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AMSAT-NA FOX Satellite Program Review, Status, and Future JERRY BUXTON, NØJY AMSAT VP-ENGINEERING.

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Presentation on theme: "AMSAT-NA FOX Satellite Program Review, Status, and Future JERRY BUXTON, NØJY AMSAT VP-ENGINEERING."— Presentation transcript:

1 AMSAT-NA FOX Satellite Program Review, Status, and Future JERRY BUXTON, NØJY AMSAT VP-ENGINEERING

2 Review FOX-1 - WHY IT IS, WHAT IT IS

3 Fox Development Strategy Take advantage of large and growing interest in CubeSats Develop family of CubeSats with ham radio transponders that are attractive for hosting science experiments Partner with universities to develop joint science and education missions Get a free launch via the NASA ELaNa program

4 Fox-1: AMSAT-NAs First CubeSat Smallest satellite previously built by AMSAT-NA was a 25 cm (approximately 10 inch) cube Fox-1 is10 cm (approximately 4 inches) per side Miniaturization not attempted before by AMSAT-NA Coaxing maximum power from limited solar panel area Insure stability and robustness of the avionics bus in the environment of space Success gives us CubeSat design heritage and puts AMSAT-NA back in space

5 Fox -1 CubeSat Mission Description: To inspire, engage and educate the next generation Two-way FM communications transponder MEMS Gyro Experiment (Penn State) Low Energy Proton Experiment (Vanderbilt) JPEG Camera (Virginia Tech) Size: 1U Mass: 1.33 kg RF Power: 800 mW max

6 University Experiment Payloads on Fox-1 Virginia Tech EXP4 Filler/Lens Hole VT Camera Vanderbilt EXP1 Vanderbilt Sensors Vanderbilt Controller Penn State - Erie MEMS Gyros (on IHU board)

7 Fox-1 Block Diagram and Avionics System Bus Battery Card 6 Solar Panels IHU Card Power Supply Card Science Payloads Power bus 70 cm Antenna 2 m Antenna Magnetic Attitude Control RF Rx Card RF Tx Card Telemetry

8 Fox-1 Block Diagram and Avionics System Bus Battery Card 6 Solar Panels IHU Card Power Supply Card Science Payloads Power bus 70 cm Antenna 2 m Antenna Magnetic Attitude Control RF Rx Card RF Tx Card Telemetry

9 Fox-1 Block Diagram and Avionics System Bus Battery Card 6 Solar Panels IHU Card Power Supply Card Science Payloads Power bus 70 cm Antenna 2 m Antenna Magnetic Attitude Control RF Rx Card RF Tx Card Telemetry

10 Fox-1 Block Diagram and Avionics System Bus Battery Card 6 Solar Panels IHU Card Power Supply Card Science Payloads Power bus 70 cm Antenna 2 m Antenna Magnetic Attitude Control RF Rx Card RF Tx Card Telemetry

11 Fox-1 Block Diagram and Avionics System Bus Battery Card 6 Solar Panels IHU Card Power Supply Card Science Payloads Power bus 70 cm Antenna 2 m Antenna Magnetic Attitude Control RF Rx Card RF Tx Card Telemetry

12 Fox-1 Block Diagram and Avionics System Bus Battery Card 6 Solar Panels IHU Card Power Supply Card Science Payloads Power bus 70 cm Antenna 2 m Antenna Magnetic Attitude Control RF Rx Card RF Tx Card Telemetry

13 RF Transmitter System Engineering Model

14 RF Transmitter System Shield

15 Fox-1 Block Diagram and Avionics System Bus Battery Card 6 Solar Panels IHU Card Power Supply Card Science Payloads Power bus 70 cm Antenna 2 m Antenna Magnetic Attitude Control RF Rx Card RF Tx Card Telemetry

16 Fox-1 Block Diagram and Avionics System Bus Battery Card 6 Solar Panels IHU Card Power Supply Card Science Payloads Power bus 70 cm Antenna 2 m Antenna Magnetic Attitude Control RF Rx Card RF Tx Card Telemetry

17 Power Supply System Engineering Model

18 Fox-1 Block Diagram and Avionics System Bus Battery Card 6 Solar Panels IHU Card Power Supply Card Science Payloads Power bus 70 cm Antenna 2 m Antenna Magnetic Attitude Control RF Rx Card RF Tx Card Telemetry

19 Battery System Engineering Model w/o batteries

20 Fox-1 Block Diagram and Avionics System Bus Battery Card 6 Solar Panels IHU Card Power Supply Card Science Payloads Power bus 70 cm Antenna 2 m Antenna Magnetic Attitude Control RF Rx Card RF Tx Card Telemetry

21 Fox-1 Block Diagram and Avionics System Bus Battery Card 6 Solar Panels IHU Card Power Supply Card Science Payloads Power bus 70 cm Antenna 2 m Antenna Magnetic Attitude Control RF Rx Card RF Tx Card Telemetry


23 Two Launch Opportunities! May 1 2015 on ELaNa XI – possible if theres a vacancy AFSPC ULTRASat mission Planned orbit is 389 km x 700 km @ 58 degrees inclination Expected orbit lifetime is 6.5 years August 2015 on ELaNa XII – MOST LIKELY NRO GRACE mission – our original manifest Planned orbit is 470 km x 780 km @ 64 degrees inclination Expected orbit lifetime is 11 years

24 Our Ride (example)

25 FOX-1

26 Our Ride (example)

27 Fox-1 Status Milestones May – Engineering Unit Integration and Testing June – Critical Design Review August – Flight Model and Flight Spare complete Day In The Life testing September – Vibration Testing and Thermal Vacuum (bakeout) complete September – Mission Readiness Review October – Completion and Hands Off Fox-1 sits on the shelf waiting for delivery in January 2015

28 Fox-1 Status Fox-1B RadFXSat (CSLI 4 Feb 2013) Use Flight Spare hardware from Fox-1 Flight Spare experiments from Fox-1 returned to partners Vanderbilt RadFXSat experiment installed Operates simultaneously with Transponder Reset and start again CDR, Flight Model and Flight Spare integration and testing, Launch provider required testing, Deliver to launch provider Ready in Second Half 2015

29 Fox-1 Status Fox-1C and Fox-1D On the shelf and ready to fly, requiring only solar cells (Of course, all of the other integration and testing is still required!) Looking for university partners You provide the experiments, we provide the communications for your data Partner for launch opportunities Amateur radio transponder during or after experiment phase EXP4 EXP3 EXP2 EXP1

30 Future FOX-2 AND BEYOND

31 Fox-2 Flight heritage and track record from Fox-1 series 3U CubeSat Software Defined Transponder Higher power, more modes/bands Attitude Determination and Control Development underway

32 And Beyond… CubeSat market has not yet reached a plateau Larger sizes are becoming more common 3U, 6U, even 12U Exploration and research leading to expanded possibilities Propulsion - higher orbits (but not allowed on ELaNa) Satellites in formation Several possibilities and partnerships being explored We are ALWAYS exploring new opportunities!

33 AMSAT-NA Wants You! Design engineering: mechanical, electrical, PCB, software including DSP, thermal, project management Satellite construction: PCB construction, parts procurement, component fabrication, assembly Satellite testing: environmental testing, functional testing, requirements and regulatory compliance testing EMAIL: Jerry Buxton NØJY@AMSAT.ORGNØJY@AMSAT.ORG Please describe your area of expertise, include phone number

34 Any Questions? Thank you for attending! Be sure to stop by the AMSAT Engineering Booth!

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