Language (ASL) will be turned on. Note: ASL videos are only provided for listening stimuli. It is critical that these flags be set BEFORE the student begins the test as they control the items being delivered. If a student starts a test with the wrong setting, that test will need to be reset (see administrative procedures section) and the student will need to start again.
How to View/Edit/Export Test Settings and Tools, cont.
Visual Assistance Tools include Streamlined mode which changes the test presentation to be read from top to bottom and left to right. This must be turned on for Braille tests as it works well with screen readers. The mouse pointer can be increased in size and have different colors using this tool. The Zoom buttons allows students to resize everything on the screen up to 20x. As the zoom increases, the requirement to scroll horizontally increases. It is required above 3X zoom that streamlined mode be turned on. Color choices default to black on white but can be changed to a variety of options. The Scribe setting is optional as it has no impact on what the student sees. However, it is recorded for your information. Concentration Assistance tools include a line reader and the masking. Finally, General Testing Tools includes Print on Request. Students with this option turned on will have the ability to submit a print request which will appear on the administrators session where they can print. For more information on these settings, please see the Test Settings and Tools Quick Guide
How to Upload Test Settings and Tools
A second way to edit test settings and tools in Student and User Management is to use the Upload Test Settings and Tools page to compose an upload file in Excel or CSV format and then upload that file. First, download an available template by clicking Download Templates. Open the template, enter information for the users you wish to add using Excel or another program, and save the file in Excel or CSV format. You may also access files that you have previously uploaded by clicking the blue plus sign to expand the Upload History panel. Detailed instructions for composing an upload file can be found in the Creating a Test Settings and Tools Upload File Quick Guide. Once you return to Student and User Management, click Browse, and select the file you just saved. Click Next to upload the file. A file preview page will appear, allowing you to verify you uploaded the correct file. If the preview is correct, click Next to continue.
How to Upload Test Settings and Tools, cont.
The Student and User Management system will validate the file and display any errors or warnings according to the legend on the page. An orange triangle indicates an error, and a blue flag indicates a warning. Click the orange error icons and blue warning icons in the results to view the reason a field is invalid. If a record contains an error, that record will not be included in the upload. If a record contains a warning, that record will be uploaded, but the field with the warning will not be included. To complete the upload, click Continue with Upload. To upload a different file, click Upload Revised File. To cancel the upload, click Cancel. To view a PDF file listing the validation results for the upload file, click Download Validation Report in the upper-right corner. When the upload is complete, a confirmation page will appear with a message that summarizes how many records were committed and how many were excluded. For more information on managing test settings and tools, see the AIRWays User Guide.
How to Add a Roster Rosters are lists of students that are associated with a teacher or other user and allow you to view the performance of specific groups of students, such as classes. Rosters are used for reporting purposes and are not required to administer a test. On the Add Roster page, you can manually add students to a roster. This page contains two panels, a Search for Students to Add to the Roster panel and an Add Students to the Roster panel. To search for students, complete the fields under the Search for Students to Add to the Roster panel. The fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory. You can further refine your search by selecting criteria under the Advanced Search section. Refine the list of available students by completing the fields in the Add Students to the Roster panel. To display current students only, click the Current Students radio button. To display current and past students, click the Current and Past Students radio button. Then click Search.
How to Add Students to a Roster
Now you need to add students to the roster. In the Add Students to the Roster section, the students in the left side are available to be added to the roster, and students in the right column are currently in the roster. First, enter a name for the roster and select the teacher who should be associated with the roster. Select if you want to display current students or current and past students. Next, add students to the new roster. To add a single student to the roster, click the green plus sign next to a student in the left side. You can add multiple students to the roster by marking checkboxes next to the students you want to add, and then clicking Add Selected. Add all available students to the roster by clicking Add All. To remove a single student from the roster, click the orange X next to a student in the right table. You can remove multiple students from the roster by marking checkboxes next to the students you want to remove, and then clicking Remove Selected. Remove all students from the roster by clicking Remove All.
How to View/Edit/Export Rosters
The View/Edit/Export Rosters page includes a form for setting selection criteria to retrieve rosters. Complete the fields below the Search for Rosters to Edit panel. Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory. Click Search to view your results.
How to View/Edit/Export Rosters, cont.
