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“The Open Window” How does Framton describe Vera at the beginning of the story? She’s a very “self-possessed young lady of fifteen.” What motivates Vera.

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Presentation on theme: "“The Open Window” How does Framton describe Vera at the beginning of the story? She’s a very “self-possessed young lady of fifteen.” What motivates Vera."— Presentation transcript:

1 “The Open Window” How does Framton describe Vera at the beginning of the story? She’s a very “self-possessed young lady of fifteen.” What motivates Vera to create conflict where none exists? Do you think she is happy with the results? She is bitter that she is being introduced to this guy. She resents the idea that she has to be nice to people just because they’re guests. She is likely very pleased with the results. The final sentence is pretty telling about this.

2 “Romance at short notice was her specialty.”
“The Open Window” “Romance at short notice was her specialty.” In this case, it does not mean romance as in love, but it refers to a story that has adventurous, mysterious, or heroic characters and plot.

3 “The Open Window” Define dramatic irony.
Dramatic irony is when the audience knows something that the characters do not. What do we know about Vera at the end of the story that Framton does not? How would our description of her differ from Framton’s? We know that the story of Mr. Sappleton is made up and that he didn’t see a ghost like he thought. We know that she is a liar, liar pants on fire while Framton likely thinks of her as he did in the beginning—a self-possessed young lady.

4 “The Open Window” This story is told in third person omniscient. What would happen if the point of view changed? How might the story be different if Framton were the narrator? We would hear more about his thoughts and fears. We get some of what he thinks here and there, but when he runs off, that’s when we don’t “hear” anything from him again. We would never understand Vera’s motivation or Mrs. Sappleton’s opinion of him.

5 Adjectives: Unit 3 Cherubic
Resembling an angel portrayed as a little child with a beautiful, round, or chubby face; sweet and innocent Synonyms: Beatific Antonyms: impish, devilish, diabolic, fiendish

6 Adjectives: Unit 3 Eminent
Famous, outstanding, distinguished; projecting. Synonyms: illustrious, renowned Antonyms: nameless, unsung, lowly, humble

7 Adjectives: Unit 3 Irate Angry Synonyms: Incensed, infuriated, livid
Antonyms: Calm, composed, cool, unruffled

8 Adjectives: Unit 3 Trite Commonplace; overused, stale
Synonyms: Banal, hackneyed, corny Antonyms: Original, innovative

9 Verbs: Unit 3 Abridge Travel by air abridges the time needed to reach far distant places. To make shorter

10 Verbs: Unit 3 Abridge Travel by air abridges the time needed to reach far distant places. Synonyms: Shorten, condense, abbreviate Antonyms: Expand, enlarge, augment

11 Verbs: Unit 3 Condone Our parents have always made it crystal clear to us that they do not condone rude behavior. To pardon or overlook

12 Verbs: Unit 3 Condone Our parents have always made it crystal clear to us that they do not condone rude behavior. Synonyms: Ignore, wink at, look the other way Antonyms: censure, condemn, disapprove, deprecate

13 Verbs: Unit 3 Dissent Justices have an option to dissent from a ruling issued by a majority of the Supreme Court To disagree

14 Verbs: Unit 3 Dissent Justices have an option to dissent from a ruling issued by a majority of the Supreme Court Synonyms: differ, dispute Antonyms: agree, concur

15 Verbs: Unit 3 Exorcise We must do all we can to exorcise the evils of hatred and prejudice from our society. To drive out by magic; to dispose of something troublesome, menacing, or oppressive

16 Verbs: Unit 3 Exorcise We must do all we can to exorcise the evils of hatred and prejudice from our society. Synonym: Expel

17 Verbs: Unit 3 Fabricate Threads from the cocoons of caterpillars called silkworms are used to fabricate silk. To make, manufacture; to make up, invent

18 Verbs: Unit 3 Fabricate Threads from the cocoons of caterpillars called silkworms are used to fabricate silk. Synonyms: To put together, devise, contrive, concoct Antonyms: Take apart, undo, destroy, demolish

19 Create Your Own Sentences
Write four sentences, one for each of the following verbs: Pilfer Surmount Terminate Usurp Sentence starter: We must do all we can to …

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