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Guided Reading 13-3.

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1 Guided Reading 13-3

2 Bantu 3000 BC fishing groups along Benue river moved south and west
Called themselves Bantu- the people By A.D. 400 Bantu had settled most of Africa TQ spread skills like pottery making, mining, and iron working Bantu migration explains why people across Africa share some common ideas and traditions.

3 Families Formed the basis of African society
Lived with several generations Matrilineal- traced descent through mothers, not fathers Women who married joined their husband’s families Children valued

4 Education E Carried out by family and other villagers
Learned history and skills needed as adults Griots, storytellers passed down oral histories and lessons about living

5 Women Mostly wives and mothers Served as soldiers in some kingdoms
Queen Dahia al-Kahina led fight against Muslim invasion Queen Nzinga battled Portuguese slave traders

6 Slavery Bantu chiefs raided nearby villages for captives who became laborers or were freed for a payment Criminals or enemies taken in war Trade in humans grew as trade with Muslim merchants increased Quran forbade enslavement of Muslims

7 Slavery Europeans arrived opening a new market
Africans armed with European guns raided villages for captives to sell Portuguese were first to trade First most stayed in Portugal Changed when Portuguese explorers settled New World Sent to work on sugar plantations Others sent to harvest cotton, rice, grapes, tobacco

8 Culture Africans carried to other places known as African Diaspora- what other culture is this term associated with? Art Cave paintings earliest form Woodcarving – masks and statues used to celebrate religious beliefs Always had some religious meaning

9 African Cave Painting

10 Culture Music and Dance Music in all parts of life
Religious feelings and getting through tedious, or arduous tasks. Call and response Drums, whistles, horns, flutes, banjos Dance allowed spirits to express themselves. Celebrated important events: birth, death

11 Storytelling Kept storytelling and oral history alive during Diaspora and enslavement Escaped slaves able to share stories Retold tales taught in African homeland Small animals turtles and rabbits outsmarted larger ones

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