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(Discussion and Complete Worksheet - Firearms)

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1 (Discussion and Complete Worksheet - Firearms)
Thursday March 1, 2018 (Discussion and Complete Worksheet - Firearms)

2 The Daily CSI Thursday, 3/1/18 ??

3 Remediation for Quiz 12 ends tomorrow!
Announcements Remediation for Quiz 12 ends tomorrow!

4 Summative or Formative # Hold for eResearch Paper
Assignment Summative or Formative # Date Issued Gone Missing Day Last Day Accepted QUIZ 12 S3 2/26 Friday WS – Firearms F11 2/27 N/A Hold for eResearch Paper

5 Gun Shot Residue (GSR)

6 Gunshot Residue (GSR) GSR Sources: Victim Victim’s clothing Target
Shooter’s hands.

7 Gunshot Residue (GSR) Gunpowder Chemistry
Major detectable elements are: lead (Pb), barium (Ba) & antimony (Sb) Virtually all cartridge cases are made of brass (copper & zinc)

8 Griess Test Tests for the presence of nitrates (partially burned or unburned gunpowder) Swab of shooter’s hand Must produce a pattern for a distance determination

9 Results of GSR Hand Test
Negative results may be caused by: Washing the hands Shooter may have been wearing gloves Lead free ammunition A rifle or shotgun may not deposit GSR on hands



12 GSR on the hand of a suicide victim, proving he was holding the weapon when it was fired.

When a serial number is stamped into a gun, the metal underneath the number is compressed & hardened. If the number is filed-off, the hardened area may still be present. By using an acid solution the metal can be slowly eaten away. In this process the softer metal will be eaten away first and the number may reappear.

14 Before & After Historically, serial numbers are successfully restored 63% of the time on steel & 54% of the time for aluminum or zinc.

Make sure the weapon is unloaded! REVOLVERS Indicate location of fired & unfired ammunition AUTOMATICS Check magazine for number of rounds Fingerprint magazine Place ID tag on trigger guard

AMMUNITION Write on base or nose Package in pill box or envelope Wrap in tissue to protect

CLOTHING Protect & preserve any residue Air dry if wet Package separately in paper bags Establish CHAIN OF CUSTODY

18 Complete Worksheet Firearms

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