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8th Grade Science Spring 2014

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1 8th Grade Science Spring 2014
EOG Review # 2: Cell Energy, Diseases and Biotechnology Review Stations 8th Grade Science Spring 2014

2 Station 1 Directions: 1. Read over the Cell Energy, Diseases and Biotechnology vocabulary word list 2. Draw a circle around any vocabulary words that you are still unsure of 3. Read the definitions of any words you circled at least three times 4. Be sure to go back and look over the circled vocabulary words when reviewing for the EOG

3 Station 2- Objective 8.L.5.1 Directions: Read over the statements below. Complete your review stations worksheet by filling in the blanks as you read. 1. All organisms are composed of cells. Inside the cell’s cytoplasm you will find the “little organs” of the cell called organelles. Each organelle has a specific function for cell survival. 2. An organism that is made up of only one cell is called a(n) unicellular organism. 3. An organism that is made up of more than one cell is a multicelluar organism (this includes humans). 4. The organelle that stores the instructions a cell needs to function is called the nucleus. Inside the nucleus you will find DNA, a chemical that contains information for an organism’s growth and functions. 5. A eukaryotic cell has a nucleus and a prokaryotic cell does not. 6. The cells of most unicellular organisms such as bacteria are prokaryotic. Most of the multi-cellular plants and animals we know are eukaryotic.

4 Station 3- Objective 8.L.5.1 Directions: Read over the statements below. Complete your review stations worksheet by filling in the blanks as you read. 7. The cell membrane controls what enters and leaves the cell. 8. Cells carry on the many functions needed to sustain life. They grow and divide (mitosis or meiosis), thereby producing more cells. 9. This requires that they take in nutrients. Food provides molecules that serve as fuel and building material for all organisms. 10. Plant cells produce their own food through a process called photosynthesis. This process uses water and carbon dioxide and produces glucose and oxygen. a. Complete the formula for photosynthesis: sunlight + water + carbon dioxide glucose (sugar) + oxygen

5 Station 3- Objective 8.L.5.1 Directions: Read over the statements below. Complete your review stations worksheet by filling in the blanks as you read. 11. Organisms get energy by oxidizing their food, which releases some of its energy as thermal energy. 12. When cells break down glucose (sugar) to get energy, this is known as cellular respiration. This process uses oxygen and produces carbon dioxide and water. a. Complete the formula for cellular respiration: Glucose + oxygen  ATP (energy) + water + carbon dioxide 13. Photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplasts of plant cells, and cellular respiration occurs in the mitochondria of plant and animal cells.

6 Station 4- Objective 8.L.5.2 Directions: Read over the statements below. Complete your review stations worksheet by filling in the blanks as you read. 14. Lifestyle choices, environmental factors, and genetics can cause abnormalities to occur during embryonic development as well as later in life. 15. Toxic substances, some dietary habits, and some personal behavior may be bad for one’s health. Some effects show up right away, others years later. 16. Human activities, such as smoking, consumption of alcohol and the use of drugs lead to a variety of undesirable conditions within the human body and interfere with the operation of the body systems.

7 Station 5- Objective 8.L.5.2 Directions: Read over the statements below. Complete your review stations worksheet by filling in the blanks as you read. 17. Avoiding toxic substances, such as tobacco, and changing dietary habits increases your chances of living longer. 18. Alcohol and other drugs are often abused substances which can change how the body functions and can lead to addiction. 19. Technology and medical advances help us understand how the human body functions and allow us to make informed decisions regarding our health.

8 Station 6- Objective 8.L.1.1 Directions: Read over the statements below. Complete your review stations worksheet by filling in the blanks as you read. 20. Microbiology is a basic science that explores microscopic organisms including viruses, bacteria, protozoa, parasites, and some fungi and algae. 21. These organisms are unicellular and exhibit diversity of form and size. 22. Viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites may infect the human body and interfere with normal body functions. 23. Viruses are not considered to be alive but they affect living things. Viruses need a host cell. 24. AIDS, influenza (the flu), the common cold, Rabies, polio, chicken pox, small pox, yellow fever, viral meningitis, West Nile and Ebola are caused by viruses.

