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Welcome to 9th Grade, Parents!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 9th Grade, Parents!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 9th Grade, Parents!
Mr. Butler and Mrs. B are here to help your student transition to high school and develop socially, emotionally, and academically.

2 9th Grade IS NOT 8th Grade Famous Quotes “I never had to study before”
“I don’t really need to study” “College is so far away, I don’t have to think about it yet” “My teacher won’t help me.” “I’ll do it later” “I don’t have any homework” or “I already did my homework” “This really counts??” “They won’t make me repeat this class next year.”

3 HAC and Communicating with Teachers
HAC – Constant Communication (indirect) with parents – up to the minute classwork information X = student was exempt from the assignment Z = student was absent/did not turn in assignment, but can still make it up; weight=0. 0 = student earned a 0 on the assignment “Why hasn’t the teacher called me?” is often the best start to communication, however, teachers may be limited in the info they can provide Sometimes, the more teachers know, the more they can help!

4 What is this LunchPlus? Two 30 minute periods (A Lunch and B Lunch)
Expectation: 1 Lunch spent with a teacher/working on classwork/making up assignments/studying/remediation Most teachers will allow retake opportunities- it’s the student’s responsibility to abide by retake policy of teacher 1 Lunch spent eating lunch/recreation (plenty of clubs/organizations to get your student involved)

5 Managing High School Academics
Time management Help your student maintain a calendar Require your student to write down assignments, test dates, project dates, etc. in Agenda Collaborate on daily, weekly, and monthly to-do list items Help your student develop better habits Encourage/require lunch remediation/support Counselor can help with monitoring grades/assignments (weekly check in).

6 Issue Where to turn Concern about grade/assignment/policy
/call Teacher directly Grade Concern with multiple classes Contact Counselor to set up a PTC Concern with a student’s well being in community/on social media Call Parent, DSS (if emergency, CALL POLICE!) Absent for multiple days Contact counselor to notify staff and request work; Provide Notes! Difficulty with material/falling grades See teacher(s) during A or B lunch Lost access to HAC (login reset) Visit Main Office – Mrs. Leadbeter (ID) Self or others being bullied See Administrator, Counselor, or Safety Advocate

7 Sample Transcript

8 Other Important Items School Shelf World Language Requirement
World Language Requirement AP Courses Career Center Remind 101

9 Names You Should Know  Mr. Williams – Principal of NHS
Mr. Butler – 2021 Vice Principal Mrs. Buffenbarger (Mrs. B) – 2021 Counselor Mrs. Vojtech – School Nurse Mrs. Loveless – Attendance (notes!) Mrs. Leadbeter – Front Office / HAC Contact Mrs. Lisko – Guidance Secretary Mrs. Martin – Registrar/Service Learning Coordinator Mr. Carpenter – VP in charge of 504s Corp. Jay Johnson – School Safety Liaison Mrs. Constantino and Mr. Seibert – Safety Advocates

10 What Can Parents do to Support Social Growth?
Provide reasonable limits but don’t be afraid to enforce rules Meet your student’s friends and parents TALK with your student and don’t accept NO for an answer Continue to encourage your student to set their own morals/ethics and boundaries Discuss concept of healthy relationships with your student Monitor any changes in your student’s behaviors Remember and remind your child that every student is not going to love every teacher…and that’s ok.

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