The View/Edit/Export Rosters page includes a form for setting selection criteria to retrieve rosters. Complete the fields below the Search for Rosters to Edit panel. Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory. Click Search to view your results. Click the pencil icon next to a user to view or edit its details. The Edit Roster form will appear. Complete the appropriate fields and save the form. You can also print rosters, test tickets, and student test settings and tools from this screen. To do this, click the Print button. A dropdown menu will appear with the option to print rosters, test tickets, or student test settings and tools. Select the appropriate option. If you select Roster or Student Test Settings, a print dialog box will appear and you can click Print to continue. If you select Test Tickets, you will choose a test ticket layout and click Print. A pdf of the test tickets will download. For more information on managing rosters, test tickets, or student test settings and tools, see the AIRWays User Guide.
How to Upload Rosters A second way to add new rosters into Student and User Management is to use the Upload Rosters page. To upload rosters: In the Rosters menu, click Upload Roster Click Download Templates in the top right corner to download a Excel or CSV file Open the file, enter the user information, and save the file Return to the Upload Users page, click Browse, and select the file you just saved and click Next. The Student and User Management will generate a preview of the file To view your upload history, click the + sign on the Upload History panel.
How to Upload Rosters, cont.
The Student and User Management system will validate the file and display any errors or warnings according to the legend on the page. An orange triangle indicates an error, and a blue flag indicates a warning. Click the orange error icons and blue warning icons in the results to view the reason a field is invalid. If a record contains an error, that record will not be included in the upload. If a record contains a warning, that record will be uploaded, but the field with the warning will not be included. To complete the upload, click Continue with Upload. To upload a different file, click Upload Revised File. To cancel the upload, click Cancel. To view a PDF file listing the validation results for the upload file, click Download Validation Report in the upper-right corner. When the upload is complete, a confirmation page will appear with a message that summarizes how many records were committed and how many were excluded.
How to Set Student Test Eligibility Rules
Eligibility limits the tests students are able to take. To start, eligibility will be controlled by grade so all 8th grade students will be eligible for all grade 8 tests. However, there may be times where you want to change or add eligibility. For example, you may want to assign a grade 6 math test benchmark to your accelerated grade 5 math students. This can be done from the Student Test Eligibility Tab. On the Add Rule page, under the Add Rules panel, select your state, district, and school associated with the students whose eligibilities you want to manage and click Search. The Existing Rules panel will display any existing rules in the system. To add a new test eligibility rule, select either Grade or StudentID from the Students With: drop-down list. If you select student eligibility by grade, you will then choose a specific grade from the Grade drop-down menu. If you choose Student ID, as shown on this screen, you will see a pop-up window where you will enter the student IDs for the student(s) you want in the rule. Alternately, if you have many student IDs you want to add and you don’t want to add them one at a time, you can upload a single column data file containing student IDs. Next, click on the Will take these tests: dropdown menu. A pop-up window will appear.
How to View Student Test Eligibility
When you click on the Select Tests drop-down menu, a pop-up will appear. Click the + sign next to a subject to see all available tests within that subject. You can also click the Expand All button in the upper right corner. To select all tests, click the checkbox next to the subject or click the Select All button in the upper right hand corner. When you are finished selecting the tests you want to include in the rule, click Confirm.
How to Set Student Test Eligibility Rules
After selecting the test or tests you want to add to the rule, you will be taken back to the Add Rule screen. A list of the test(s) you selected will appear. Next, click Add Rule. The rule(s) added will now be displayed under the Existing Rules panel. To delete a rule, select the checkbox next to the rule(s) you wish to delete and click the orange trash can icon.
How to Add Test Windows Using test windows a district or school coordinator can limit which tests will be available for administration to specific dates and times. If a test is added to a test window, it will only be shown on the test selection list for test administrators to add to their session during the times set. Tests NOT included in a test window will be available at all times. You can create test windows individually or can upload multiple windows simultaneously from the Test Windows Menu. To manually add a test window, go to the Add Test Windows page. Under the Test Window Information panel, enter a name in the Window Name field. Next, select the type of entity for which you want to add a test window: District or School. Enter the window start and end dates. In the Available Test IDs panel, click the +sign for each test you wan to to add to the test window. You can also delete tests by clicking the orange x button in the Select Tests to Delete panel. Click Save to save the test window.
How to View/Edit/Export Test Windows
The View/Edit/Export Test Windows page allows you to select search criteria to search for users. Complete the fields you wish to search. Any field marked with an asterisk is mandatory. Click Search to view your results. After clicking Search, Student and User Management will display your results. If your user role permits, you can edit a test window by clicking the green pencil icon. To make the search form re-appear and search for additional users, click the plus sign in the Search For Test Window to Edit panel, which appears as a blue bar.
