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Focus on Form When you ask and answer questions about an indefinite time in the past, use the present perfect. When you ask and answer questions about.

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Presentation on theme: "Focus on Form When you ask and answer questions about an indefinite time in the past, use the present perfect. When you ask and answer questions about."— Presentation transcript:

1 Focus on Form When you ask and answer questions about an indefinite time in the past, use the present perfect. When you ask and answer questions about a specific time in the past, use the simple past.

2 Have you ever heard of kite surfing?
Yes, I have. But I’ve never done anything like that. Have you and your friends ever gone on a big rollercoaster? No, we haven’t. I’ve always hated roller coasters. Have you ever stayed up all night? Yes, I have. My family went camping two years ago, and none of us slept all night. A. Did you do anything different last summer? B. Yes, I did. I learned to play African drums. I’ve always wanted to play them. I’ve never been to Africa, though.

3 Wants and advice (or concerns)
I’ve always wanted to become a banker (advice) You should / You could / You have to / You might want to ... Why don’t you ... (If I were you, I would … ) B. (concerns) I’d be worried that ... Aren’t you concerned about ... Do(n’t) you think ... Try these ... My secret dream is to ... I hope to own a …. I’ve always wanted to become a …. My wish is to live …. I’ve always wanted to buy an expensive _____ . I’d love to


5 Using advice and what’s necessary
A: I have a problem, can you help me ? B: Sure, What’s up? A: I can’t sing/dance/speak English well. A: I think I’m pregnant! A: I have a drinking problem. A: I argued about … with my … A: My boss is sexually harassing me! A: My boyfriend hits me / is cheating on me (I think) A: make your own …


7 Wishes and Hopes I hope I can... (future, possibility)
I wish I could... (unreal, impossible or unlikely) Present I hope this is the last mistake. I wish my phone worked here. Past I hope Antonio got home safely.* I wish you'd told me sooner. * You can't use "hope" to talk about something in the past, unless you don't know what happened yet. In this example, you haven't heard whether Antonio got home safely. Future I hope it stops raining soon.* I wish it would stop raining.

8 Wishes and Dreams Using could as the past of can and were as a past of be. Main clause + clause with the wish (Subject + wish) + (subject + past form of verb) I wish + I had more free time We wish + we could afford to move. I wish I was taller. What does your mother / father wish for?

9 Wish in negative statements
Subject + wish + subject + didn’t + base form of the verb I wish I didn’t live so far away. Other negatives I wish I hadn’t eaten so much I wish I couldn’t play soccer (strange?) I wish she wouldn’t have said that. (didn’t say that / hadn’t said that.) I wish she weren’t so busy. What don’t you wish for / are annoyed about right now?

10 Would ? We use past tense forms to talk about wishes:
We use past tense modals would and could to talk about wishes for the future: I don’t like my work. I wish I could get a better job. That’s a dreadful noise. I wish it would stop. I always have to get home early. I wish my parents would let me stay out later. I wish it would stop raining! I wish I would (X) (Can be used but very difficult)

11 Tense Forms. We use past tense forms to talk about wishes for the present: I don’t like this place. I wish I lived somewhere more interesting. These seats are very uncomfortable. I wish we were travelling first class. Everyone wishes they had more free time. John wishes he wasn’t so busy. I wish it wasn’t so cold. Q. What wishes do you have for the present? We use the past perfect to talk about wishes for the past: I wish I had worked harder when I was at school. Mary wishes she had listened to what her mother told her. I wish I hadn’t spent so much money last month. Q. What wishes do you have for the past?

12 Do you? Have you? I feel like I’m getting older. Are you? I had a birthday recently. You had(did)? Yes, and I saw my ex-girlfriend yesterday. Did you? (You did / n’t?) Yes, she has a new man. She has? He’s “kinda” handsome. Is he? I hear he did some modelling when he was younger. He did? And he drives a BMW. He does? I was a bit jealous. You were? She told me he can kiss much better than me. He can? … Then why am I with you … I should find someone else… ;-)


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