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Value for Money Statement (VFM)

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Presentation on theme: "Value for Money Statement (VFM)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Value for Money Statement (VFM)
Value for Money Statement (VFM) ‘VFM driven by board, delivered by everyone.’

2 How we did 13 Fully achieved 16 VFM aspirations 3 Partially achieved

3 Our achievements 136 new homes built in 2018 £12m investment in homes
Digital self-service Greater customer feedback Introduction of Customer Hub 85% of staff engaged Coaching Low gender pay gap Data integrity project

4 Cash savings Achieved £1.025m

5 Westward’s economic impact
Value of our homes £347m Value of our jobs £8.75m Value of our contracts £29m p.a. Social value of our services £25m p.a.

6 Cost per home £3,281 South West Average 2017-18 £3,157 Westward
Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) data

7 How each £1 of rent was spent
£3,281 South West Average £3,157 Westward Average

8 Provide places where people want to live
Strategic objective 1 Replacement lifecycles for kitchens, bathrooms etc remain at same level despite 4 years of 1% rent cuts Asset Management £12m invested

9 £2.6m savings on home improvements
Saved in 6 years membership of Advantage South West

10 Energy efficiency 96.5% of our homes have a minimum SAP
rating of 55

11 Repairs Repairs completed (ave. time) * 9.5 days 3 Repairs efficiency
Westward How we did (1 – 4 scale where 1 is top) Repairs completed (ave. time) * 9.5 days 3 * We carry out repairs when it is convenient to our customers

12 Repairs Outcomes delivered Westward Similar housing organisations
Customer satisfaction 89% Repairs 92% Quality 85% Ratio of Responsive Repairs to Planned Maintenance 60% 40%

13 Making every home count
Housemark comparison Westward How we did (1 – 4 scale where 1 is top) Re-let time 21.5 days 3 More homes for families in need Reducing rent loss

14 Customer service 93% satisfied with the quality of their home
89% satisfied with their neighbourhood as a place to live

15 Customer Hub introduced
£220k saving 89% of queries resolved at first point of contact 96% complaints resolved and closed at stage one

16 Engaging with customers
The Customer Senate 200 independent monthly surveys Customer survey online with a new question every month

17 Customer incentive scheme results
1,460 customers with a digital self-service MyAccount 2,777 customers paying by direct debit

18 Gauges customer loyalty
Customer service 41.7 Net Promoter Score Gauges customer loyalty Example comparison: Waitrose scored 46 in July 2018

19 Develop and invest in homes and services
Strategic objective 2 Every affordable home built means 3 jobs in the local area Every £1 of public investment is matched with £6 from Westward

20 Development of new homes
305 new homes built since 2017 1.89% more new homes provided

21 23 shared ownership and 12 commercial homes created
Commercial activity enabled £1.1m Gift Aid to be reinvested in our homes and services 23 shared ownership and 12 commercial homes created 35 homes built

22 Provide a great place for our staff to work
Strategic objective 3 342 people work at Westward 93% clearly know our core purpose Staff structure reviews saved £283k

23 Our people £173k invested in staff training
£54k savings from improved sickness absence (2.3 days p.a.)

24 Maintain our financial strength and deliver great value through efficiency and innovation
Strategic objective 4 £9.5m Surplus Above budget and the forecast result Reinvested in homes and services Turnover £44.3m

25 Similar housing organisations
Income management Operating efficiency Westward Similar housing organisations (group of 8) Rent collected 100%

26 Targets for 2020 Targets by No. of new homes to be built Investment in existing stock £25m £50m Net Promoter Score Complaints resolved and closed (stage 1) 97% 99% No. of households supported out of debt per year

27 Our ambitions for the future
We will continue to invest in our homes and people to make sure that Westward is around for future generations and can continue to meet customer needs.

28 To read the full VFM statement:
We welcome any feedback or queries on our approach to VFM or our over-arching strategy To read the full VFM statement:

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