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MK. PSDA PENGELOLAAN DAN PANEN AIR HUJAN diabstraksikan oleh: soemarno, psdl.ppsub, juni 2013
HASIL-HASIL PENELITIAN Teknologi Panen Air Hujan
Diunduh dari: ………… 18/1/2013 Rainwater harvesting for human consumption and livelihood improvement in rural Nepal: benefits and risks Laia Domènech 1,*, Han Heijnen 2, David Saurí Water and Environment Journal. Volume 26, Issue 4, pages 465–472, December 2012Volume 26, Issue 4, Use of rooftop rainwater as a source of drinking water in developing countries is increasing. However, scepticism about the potential of this source and the associated health risks is still prevalent among water planners. A free listing and a household survey among 120 households was conducted in the hills of Nepal to examine the performance of rainwater harvesting systems. Users perceive few health risks and in contrast, reported a wide range of benefits, including health benefits associated with the consumption of rainwater. Water quality testing results generally demonstrate good water quality but confirm that appropriate operation and maintenance practices are critical to ensure the collection of good quality water. Deficiencies in technical design and construction, lack of awareness, no market for spare parts and the inability of vulnerable households to maintain the system pose a risk to the collection and storage of safe water and to the long-lasting performance of the systems.
Diunduh dari:………… 18/1/2013 Cost-efficiency of rainwater harvesting strategies in dense Mediterranean neighbourhoods R. Farreny, X. Gabarrell, J. Rieradevall Resources, Conservation and Recycling. Volume 55, Issue 7, May 2011, Pages 686–694Volume 55, Issue 7 Rainwater harvesting (RWH) presents many benefits for urban sustainability and it is emerging as a key strategy in order to cope with water scarcity in cities. However, there is still a lack of knowledge regarding the most adequate scale in financial terms for RWH infrastructures particularly in dense areas. The aim of this research is to answer this question by analysing the cost-efficiency of several RWH strategies in urban environments. The research is based on a case study consisting of a neighbourhood of dense social housing (600 inhabitants/ha) with multi-storey buildings. The neighbourhood is located in the city of Granollers (Spain), which has a Mediterranean climate (average rainfall 650 mm/year). Four strategies are defined according to the spatial scale of implementation and the moment of RWH infrastructure construction (building/neighbourhood scale and retrofit action vs. new construction). Two scenarios of water prices have been considered (current water prices and future increased water prices under the EU Water Framework Directive). In order to evaluate the cost- efficiency of these strategies, the necessary rainwater conveyance, storage and distribution systems have been designed and assessed in economic terms through the Net Present Value within a Life Cycle Costing approach. The pipe water price that makes RWH cost-efficient for each strategy has been obtained, ranging from 1.86 to 6.42/m 3. The results indicate that RWH strategies in dense urban areas under Mediterranean conditions appear to be economically advantageous only if carried out at the appropriate scale in order to enable economies of scale, and considering the expected evolution of water prices. However, not all strategies are considered cost- efficient. Thus, it is necessary to choose the appropriate scale for rainwater infrastructures in order to make them economically feasible.
Diunduh dari:………… 18/1/2013 Cost-efficiency of rainwater harvesting strategies in dense Mediterranean neighbourhoods R. Farreny, X. Gabarrell, J. Rieradevall Resources, Conservation and Recycling. Volume 55, Issue 7, May 2011, Pages 686–694Volume 55, Issue 7 Methodology for the design of infrastructures and calculation of performance of indicators.
Diunduh dari:………… 18/1/2013 Cost-efficiency of rainwater harvesting strategies in dense Mediterranean neighbourhoods R. Farreny, X. Gabarrell, J. Rieradevall Resources, Conservation and Recycling. Volume 55, Issue 7, May 2011, Pages 686–694Volume 55, Issue 7 NPV (Net Present Value) function depending on the pipe water price. The minimum water price that entails positive NPV is shown.
