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Nonequilibrium Green’s Function with Electron-Phonon Interactions

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1 Nonequilibrium Green’s Function with Electron-Phonon Interactions
Objective: Modeling of electron-phonon interactions for NEGF simulations within the effective-mass and Hartree approximations Approach: Employ the self-consistent Born approximation for phonon self-energy functions Select some peak values of phonon dispersion such as Elastic intra-valley process Inelastic inter-valley processes Impact: Introducing phase-breaking and energy-relaxation processes into NEGF simulations More efficient calculations than tight-binding NEGF ρ (g/cm3) ul (cm/s) MA (eV) 2.33 9.05*105 8.90 Mode (type) MO (108eV/cm) ħω (meV) TA (g) 0.470 12.1 LA (g) 0.740 18.5 LO (g) 10.23 62.0 TA (f) 0.280 19.0 LA (f) 1.860 47.4 TO (f) 58.6 1 intra-valley and 6 inter-valley scattering modes Electron density (left) and current density (right) spectrums of silicon nanowire transistors with electron phonon-interactions Result: We can predict the effect of electron-phonon scattering on silicon nanowire transistors. Ballistic assumption overestimates currents.

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