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DNA to protein DNA, transcription, translation

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1 DNA to protein DNA, transcription, translation
Sequence Type 5' atg gac aca tag 3’ Sense (Non-template DNA) 3' tac ctg  tgt atc 5' Anti-sense (Template DNA) 5'aug gac aca uag3' RNA M     D     T           (Stop) Amino acid code Methionine, Aspartic acid, Threonine Amino acid sequence

2 DNA – an ideal genetic material
Faithful replication Information content Capable of change

3 DNA Five carbon sugar – deoxyribose Phosphate group One of four bases
Purines Five carbon sugar – deoxyribose Phosphate group One of four bases Pyrmidines

4 Nucleotide + Nucleotide + Nucleotide + ……
DNA: Polymerization Nucleotide + Nucleotide + Nucleotide + ……

5 Faithful replication Complementary base pairing and the double helix
Semi-conservative replication

6 Information content Met Leu Gly Asp Tyr Gly Phe Lys

7 Capable of change Mutations result from heritable changes in DNA sequence May affect transcription, translation, and phenotype Single nucleotide substitutions can have different consequences on phenotype Silent *** CTG GGA GAT TAT GGC TTT AAG*** *** CTG GGA GAT TAT GGC TTC AAG*** alignment Leu Gly Asp Tyr Gly Phe Lys Leu Gly Asp Tyr Gly Phe Lys translation Missense *** CTG GGA GAT TAT GGC TAT AAG*** alignment Leu Gly Asp Tyr Gly Tyr Lys translation Nonsense *** CTG GGA GAT TAG GGC TTT AAG*** alignment Leu Gly Asp Tyr Gly Phe Lys Leu Gly Asp STOP translation

8 DNA to RNA to protein

9 From gene to phenotype “Central dogma” DNA → RNA → protein DNA RNA
Other genes Pathways Environmental signals Protein

10 RNA Ribonucleic acid (RNA)
A key nucleic acid in transcription, translation, and regulation Like DNA except that: Usually single rather than double stranded Pentose sugar is ribose rather than deoxyribose It contains the pyrimidine base uracil (U) rather than thymine (T)     

11 Classes of RNA Informational (messenger): mRNA - Transcription
Functional (transfer, ribosomal RNA): tRNA, rRNA - Translation Regulatory (addressed later in the context of gene regulation)

12 Informational (messenger) - mRNA
Single-stranded RNA molecule complementary to one of the DNA strands of a gene Leaves nucleus; in cytoplasm translated into protein

13 Functional (transfer) - tRNA
Molecules that carry amino acids to the growing polypeptide: ~ 32 different kinds of tRNA in a typical eukaryotic cell Each the product of a separate gene ~ 80 nucleotides Double and single stranded regions Unpaired regions form loops

14 Functional (transfer) - tRNA
Each kind of tRNA carries (at its 3′ end) one of the 20 amino acids  At one loop, 3 unpaired bases form an anticodon Base pairing between the anticodon and the complementary codon on a mRNA molecule brings the correct amino acid into the growing polypeptide chain

15 Functional (ribosomal) - rRNA
The ribosome consists of RNA and protein Site of protein synthesis Translation of mRNA sequence

16 Transcription involves mRNA, tRNA
The template strand is also referred to as the antisense (or non-coding)  strand and the non-template strand as the sense (or coding) strand 

17 Transcription Initiation: start at promoter
Elongation: add ribonucleotides to 3’ end of developing mRNA Termination: end transcription at a termination signal Post-transcriptional processing: intron removal 5’cap, 3’ tail Export to cytoplasm for translation

18 Plant Gene Structure

19 Translation and The Code
64 codons; 61 represent amino acid codes and 3 cause the termination of protein synthesis (stop codons) Degeneracy: Most amino acids represented by >1 codon

20 Translation Messenger RNAs: mRNAs Ribosomes:
proteins + ribosomal RNA r:RNA Transfer RNAs: tRNAs + amino acids Polypeptide: amino acid sequence MDTVAAWPQFEEQDYMTVWPEEQEYRTVWSEPPKRRAGRIKLQETRH

21 Amino Acid Abbreviations

22 Proteins Primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structures

23 Summary of Transcription and Translation
Sequence Type 5' atg gac aca tag 3’ Sense (Non-template DNA) (decode replacing T with U ) 3' tac ctg  tgt atc 5' Anti-sense (Template DNA) 5'aug gac aca uag3' RNA (decode) M     D     T           Stop Amino acid code (See Table) Methionine, Aspartic acid, Threonine

24 Additional resources helpful for this review
DNA learning center at Cold Spring harbor Lab 3-D animation library: Recommended animations: DNA has four units; The Central dogma; Transcription (basic and advanced); Triplet code; RNA splicing; mRNA splicing; Translation (basic and advanced) Scitable (by natureEducation) Unit 5 What is DNA What does DNA do?

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