Diunduh dari:………… 18/1/2013 Roof-harvested rainwater for potable purposes: Application of solar collector disinfection (SOCO-DIS) M.T. Amin, M.Y. Han Water Research. Volume 43, Issue 20, December 2009, Pages 5225–5235Volume 43, Issue 20 The efficiency of solar disinfection (SODIS), recommended by the World Health Organization, has been determined for rainwater disinfection, and potential benefits and limitations discussed. The limitations of SODIS have now been overcome by the use of solar collector disinfection (SOCO-DIS), for potential use of rainwater as a small-scale potable water supply, especially in developing countries. Rainwater samples collected from the underground storage tanks of a rooftop rainwater harvesting (RWH) system were exposed to different conditions of sunlight radiation in 2-L polyethylene terephthalate bottles in a solar collector with rectangular base and reflective open wings. Total and fecal coliforms were used, together with Escherichia coli and heterotrophic plate counts, as basic microbial and indicator organisms of water quality for disinfection efficiency evaluation. In the SOCO-DIS system, disinfection improved by 20–30% compared with the SODIS system, and rainwater was fully disinfected even under moderate weather conditions, due to the effects of concentrated sunlight radiation and the synergistic effects of thermal and optical inactivation. The SOCO-DIS system was optimized based on the collector configuration and the reflective base: an inclined position led to an increased disinfection efficiency of 10–15%. Microbial inactivation increased by 10–20% simply by reducing the initial pH value of the rainwater to 5. High turbidities also affected the SOCO- DIS system; the disinfection efficiency decreased by 10–15%, which indicated that rainwater needed to be filtered before treatment. The problem of microbial regrowth was significantly reduced in the SOCO-DIS system compared with the SODIS system because of residual sunlight effects. Only total coliform regrowth was detected at higher turbidities. The SOCO-DIS system was ineffective only under poor weather conditions, when longer exposure times or other practical means of reducing the pH were required for the treatment of stored rainwater for potable purposes.
Diunduh dari:………… 18/1/2013 Roof-harvested rainwater for potable purposes: Application of solar collector disinfection (SOCO-DIS) M.T. Amin, M.Y. Han Water Research. Volume 43, Issue 20, December 2009, Pages 5225–5235Volume 43, Issue 20 Schematic diagram of Rooftop RWH system.
Diunduh dari:………… 18/1/2013 Roof-harvested rainwater for potable purposes: Application of solar collector disinfection (SOCO-DIS) M.T. Amin, M.Y. Han Water Research. Volume 43, Issue 20, December 2009, Pages 5225–5235Volume 43, Issue 20 Irradiance changes with exposure time under different weather conditions.
Diunduh dari:………… 18/1/2013 Roof-harvested rainwater for potable purposes: Application of solar collector disinfection (SOCO-DIS) M.T. Amin, M.Y. Han Water Research. Volume 43, Issue 20, December 2009, Pages 5225–5235Volume 43, Issue 20 Water temperature comparison between SODIS and SOCO-DIS system under different weather conditions.
Diunduh dari:………… 18/1/2013 Roof-harvested rainwater for potable purposes: Application of solar collector disinfection (SOCO-DIS) M.T. Amin, M.Y. Han Water Research. Volume 43, Issue 20, December 2009, Pages 5225–5235Volume 43, Issue 20 Microbial inactivation with different base surfaces of solar collector with low turbidity (5NTU) and neutral pH values under moderate weather conditions.
Diunduh dari:………… 18/1/2013 Roof-harvested rainwater for potable purposes: Application of solar collector disinfection (SOCO-DIS) M.T. Amin, M.Y. Han Water Research. Volume 43, Issue 20, December 2009, Pages 5225–5235Volume 43, Issue 20 Microbial inactivation in SOCO-DIS system under different weather conditions with low turbidity (5NTU) and neutral pH values.
Diunduh dari:………… 18/1/2013 Roof-harvested rainwater for potable purposes: Application of solar collector disinfection (SOCO-DIS) M.T. Amin, M.Y. Han Water Research. Volume 43, Issue 20, December 2009, Pages 5225–5235Volume 43, Issue 20 Effects of different initial pH values on microbial inactivation with time for low turbidity (5NTU) rainwater under moderate weather conditions.
Diunduh dari:………… 18/1/2013 Roof-harvested rainwater for potable purposes: Application of solar collector disinfection (SOCO-DIS) M.T. Amin, M.Y. Han Water Research. Volume 43, Issue 20, December 2009, Pages 5225–5235Volume 43, Issue 20 Effects of different initial turbidity values on microbial inactivation with time for neutral pH rainwater under weak weather conditions.
