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Today’s Agenda… Get clickers before you sit down

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1 Today’s Agenda… Get clickers before you sit down
Bellringer: Mixtures do not have substances in fixed amounts. Explain what this means. Notes on Energy – Study Pack #1 Discuss Energy Worksheet from yesterday – Study Pack #2

2 Energy Study Pack #1

3 Today’s Goals… I can explain what energy is.
I can identify different forms of energy. I can explain the law of conservation of energy.

4 What do you already know?
True or False Energy can cause changes in the environment There are many types of energy Energy can move from one object to another When one type of energy is transformed into a new form, some of the energy is lost

5 What is energy? Energy is the ability to cause change
Examples on page 162 Energy can cause chemical changes to occur Energy can change your motion and help you to do work

6 Forms of Energy Energy occurs in many forms
Kinetic, potential, thermal, chemical, nuclear, mechanical, light, electrical

7 Energy Transfer and Transformations
Energy can be transferred (moved) from place to place and object to object Energy can be transformed (changed from one type of energy to another)

8 Energy Transfer and Transformations
Energy is stored in your muscles as chemical energy, when you push down on a bicycle pedal the energy is transferred to the bicycle and transformed into energy of motion Other examples on page 163

9 Law of Conservation of Energy
Energy CANNOT be created or destroyed It can only be changed from one form to another and the amount stays the same Sometimes energy appears to have been “lost” when heat is produced, but actually it has only been changed into thermal energy

10 Law of Conservation of Energy
When a book slides across the table and eventually stops, it seems to have “lost” energy, but the energy of motion was just changed to the energy of heat


12 What did you learn? True or False
Energy can cause changes in the environment There are many types of energy Energy can move from one object to another When one type of energy is transformed into a new form, some of the energy is lost

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