How to View/Edit/Export Test Windows
When you click the green pencil icon, a form to modify the test window will appear. In the Window Name field, enter the test window name, and select the test window's start and end dates. Under Available Test IDs and Selected Test IDs, mark checkboxes for tests you want to add to or remove from the test window. Click Add Selected or Remove Selected. (You can also use Add All or Remove All to add or remove all the tests.) Click Save to continue. For more detailed information on test windows, see the AIRWays User Guide.
How to Upload Test Windows
A second way to add new test windows to Student User and Management is to use the Upload Test Windows page to compose an upload file in Excel or CSV format and then upload that file. To upload multiple windows at one time: In the Test Windows menu, click Upload Test Windows Click Download Templates in the top right corner to download a Excel or CSV file Open the file, enter the test window information, and save the file Return to the Upload Test Windows page, click Browse, and select the file you just saved and click Next. The Student and User Management will generate a preview of the file To view your upload history, click the + sign on the Upload History panel.
How to Upload Test Windows
The Student and User Management system will validate the file and display any errors or warnings according to the legend on the page. An orange triangle indicates an error, and a blue flag indicates a warning. Click the orange error icons and blue warning icons in the results to view the reason a field is invalid. If a record contains an error, that record will not be included in the upload. If a record contains a warning, that record will be uploaded, but the field with the warning will not be included. To complete the upload, click Continue with Upload. To upload a different file, click Upload Revised File. To cancel the upload, click Cancel. To view a PDF file listing the validation results for the upload file, click Download Validation Report in the upper-right corner. When the upload is complete, a confirmation page will appear with a message that summarizes how many records were committed and how many were excluded. For more information on managing Test Windows, see the AIRWays User Guide.
How to Perform Administering Tests Tasks
Now we will discuss the tasks that are associated with Administering Tests. These tasks include creating and managing administrative procedures, monitoring student test progress, and printing test tickets.
Printing Test Tickets from a Student List
Test Tickets can be provided to students at the beginning of a test session to ensure they have the correct first name and unique student ID to use AIRWays. Test tickets can be generated from the view/edit students or rosters or from this function under administering tests. Printing test tickets from a student list is useful if you want to print test tickets for specific students. Printing test tickets from a roster list is useful if you want to print test tickets for a specific group of students. To print test tickets from a student list, select the Print from Student List from the Print Test Tickets task menu. Complete the fields under the Search Students panel. The fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory. To further refine your search results, select additional search fields in the Advanced Search panel. Click Search to view your results.
Printing Test Tickets from a Student List
All students Next, select the students for whom you want to print test tickets. To print test tickets for specific students, mark the checkboxes for the students you want to print. To print for all students on the page, mark the checkbox at the top of the table. To print for all retrieved students, no additional action is necessary. This option is available by default. Click the Printer icon and select an option from the drop-down menu. A test-ticket layout screen will appear. Choose a test ticket layout and the Test Tickets print option. When you click Print, a PDF of the test tickets will be downloaded. Specific students
Printing Test Tickets When printing test tickets, you have options how to organize the students. By clicking on a test ticket layout, you can change from 5 rows of test tickets with 2 columns to 1 test ticket per page. When you click the Print button, a PDF will be generated that can be downloaded and printed.
Printing Test Tickets from a Roster List
To print test tickets from a roster list, select the Print from Roster List from the Print Test Tickets task menu. Complete the fields under the Search for Rosters to Edit panel. The fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory. Click Search to display your results.
Printing Test Tickets from a Roster List
Specific rosters Next, select the roster for which you want to print test tickets. To print test tickets for specific rosters, mark the checkboxes for the rosters you want to print. To print for all rosters on the page, mark the checkbox at the top of the table. Click the printer icon and select the Test Tickets option from the drop-down menu. When you choose Test Tickets, a test-ticket layout screen will appear. Choose a test ticket layout and print option and click Print. A PDF of the test tickets will be downloaded. Note that you can also print rosters and student settings and tools from the print menu on this page.