Diunduh dari:………… 18/1/2013 Roof-harvested rainwater for potable purposes: Application of solar collector disinfection (SOCO-DIS) M.T. Amin, M.Y. Han Water Research. Volume 43, Issue 20, December 2009, Pages 5225–5235Volume 43, Issue 20 Microbial re-growths for different initial; (a) pH values under moderate sunlight with low turbidity (5NTU), and (b) turbidity values under weak sunlight with neutral pH.
Diunduh dari: ………… 18/1/2013. Non-dimensional design parameters and performance assessment of rainwater harvesting systems A. Palla, I. Gnecco, L.G. Lanza Journal of Hydrology. Volume 401, Issues 1–2, 20 April 2011, Pages 65–76Volume 401, Issues 1–2 The use of non-dimensional parameters is proposed in this study to investigate optimum performance of rainwater harvesting systems. A suitable behavioral model is implemented to assess the inflow, outflow and change in storage volume of a rainwater harvesting system according to a daily mass balance equation under historical precipitation observations. The model determines the water-saving efficiency, overflow ratio and detention time. These are interpreted as a measure of the system performance over the long-term simulation period. Performance is examined under various scenarios in terms of environmental conditions that are typical of the Italian territory (3 precipitation regimes and 3 levels of water demand) and system characteristics (10 storage capacity levels). Optimum sizing of the rainwater harvesting system is investigated as a function of two non-dimensional parameters: the demand fraction and the storage fraction. The demand fraction is shown to affect significantly the water-saving efficiency and overflow ratio, while the storage fraction controls the detention time thus influencing the water quality degradation within the system. Sensitivity analysis is carried out to investigate the influence of the length of the time series climate records on the reliability of the selected performance indices. Results demonstrate that 30 years of daily rainfall records are sufficient to allow suitable assessment of the system performance. Optimum system design based on the medium demand fraction and the low storage fraction determines system performance that appears almost independent on the three precipitation regimes investigated.
Diunduh dari: ………… 18/1/2013. Non-dimensional design parameters and performance assessment of rainwater harvesting systems A. Palla, I. Gnecco, L.G. Lanza Journal of Hydrology. Volume 401, Issues 1–2, 20 April 2011, Pages 65–76Volume 401, Issues 1–2 Configuration of the rainwater harvesting system used for the behavior analysis model. R t is the rainfall, Q t the inflow, V t the stored volume, Y t the rainwater supply, D t the water demand, M t the main supply, O t the overflow, S the tank capacity and S min the minimum technical capacity.
Diunduh dari: ………… 18/1/2013. Non-dimensional design parameters and performance assessment of rainwater harvesting systems A. Palla, I. Gnecco, L.G. Lanza Journal of Hydrology. Volume 401, Issues 1–2, 20 April 2011, Pages 65–76Volume 401, Issues 1–2. Mean values of monthly rainfall depth and the corresponding standard deviation values for the precipitation time series of Genoa, Florence and Catania.
Diunduh dari: ………… 18/1/2013. Non-dimensional design parameters and performance assessment of rainwater harvesting systems A. Palla, I. Gnecco, L.G. Lanza Journal of Hydrology. Volume 401, Issues 1–2, 20 April 2011, Pages 65–76Volume 401, Issues 1–2 Frequency distribution (fd) and the corresponding Cumulative Frequency Distribution (CFD) of the Antecedent Dry Weather Period (ADWP), the rainfall event depth (H) and duration (dur) for the precipitation time series of Genoa, Florence and Catania.
Diunduh dari: ………… 18/1/2013. Non-dimensional design parameters and performance assessment of rainwater harvesting systems A. Palla, I. Gnecco, L.G. Lanza Journal of Hydrology. Volume 401, Issues 1–2, 20 April 2011, Pages 65–76Volume 401, Issues 1–2 Total efficiency vs. the storage fraction for the precipitation time series of Genoa, Florence and Catania with respect to three water demand fractions (high, medium and low).
Diunduh dari: ………… 18/1/2013. Non-dimensional design parameters and performance assessment of rainwater harvesting systems A. Palla, I. Gnecco, L.G. Lanza Journal of Hydrology. Volume 401, Issues 1–2, 20 April 2011, Pages 65–76Volume 401, Issues 1–2 Total overflow vs. the storage fraction for the precipitation time series of Genoa, Florence and Catania with respect to three water demand fractions (high, medium and low).
