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Social requirements in the Swedish Transport Administration's current and future procurements Frida Persson.

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Presentation on theme: "Social requirements in the Swedish Transport Administration's current and future procurements Frida Persson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social requirements in the Swedish Transport Administration's current and future procurements Frida Persson

2 Social considerations
structure that provides accessibility for all counteract cartels issues regarding ethical trade decent work Social considerations employment opportunities equal opportunities procurement directives compliance with social rights and workers' rights social integration sustainability

3 Our requirements for social considerations during procurement
General requirements regarding: Anti-discrimination Minimum wage ID06 Work in accordance with the ILO Paid taxes and fees Working environment and safety Counteract cartels

4 Social responsibility - in constant development
Cooperation with the Swedish Tax Agency in all projects and at all stages Cooperation with other clients More follow-ups Continuous dialogue with suppliers The long-term unemployed and people with functional impairments in our projects.

5 Contractual wages and terms of contracts

6 Minimum wages and contract terms
“The Workers who are engaged in the assignment work should receive at least minimum wage and other minimum conditions…” From the Transport Administration's tender request documentation

7 What is the Swedish Transport Administration doing?
Difficult to determine what the minimum wage is in the agreements – The Transport Administration is engaged in continous dialogue At the construction meetings, the principal contractor's verifications are discussed The Transport Administration's agreements contain the right of cancellation

8 The Swedish Transport Administration
The Transport Administration cooperates with the Swedish Tax Agency The Swedish Transport Administration Contractor The Swedish Tax Agency Etc. Subcontractor

9 The collaboration has led to proposals for contractual requirements
The contractor will check with the Swedish Tax Agency whether a new subcontractor has paid taxes and social contributions – before hiring If there are payment complaints against the subcontractor this party may not be engaged by the contractor, unless this is approved by the client. We will also submit renewed inquiries to the Swedish Tax Agency for subcontractors Right of cancellation for debts relating to taxes and social contributions

10 Examples of labour market policy measures

11 Agreements between the City of Stockholm and the Swedish Transport Administration
The City of Stockholm Labour Market Administration (SA) and the Swedish Transport Administration's E4 Stockholm Bypass (E4 FS) project are collaborating The aim of the collaboration is: to make it easier for SA to get in touch with contractors working for E4 FS to enable SA to make agreements with contractors for E4 FS regarding job opportunities for unemployed Stockholm residents

12 Proactive work ahead of upcoming contracts
The West Link has a cooperation with the City of Gothenburg Proactive work ahead of upcoming contracts In the procuremet process the tender specifications will lead to a joint planning phase with future contractors employment opportunities for unemployed Göteborg residents.

13 Monitoring and control

14 Examples of the Swedish Transport Administration's monitoring methods
Prior to the signing of contracts: Social security contributions and taxes Anti-discrimination plan Control of new suppliers' contract terms (ATO) Whilst the contract is in progress: Review of requirements at preliminary meeting Continuous checks in accordance with control plan (social insurance, social security contributions/taxes, contract terms, business ethics, conflicts of interest, corruption, anti- discrimination plan, working environment and safety, attendance reports, ID06, etc.). Audits Unannounced work site inspections

15 Challenges in the monitoring work
Many partners involved and subcontractors on different levels and from many different countries Positive: Many investigations, guidance documents and new laws on the way that will make things easier

16 Development work

17 Development work Improved and expanded cooperation with the contractors, construction industry and the unions Develop cooperation with other major clients in the market; both nationally and internationally

18 X

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