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Mass Rearing of Insects: Quality Control
Norm Leppla University of Florida Entomology and Nematology Department
Norm’s Career in Insect Rearing
University of Arizona- Insect rearing research, 2 years (pink bollworm, noctuids) USDA, ARS- Insectary management, Florida and Texas, 17 years (noctuids, fruit flies, screwworm, parasitoids) USDA, APHIS- Methods development, Washington DC and international, 7 years (gypsy moth, PBW, FF) University of Florida- Integrated pest management and biological control, 20 years Rearing and quality of Tamarixia radiata (Chris Kerr) Quality of Trichogramma brassicae from Ephestia kuehniella eggs (Yasaman Moghaddassi)
Quality Control Topics
Total Quality Management Colony Establishment and Maintenance Maintaining the Quality of Colonized Insects Monitoring Quality QC vs Methods Improvement Periodic Review Guidelines for Quality Systems
I. Total Quality Management
Parts of an Insect Rearing System
Approaches to Arthropod Quality Control
Build-in Product Quality Before Production Check Product Quality After Production Total QC ISO 9000 IOBC ASTM Marketplace Code of Hammurabi, 3000 BC Babylonia- “The mason who builds a house which falls down and kills the inmate shall be put to death.” Omachonu and Ross 2004
Deming’s 14 Points of Quality
Create constancy of purpose to improve the product. Adopt a new philosophy- mediocre performance is unacceptable. Cease dependence on mass inspection. Instead, require statistical evidence that quality is built in. End the practice of awarding business on the basis of price. Find potential improvements, work continually on the system. Institute modern methods of training on the job. Institute modern methods of supervision, from numbers to quality.
Deming’s 14 Points of Quality
Drive out fear and anxiety, so that everyone may work effectively. Break down barriers between departments. Eliminate numerical goals, asking for new levels of productivity without providing methods. Eliminate work standards that prescribe numerical quotas. Remove barriers that stand between the hourly worker and their right to pride of workmanship. Institute a vigorous program of education and retraining. Create a structure in top management that will advance the above points every day. Edward Demming and Joseph Juran 1950s
Production, Process and Product Control
System for Insect Mass Rearing
Total QA System for Insect Mass Rearing
II. Colony Establishment and Maintenance
Purposes for Rearing Insects Insect Mass Rearing Systems Specifications and Standards Options for Colonizing Insects Maintaining the Quality of Colonized Insects
Purposes for Rearing Insects
Red Palm Weevil Hoddle 2015
White witch, Thysania agrippina (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae
Black Soldier Fly Zhang 2015
Mass Rearing- Medfly Metapa, Mexico El Pino, Guatemala
Capacity billion sterile male pupae per week Scott Bauer
Mass Rearing- Medfly
Screwworm “Factories”
Mission, Texas Tuxtla Gutierrez, Mexico
Screwworm Rearing Processes
Screwworm Mass Rearing Tuxtla Gutierrez, Mexico
Develop QC for Mass Rearing Insects
1972- Behavioral aspects of mass rearing of insects, Entomophaga, Ernst Boller 1977- Quality control in mass rearing, Ann. Rev. Entomol. Derrell Chambers
Develop QC for Mass Rearing Insects
1976- XX International Congress of Entomology “Characterization and Evaluation of Insect Colonies” Boller, Chambers, Leppla 1977- Quality Control, an Idea Book for Fruit Fly Workers. Boller & Chambers (eds.) 1980 Established IOBC, WGQC (AMRQC)
Screwworm Mass Production
Pacora, Panama
Industrial Engineering
Pink Bollworm Mass Rearing
Phoenix, Arizona Stephanie Bloem
Pink Bollworm Automated
Diet Processing Stephanie Bloem
Aedes agypti Mass Rearing El Salvador
Specifications- Requirements for a product or service
Standards- The level of quality at which a specification is written
Options for Colonizing Insects Insect Rearing Professionals
Obtain appropriate biotypes Insect Rearing Professionals Google Group
Field Collecting Cabbage Loopers Trichoplusia ni
Continuous Improvement in Establishing Colonies
III. Maintaining the Quality of Colonized Insects
Standard operating procedures for mass rearing insects (SOPs) Consistent rearing Diagnose problems Strain modification Sam 2005
Mass Rearing Tamarixia radiata: Standard Operating Procedures
Purpose I. Facilities and Equipment II. Orange Jasmine Care III. Asian Citrus Psyllid Rearing IV. Tamarixia radiata Rearing V. Storage and Shipment Appendix (A) Pest Identification Appendix (B) Sample Log Worksheets Chris Kerr
Tritrophic Rearing System Tamarixia radiata SOPs
Chris Kerr
Mass Rearing System for Trichogramma maidis
Field collect target area Release colony Reared 1-3 gen. Lab insectary Constant temperature, RH Factitious host No plants Continuous colony Field Insectary Fluctuating temperature, RH ECB host Corn plants 3-4 meters to fly Stored, diapause, months Release parasitized eggs, target area
Consistent Rearing: Fall Armyworm Density
Bill Fisher
Changing Procedures: Mediterranean Fruit Fly
Soybean Looper vs. Cabbage Looper
Diagnose Problems
Strain Modification Maintain “natural” colony- Low productivity, high variability, expensive Select in insectary- High productivity, uniformity, consistency, bottlenecks Infuse from field- Short term recovery, hybridize? Hybridize insectary and field populations- Crosses, new strains Replace colony- New strain, adapt to insectary, low initial productivity
