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Coll 148 Library Resources

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Presentation on theme: "Coll 148 Library Resources"— Presentation transcript:

1 Coll 148 Library Resources
Jason Rossi,

2 Coll 148 Library Lecture DVU Library Searching & Citing
The DVU Library Searching & Citing will cover: Differences between Library Databases and Internet Search Engines Introduction to Searching Library Databases Online Resources: Occupational Outlook Handbook O*Net Using NoodleTools to Cite in APA Getting Further Assistance Ask-A-Librarian Knowledge Base

3 The Internet --A. Lincoln
“You can fool some of the people on the Internet some of the time….” --A. Lincoln

4 Library Databases vis a vis Internet Search Engines

5 What is a Library Database?
A collection of electronic information that allows users to search for articles or books in many different ways Contains journals, magazines, newspapers, transcripts, books, etc. Contains copyrighted, licensed, and proprietary information Content has been formally reviewed

6 Authority Library Databases vis a vis Internet Search Engines
Trustworthiness is virtually guaranteed Easy to determine Peer-review & scholarly filter Internet: Difficult to verify Is often doubted Cannot limit to professional, scholarly literature Google Scholar

7 Relevance Library Databases vis a vis Internet Search Engines
Focus by subject Quality controlled sources Less time dealing with junk No spelling or grammar errors Quality control by experts Full-text free to the user Internet: Opinionated and biased Lack of attention and effort Most do not have a reference section

8 Reliability/ Credibility Library Databases vis a vis Internet Search Engines
Evaluated for accuracy and credibility by subject experts Reviewed and recommended by faculty and librarians Reviewed and updated regularly Internet: No review process Must evaluate each source yourself No standards in place

9 Usability Library Databases vis a vis Internet Search Engines
More control Includes citations and references Numerous advanced search features Internet: Millions of search results Not organized Lack of subject focus No citations or references Cannot limit to full-text documents

10 How to get to the Library Databases

11 How to access the DeVry University Library
Canvas Course Shell Library Website: Student Portal

12 Librarians Databases Resources LC and Tutors
Alumni Access

13 Introduction to Searching Library Databases

14 Boolean OR

15 AND

16 NOT

17 Traumatic Brain Injury
Topic Focus Traumatic Brain Injury Contusion Concussion Head Injury Sports Injury

18 Academic Search Complete

19 Academic Search Complete

20 Boolean Operators Demo
Computer programming Software development

21 Boolean Operators Demo AND

22 Boolean Operators Demo OR

23 Boolean Operators Demo NOT

24 Introduction to Searching Library Databases
Subject Terms: Are controlled language used to describe the topics and subjects covered with in an article, book, or information material. Are the terms used by databases to organize information Natural Language: How we as individuals describe our concepts and ideas, using local vocabulary, jargon, and expressions. Benefits of Using Subject Terms: Generally accepted term for a concept or idea Better ability to find results by not being too narrow or too broad Search across different databases and interfaces using a single term

25 Introduction to Searching Library Databases Terms

26 Introduction to Searching Library Databases APA Feature
Citation Feature in Academic Search Complete:

27 Introduction to Searching Library Databases Permalink
Permanent URL

28 Introduction to Searching Library Databases Folders

29 Introduction to Searching Library Databases Folders


31 Online Resources Government Resources
Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH)  The federal government's principal resource of career guidance O*NET OnLine Detailed descriptions of the professional positions and jobs and related duties as well as salary information

32 Occupational Outlook Handbook

33 Occupational Outlook Handbook
Join a Professional Association Improve your Résumé Find Similar Occupations Local Salary from

Network administrator


36 Occupational Descriptions & Terms
ONET Occupational Descriptions & Terms

37 Occupation Exploration
ONET Occupation Exploration


39 ONET: My Next Move

40 ONET: Interest Profiler

41 ONET: Work Importance Profiler

42 Citing the APA Way

43 NoodleTools Databases

44 NoodleTools NoodleTools

45 Noodletools Registration
After you have created an account, you can log in with your username and password. The first time you use NoodleTools, you will need to create your own account .

46 Noodletools Registration
Create your own ID and password. We suggest you use your library login- D# and password (YYYYMM)- so you can remember your login information. Click registration

47 Noodletools

48 Noodletools APA Project

49 Noodletools

50 NoodleTools

51 Noodletools

52 Noodletools You will then be taken to a blank citation that you will need to fill in.

53 Noodletools Enter any database information you have
Select “Author,” “Editor,” etc. and enter first and last name(s) Enter the title of the article Enter article’s pages

54 noodletools The yellow caution symbol shows that there is an error.  For titles, only the first word in the title (or subtitle – usually after a colon) and proper nouns should be capitalized.

55 noodletools The caution symbol will go away when the corrections are made. You will still see the caution sign for proper nouns asking you to double check if the noun is proper.

56 noodletools Enter the name of the journal
Enter the volume, issue, and year of the journal The annotation is optional Submit

57 noodletools

58 noodletools

59 Noodletools

60 Noodletools

61 Getting Further Assistance

62 Ask a Librarian

63 Ask a librarian Chat IROC Call

64 Additional resources For help with papers and tutoring, you may utilize The ASC LibGuide: provides access to: Tutoring Resources APA Resources COLL 148 LibGuide:


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