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Daily Language TCAP Review.

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1 Daily Language TCAP Review

2 Use your dry erase boards to write the sentences on the next 3 slides correctly. Each slide has 7 errors.

3 Correct Me the atoka elementary choir won the First place trophy at the competition held on tuesday may 16.

4 Does Yours Look Like This?
The Atoka Elementary choir won the first place trophy at the competition held on Tuesday, May 16.

5 Correct Me at the farmers market their selling apples corn and tomatoes every saturday morning

6 Does Yours Look Like This?
At the farmer’s market they’re selling apples, corn, and tomatoes every Saturday morning.

7 Correct Me The author writes childrens’ books for kids that enjoy foxs fishes, sheeps and duckes.

8 Does Yours Look Like This?
The author writes children's books for kids that enjoy foxes, fish, sheep, and ducks.

9 Identify my parts! On the next several slides, you will see the same sentences over and over! At the top, you will see the part of speech that I want you to write on your dry erase board. You will have 30 seconds to identify it. Write only that word on your board.

10 The crazy children ran wildly around Mrs. Wickham’s room!
Simple Subject The crazy children ran wildly around Mrs. Wickham’s room!

11 Children

12 The crazy children ran wildly around Mrs. Wickham’s room!
Simple Predicate The crazy children ran wildly around Mrs. Wickham’s room!

13 Ran

14 The crazy children ran wildly around Mrs. Wickham’s room!
Adjective The crazy children ran wildly around Mrs. Wickham’s room!

15 Crazy

16 The crazy children ran wildly around Mrs. Wickham’s room!
Possessive Noun The crazy children ran wildly around Mrs. Wickham’s room!

17 Mrs. Wickham’s

18 The crazy children ran wildly around Mrs. Wickham’s room!
Article The crazy children ran wildly around Mrs. Wickham’s room!

19 The

20 What kind of sentence is this?
Please bring me your test

21 Imperative

22 Simple Subject At the beginning of the year, our teacher, Mr. Smith, explained the amazing process of metamorphosis!

23 Teacher

24 Simple Predicate At the beginning of the year, our teacher, Mr. Smith, explained the amazing process of metamorphosis!

25 Explained

26 Proper Noun At the beginning of the year, our teacher, Mr. Smith, explained the amazing process of metamorphosis!

27 Mr. Smith

28 Pronoun At the beginning of the year, our teacher, Mr. Smith, explained the amazing process of metamorphosis!

29 our

30 Adjective At the beginning of the year, our teacher, Mr. Smith, explained the amazing process of metamorphosis!

31 Amazing

32 What kind of sentence is this?
Wow, that’s amazing

33 Exclamatory

34 What kind of sentence is this?
Aren’t you going to the movies with Susan

35 Interrogative

36 During the movie, the sweet baby cried and screamed constantly.
Simple Subject During the movie, the sweet baby cried and screamed constantly.

37 Baby

38 During the movie, the sweet baby cried and screamed constantly.
Simple Predicate During the movie, the sweet baby cried and screamed constantly.

39 Cried screamed

40 During the movie, the sweet baby cried and screamed constantly.
Adjective During the movie, the sweet baby cried and screamed constantly.

41 Sweet

42 During the movie, the sweet baby cried and screamed constantly.
What kind of sentence During the movie, the sweet baby cried and screamed constantly.

43 Declarative

44 During the movie, the sweet baby cried and screamed constantly.
Article During the movie, the sweet baby cried and screamed constantly.

45 The

46 Billy and Bob shared several test questions with each other.
Simple Subject Billy and Bob shared several test questions with each other.

47 Billy Bob

48 Billy and Bob shared several test questions with each other.
Simple predicate Billy and Bob shared several test questions with each other.

49 Shared

50 Billy and Bob shared several questions with each other.
Adjectives Billy and Bob shared several questions with each other.

51 Several

52 The boy and his dog like to play near the stream.
Singular Nouns The boy and his dog like to play near the stream.

53 boy dog stream

54 At the snack cart, they sell cookies, crackers, and fruit snacks.
Plural Nouns At the snack cart, they sell cookies, crackers, and fruit snacks.

55 cookies crackers fruit snacks

56 Thank you for watching!

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