Diunduh dari: ………… 18/1/2013. Non-dimensional design parameters and performance assessment of rainwater harvesting systems A. Palla, I. Gnecco, L.G. Lanza Journal of Hydrology. Volume 401, Issues 1–2, 20 April 2011, Pages 65–76Volume 401, Issues 1–2 The 50th, 75th and 90th percentiles of the detention time as a function of the storage fraction for Genoa (gray dots), Florence (white dots) and Catania (black dots). Regression curves corresponding to the 50th, 75th and 90th percentiles are also reported. Note that detention time values correspond at the medium demand fraction scenario.
Diunduh dari: ………… 18/1/2013. Non-dimensional design parameters and performance assessment of rainwater harvesting systems A. Palla, I. Gnecco, L.G. Lanza Journal of Hydrology. Volume 401, Issues 1–2, 20 April 2011, Pages 65–76Volume 401, Issues 1–2 Mean and standard deviation values of the annual efficiency vs. the storage fraction with respect to three water demand fractions (high, medium and low) for the reference time series of Genoa and Florence.
Diunduh dari: ………… 18/1/2013. Non-dimensional design parameters and performance assessment of rainwater harvesting systems A. Palla, I. Gnecco, L.G. Lanza Journal of Hydrology. Volume 401, Issues 1–2, 20 April 2011, Pages 65–76Volume 401, Issues 1–2. Non-parametric distribution of the monthly efficiency and overflow ratio corresponding to the medium demand fraction and the low storage fraction for the precipitation time series of Genoa, Florence and Catania.
Diunduh dari: ………… 18/1/2013. Silver disinfection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and E. coli in rooftop harvested rainwater for potable purposes M. Nawaz, M.Y. Han, Tschung-il Kim, U. Manzoor,M.T. Amin Science of The Total Environment. Volume 431, 1 August 2012, Pages 20–25Volume 431 Rainwater harvesting being an alternate source in water scarce areas is becoming a common practice. Catchment contact, however, deteriorates the quality of rainwater making it unfit for potable purposes. To improve the quality of harvested rainwater, silver was used as antimicrobial agent in this study. Rainwater samples were taken from underground storage tank of a rooftop rainwater harvesting system installed in one of the buildings at Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea. The target microorganisms (MOs) were Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli which were measured by using plate count method and standard MPN method, respectively. The efficiency of silver disinfection was evaluated at concentrations, ranging from 0.01 to 0.1 mg/l; the safe limit approved by WHO. The experiments were performed for 168 h with different time intervals to evaluate the parameters including inactivation rate, residual effect of silver and re-growth in both MOs at lower (i.e. 0.01–0.04 mg/l) as well as the higher concentrations of silver (i.e. 0.08–0.1 mg/l). Results showed the re-growth in both MOs was only in the case of lower concentrations of silver. The possible reason of re-growth at these concentrations of silver may be the halting of bacterial cell replication process for some time without permanent damage. The kinetics of this study suggest that higher inactivation and long term residual effect towards both MOs can be achieved with the application of silver at 0.08 mg/l or higher under safe limit.
Diunduh dari: ………… 18/1/2013. Silver disinfection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and E. coli in rooftop harvested rainwater for potable purposes M. Nawaz, M.Y. Han, Tschung-il Kim, U. Manzoor,M.T. Amin Science of The Total Environment. Volume 431, 1 August 2012, Pages 20–25Volume 431 Schematic diagram of RWH system at the campus.
Diunduh dari: ………… 18/1/2013. Silver disinfection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and E. coli in rooftop harvested rainwater for potable purposes M. Nawaz, M.Y. Han, Tschung-il Kim, U. Manzoor,M.T. Amin Science of The Total Environment. Volume 431, 1 August 2012, Pages 20–25Volume 431 Inactivation of P. aeruginosa at different concentrations of silver (a) for the first 14 h, (b) re-growth at lower concentrations of silver after 14 h. The inset of (b) is the same graph with zoomed y-axis to show the re-growth of P. aeruginosa.
Diunduh dari: ………… 18/1/2013. Silver disinfection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and E. coli in rooftop harvested rainwater for potable purposes M. Nawaz, M.Y. Han, Tschung-il Kim, U. Manzoor,M.T. Amin Science of The Total Environment. Volume 431, 1 August 2012, Pages 20–25Volume 431 Different modes of action of silver with bacterial cell.