How to Generate a PMT Report
Plan and Manage Testing (PMT) reports detail all of a student’s test opportunities and the status of each test opportunity. From this page, you can view all students who have completed one or more tests, students who have started one or more tests, students who have not started one or more tests which allows users to monitor overall testing progress. Because the report lists testing opportunities, a student can appear more than once on the report. To generate a report from the Plan and Manage Testing page, select a test instrument and administration under the Choose What panel. Next, in the Search Students panel, select a district, school, and teacher if applicable. The fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory. You can refine your search by adding additional criteria under the Advanced Search section. Finally, in the Get Specific panel, choose one of the filter options available and select parameters for that option. Click Generate Report to view your Plan and Manage Testing report, or click Export Report to open the report in Excel.
Plan and Manage Testing Examples
Which students have not yet tested? Which students need to test in the next five days? Which students have paused tests? Did all students in a test session submit their tests? This slide illustrates some common questions that can be answered using the options available in the Get Specific panel. To find students who have not yet tested, select the first radio button and search for students who have completed their test opportunity in the selected administration. To find students whose test opportunities are expiring, select the second radio button and specify the number of days or range of days you want to search. To find students who have paused tests, select the third radio button and search for students on their test opportunity in the selected administration with a status of paused. To find out if all students in a test session submitted their tests, select the fourth radio button and search for students by test session ID between the dates when the test session took place.
How to View PMT Results Reports can be exported to an excel file by clicking on the Export Report button. Note: this is the fastest way to generate results. Clicking Generate Report will display the report and collapse the other panel. Because not all columns can fit on the screen at once, you may need to click the blue arrow on the right side of the screen to scroll right and display more information. You can also choose which columns you want display by clicking the dropdown menu in the top right corner above the report.
How to View Test Completion Rates
The Test Completion Rates report summarizes the number and percentage of students who have started or completed a test. To download a report from the Test Completion Rates page, choose the type of report you wish to export from the Report drop-down list. Select a district and school from the corresponding drop-down lists, if available. Finally, select a test name and administration. Note that fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory. To download the report as an Excel spreadsheet, click Export Report.
How to Search Student Participation
This page allows you to generate participation reports for specified students. Enter a single SSID or multiple SSIDs in the Student ID(s) box. You can also upload a Participation SearchBySSID single-row excel file containing student IDs. Click Generate Report to view the results.
How to Create a Procedure
If an event impacts a test opportunity, you may need to intervene with an administrative procedure. For example, a test may need to be re-opened if the student submitted the test too soon. Common administrative procedures include actions such as invalidating, reopening, and re-opening a test segment. To create a procedure request, go to the Create Procedure page under the Administrative Procedures menu. Under the Select Request Type and Search panel, select the request type and an option from the Search Student By field. In the search results, mark the checkbox for each opportunity to include in the request and click Create. In the available fields, provide a reason for making the request and click Submit.
How to View/Export Procedures
The View/Export Procedures page allows you to view, export, or process administrative procedure requests. First, under the Appeal Information panel, choose a request type. Next choose a request status. Finally enter any additional criteria you want to include in the search. Click Search to display your results. Select the result(s) you wish to view or export by clicking the checkmark boxes on the left side of the result. Next, choose an option from the Process drop-down menu. Enter a reason for the request in the pop-up that appears and click Submit.
How to Approve Procedures
Administrative Procedure requests must be approved by district personnel. To approve a procedure request, select the Approve Procedures page from the Administrative Procedures menu. Under the Appeal Information, select the search criteria you wish to review, and click Search. In the search results, mark the checkbox for each request you want to approve, and select the appropriate option from the Process drop-down menu. In the window that appears, enter a reason for the selected action, and click Submit.
How to Upload Procedures
A second way to add procedures into Student and User Management is to use the Upload Procedures page. If the test session is interrupted by an unexpected event, such as a fire alarm sounding, you might need to provide extensions to all students in the session so they can review all items in the interrupted session. This task is performed by following the same steps used to upload new users and students: download a template file, enter information into the template, save, and click the Browse button to locate the file and upload it in to Student User and Management. For more information on managing Administrative Procedures, see the AIRWays User Guide.
Thank you! If you have any questions, please contact the AIR Ways Help Desk: Hours: Monday through Friday from 8:00am until 7:00pm Eastern Time Telephone: Chat: You can also refer to the AIR Ways User Guide for support. Thank you for viewing the Student and User Management training module. If you have any questions, please contact the AIR Ways Help Desk. The hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00am until 7:00pm Eastern Time. Telephone: Chat: You can also refer to the AIR Ways User Guide for support.
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