9 Station 7- Objective 8.L.1.1 Directions: Read over the statements below. Complete your review stations worksheet by filling in the blanks as you read. 25. A person can catch a cold many times because there are many varieties of cold viruses that cause similar symptoms. 26. Bacteria are very small organisms, usually consisting of one cell, that lack chlorophyll. They are the smallest living things on Earth. 27. Bacteria are found everywhere, in the air, soil, water, and inside your body and on your skin. 28. Bacteria tend to multiply very rapidly, forming colonies of millions or even billions of organisms within a space as small as a drop of water. 29. Bacteria are generally classified into groups based on their shape: spherical, rodlike, spiral or corkscrew. 30. Lyme Disease, food poisoning, bacterial meningitis, Leprosy, and strep throat are caused by bacteria.

10 Station 8- Objective 8.L.1.1 Directions: Read over the statements below. Complete your review stations worksheet by filling in the blanks as you read. 31. We have antibiotics to help with bacterial infections and vaccines to help with taking care of viruses that cause infections. 32. Fungi are any group of spore producing organisms that “feed” on organic matter. Fungi can enter the body in many ways, including ingestion (eating) and inhalation(breathing in). 33. Athlete's foot, yeast infections and ringworm are all caused by fungi and can be treated with antifungal medications and creams.

11 Station 8- Objective 8.L.1.1 Directions: Read over the statements below. Complete your review stations worksheet by filling in the blanks as you read. 34. A parasite is an organism that lives on or in another organism. Parasites benefit by taking nutrients from their host, while the host is harmed. 35. Parasites can enter the body through contaminated food, soil or water. Prescription medicines are available to kill the parasite and treat the infections. 36. Toxoplasmosis, giardia infections and malaria are caused by parasites.

12 Station 9- Objective 8.L.1.2 Directions: Read over the statements below. Complete your review stations worksheet by filling in the blanks as you read. 37. An infectious disease is one that can be passed from one individual to another. 38. Vectors are mechanisms (other than a person) that spread disease without getting sick itself. Examples of vectors: a. rats b. ticks c. mosquitoes 39. An epidemic is an outbreak of a disease that affects a much higher number of individuals than expected within a population, community or region at the same time. a. Example: typhoid 40. A pandemic is an outbreak of disease that is spreading through multiple populations across a large region, continent or even worldwide. a. Examples: smallpox, tuberculosis, flu of 2009

13 Station 10- Objective 8.L.1.2 Directions: Read over the statements below. Complete your review stations worksheet by filling in the blanks as you read. 41. Scientists study disease causing pathogens to find methods for prevention and treatment of disease. 42. The health of humans and Earth depends on microbes. Improvements in public health depend upon biomedical research to explain how microbes cause infectious diseases in both plants and animals. 43. To analyze the data they collect, scientists use various techniques and strategies including: computer modeling, cell culture, animal models, and clinical trials in humans. 44. Safe handling, hygiene and antimicrobial chemicals can be used to reduce the risk of and improve the treatment of these infections.

14 Station 11- Objective 8.L.2.1 Directions: Read over the statements below. Complete your review stations worksheet by filling in the blanks as you read. 45. Our better understanding of the microbial world has lead to the emerging field of biotechnology. Biotechnology affects us in every area of our lives: our food, water, medicine and shelter. 46. There are benefits and risks associated with biotechnology. Uses of modern biotechnology include: a. Making medicine in large quantities (such as penicillin) b. Human insulin for the treatment of diabetes c. Combating crime through DNA testing and forensic testing d. Removing pollution from soil and water (called bioremediation) e. Improving the quality of agricultural crops and. livestock products

15 Station 11- Objective 8.L.2.1 Directions: Read over the statements below. Complete your review stations worksheet by filling in the blanks as you read. 47. Biotechnology has given us many advances and new careers in medicine, agriculture, genetics, and food science. 48. As we increase our knowledge and make advances in technology, we are able to reduce the threat of microbial hazards. 49. Biotechnology has benefited North Carolina in many ways, but it has also raised many ethical issues. Some new areas such as genetic modification and cloning are controversial.

16 Station 12 Directions: 1. Use the graph on your paper to answer the questions, DO THIS FIRST! 2. After answering the questions on your own, check your answers below: a. C b. B c. D d. B e. C

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