Diunduh dari: ………… 18/1/2013. Silver disinfection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and E. coli in rooftop harvested rainwater for potable purposes M. Nawaz, M.Y. Han, Tschung-il Kim, U. Manzoor,M.T. Amin Science of The Total Environment. Volume 431, 1 August 2012, Pages 20–25Volume 431 Inactivation of E. coli at different concentrations of silver (a) for the first 24 h, (b) re-growth at lower concentrations of silver after 24 h. The inset of (b) is the same graph with zoomed y-axis to show the re-growth of E. coli.
Diunduh dari: ………… 18/1/2013. Silver disinfection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and E. coli in rooftop harvested rainwater for potable purposes M. Nawaz, M.Y. Han, Tschung-il Kim, U. Manzoor,M.T. Amin Science of The Total Environment. Volume 431, 1 August 2012, Pages 20–25Volume 431. Graphical representation of (a) P. aeruginosa, (b) E. coli log inactivation with respect to time (experimental vs. calculated results).
Diunduh dari:………… 18/1/2013. The application of an analytical probabilistic model for estimating the rainfall–runoff reductions achieved using a rainwater harvesting system Hyoungjun Kim, Mooyoung Han, Ju Young Lee Science of The Total Environment. Volume 424, 1 May 2012, Pages 213–218Volume 424 Rainwater harvesting systems cannot only supplement on-site water needs, but also reduce water runoff and lessen downstream flooding. In this study, an existing analytic model for estimating the runoff in urban areas is modified to provide a more economical and effective model that can be used for describing rainwater harvesting. This model calculates the rainfall–runoff reduction by taking into account the catchment, storage tank, and infiltration facility of a water harvesting system; this calculation is based on the water balance equation, and the cumulative distribution, probability density, and average rainfall–runoff functions. This model was applied to a water harvesting system at the Seoul National University in order to verify its practicality. The derived model was useful for evaluating runoff reduction and for designing the storage tank capacity.
Diunduh dari:………… 18/1/2013. The application of an analytical probabilistic model for estimating the rainfall–runoff reductions achieved using a rainwater harvesting system Hyoungjun Kim, Mooyoung Han, Ju Young Lee Science of The Total Environment. Volume 424, 1 May 2012, Pages 213–218Volume 424 The schematic diagram of a rainwater harvesting system.
Diunduh dari:………… 18/1/2013 The application of an analytical probabilistic model for estimating the rainfall–runoff reductions achieved using a rainwater harvesting system Hyoungjun Kim, Mooyoung Han, Ju Young Lee Science of The Total Environment. Volume 424, 1 May 2012, Pages 213–218Volume 424 The schematic diagram illustrating the rainfall–runoff processes in a catchment.
Diunduh dari:………… 18/1/2013. The application of an analytical probabilistic model for estimating the rainfall–runoff reductions achieved using a rainwater harvesting system Hyoungjun Kim, Mooyoung Han, Ju Young Lee Science of The Total Environment. Volume 424, 1 May 2012, Pages 213–218Volume 424 Water flow in the storage tank.
Diunduh dari:………… 18/1/2013. The application of an analytical probabilistic model for estimating the rainfall–runoff reductions achieved using a rainwater harvesting system Hyoungjun Kim, Mooyoung Han, Ju Young Lee Science of The Total Environment. Volume 424, 1 May 2012, Pages 213–218Volume 424 Water flow in the infiltration system.
Diunduh dari:………… 18/1/2013. The application of an analytical probabilistic model for estimating the rainfall–runoff reductions achieved using a rainwater harvesting system Hyoungjun Kim, Mooyoung Han, Ju Young Lee Science of The Total Environment. Volume 424, 1 May 2012, Pages 213–218Volume 424 The effect of storage tank volume on rainfall–runoff reductions in a rainwater harvesting system.
Diunduh dari:………… 18/1/2013. The application of an analytical probabilistic model for estimating the rainfall–runoff reductions achieved using a rainwater harvesting system Hyoungjun Kim, Mooyoung Han, Ju Young Lee Science of The Total Environment. Volume 424, 1 May 2012, Pages 213–218Volume 424 The average runoff depending on the storage tank volume of a rainwater harvesting system.
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