IV. Monitoring Quality Quality Control Criteria and Standardized Tests
Sampling for Consistent Quality Quality Control Versus Methods Improvement
Quality Control Criteria and Standardized Tests
Quantity- Number of required stage Rate of Development- Synchronization Viability- Emergence, sex ratio Size- Weight or measurements Fecundity- Oviposition and egg hatch Adult Behavior- Flight, longevity Field Performance- Achieve purpose
Tamarixia radiata Hind Tibia Length and Parasitism on Diphorina citri Nymphs
Anonymous, UF
Tamarixia radiata Hind Tibia Length
Minimum, maximum and mean hind tibia length of T. radiata that were developing on different Asian citrus psyllid host nymph instars 1, 2 Host instar Females Males Min Max x̄±SD (n) Third --- 0.16 0.21 0.20±0.02 (13) c Fourth 0.23 0.27 0.25±0.02 (6) b 0.24±0.02 (55) b Fifth 0.34 0.31±0.02 (75) a 0.33 0.29±0.02 (40) a 1 Comparison of means within a given instar were not significantly different between sexes (Tukey’s HSD, α =0.05). S:R and size effects Chris Kerr
Diaphorina citri Ratios
Tamarixia radiata and Diaphorina citri Ratios Chris Kerr
Level of Tamarixia radiata Parasitism on Diphorina citri
Chris Kerr
Level of Tamarixia radiata Parasitism on Diphorina citri
Level of parasitism Chris Kerr
Sampling for Consistent Quality
Count = Measurement = N Mean = Sum/Number of Counts = X Variance = Sum of (N – X)2 / n-1 = 2 Standard Deviation = Square Root of = SD
Number of Cabbage Looper Pupae Per Rearing Container
Shelf Container 1 2 3 4 5 6 175 157.6 17.4 302.76 190 191 180 142 167 9.4 88.36 176 144 -13.6 184.96 192 189 156 166 8.4 70.56 138 136 -21.6 466.56 174 181 Average 190.6 190.8 179.8 158.6 Sum of Squares 1,113.2 Variance 278.3 Standard Deviation 16.7 0.5 0.8 0.9 5.8 19.4 Shelf 1 is lowest
Quality Control Charts
Quality Assurance Actions Production and Process Control
Frequency of Actions Production and Process Control Routinely Periodically Have up-to-date standard operating procedures X Use check sheets to monitor rearing processes Record daily production data Track changes in production Review production with staff Improve product quality based on staff feedback Product Control Conduct product quality control assessments Have established minimum thresholds of quality Use standard shipping and handling procedures Customer Service Add customer feedback forms to shipments Add product use instructions to shipments Have an established customer service program Improve product quality based on customer feedback
V. Quality Control Versus Methods Improvement
Monitor indicator variables Evaluate multiple variables Troubleshoot using QC data Conduct evaluations rapidly Goal is to maintain stable production
V. Quality Control Versus Methods Improvement
Conduct evaluations methodically Test one variable at a time Use controlled experiments Test results in the production system Goal is to optimize production
Ephestia kuehniella Diets
RICH DIET (R) gr % Purina laboratory rat chow 930 9.68 Rolled oats (old-fashioned) 382 3.98 Toasted wheat germ 240 2.50 Brewer’s yeast 487 5.07 White cornmeal 2497 25.99 Whole wheat flour 2220 23.11 Honey 1500 15.62 Glycerin 1350 14.05 MEDIUM DIET (M) % Whole wheat flour 87 Glycerin 10 Brewer’s yeast 3 SIMPLE DIET (S) % Whole wheat flour 100 Yasaman Moghaddasi
E. kuehniella Pupal Weight & Egg Number
X Xx Pupal weight Egg number
E. kuehniella Egg Weight
VI. Periodic Review E. F. Knipling W. G. Eden
VII. Guidelines for Quality Systems
International Organization for Biological Control
Mission: to facilitate and advance cost-effective rearing of high quality insects and other arthropods in support of biological control and integrated pest management
Workshops of the IOBC, WGQC (AMRQC, MRQA)
1982 Gainesville, Florida E. F. Boller and D. L. Chambers 1984 Wadenswil, Switzerland E. F. Boller and D. L. Chambers 1986 Guatemala City, Guatemala C. 0. Calkins 1988 Vancouver, Canada C. 0. Calkins 1991 Wageningen, Netherlands F. Bigler and J. C. van Lenteren 1992 Horsholm, Denmark F. Bigler 1993 Rimini, Italy M. Benuzzi and N. C. Leppla 1995 Santa Barbara, California R. F. Luck and N. C. Leppla Cali, Colombia N. C. Leppla and T. R. Ashley Montpellier, France P. De Clercq, S. Grenier and NCL Montreal, Canada S. Grenier and C. S. Glenister Vienna, Austria P. De Clercq and T. A. Coudron Bangalore, India P. De Clercq and T. A. Coudron Merida, Mexico P. De Clercq and T. A. Coudron
IOBC, MRQA Guidelines and Proceedings
Publications Cohen 2015 Van Lenteren 2009 Schneider 2009 IOBC, MRQA Guidelines and Proceedings Morales-Ramos et al. 2013
Standardized Product Control Tests
Joop van Lenteren (2003), IOBC- Guidelines for quality control of commercially produced natural enemies, 30 species Rose Buitenhuis (2014), Grower guide to quality assurance of biocontrol products, 22 species Custom, develop your own, site-specific
Insect Rearing QC References
Leppla, N. C The basics of quality control for insect rearing. In Principles and Procedures for Rearing Quality Insects. Miss. State Univ. Schneider Leppla, N. C Guidelines for quality control of commercially produced natural enemies. In Quality Control and Production of Biological Control Agents, Theory and Testing Procedures. CABI. Van Lenteren Leppla, N. C Quality assurance for mass- reared parasitoids and predators. In Mass Production of Beneficial Organisms. Elsevier. Morales-Ramos, Rojas, and Shapiro-Ilan
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