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So What Is The Writing Center?

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Presentation on theme: "So What Is The Writing Center?"— Presentation transcript:

1 So What Is The Writing Center?
Helpful for anyone writing at any level. Tutors train you to become a stronger, more confident writer. Can work with you step-by-step on: Brainstorming ideas for a paper. Developing an outline. Figuring out the basics of grammar and style. Getting help with formatting (MLA, APA, etc). Planning revision of a rough draft. Fine-tuning a final draft.

2 What Should I Do There? Bring papers in well before they are due.
Bring a copy of your paper for the tutor. Bring the assignment criteria so your tutor knows what you are supposed to do. Be ready with a few specific areas to discuss; the more detailed you are the better your tutor will be able to help you. Do not expect them to edit your paper for you. Instead, be ready to learn how to edit yourself.

3 How Do I Make An Appointment?
First floor of Westside Hall. Flexible daytime & evening hours for in- person appointments: 9am-9pm Monday through Thursday 9am-2pm Friday 2-7pm Sunday Will also review papers through online submissions (OWLs). Simply go online to the ULC webpage and sign into TutorTrac to make an appointment.

4 What’s all the fuss about:
Peer Editing Eng 201 Dr. Atkins

5 Why We Peer Edit To gain perspective Because writing is a process
To highlight errors we all make and to improve our writing as a group

6 Overview Read the entire essay all the way through once WITHOUT making comments. Read again and make notes to yourself. Respond to ALL the bullet points listed on page 112. Consider: Commenting on how well the writer transitions between paragraphs. Commenting on how well the writer describes their details. Check MLA formatting & note any grammar or punctuation issues you notice – it’s OK if you aren’t sure!

7 Things to Keep in Mind… You aren’t helping them by saying: “good job.” Don’t be afraid to critique. Be critical but respectful. Respond to the list on page 112 carefully. Be specific; give examples with your comments. Responses should not be too short or vague. Make suggestions instead of corrections.

8 What to Do With Comments
Consider comments as options, not as corrections. Think about each comment before deciding if you want to use it or not. Don’t take comments too personally, they’re meant to be helpful. Read p for more specific suggestions.

9 More Helpful Techniques
Read your essay backwards. This helps you to look at each paragraph in isolation. Read your essay out loud. You’ll be surprised by what you notice (ears vs. eyes). Have someone else read it outside of class, to see if they understand your topic. Use Word Tools to search for words that you use a lot, and replace with synonyms.

10 MLA Format Review First page: Left corner: Top right header:
Your Name Your Instructor’s Name Course Name Date Top right header: Your last name and page number (page number does belong on the first page) Title Centered 12 point Times New Roman Font, Double Spaced.

11 Citing Songs Individual songs: Song name goes in quotation marks; the second line gets indented by one tab. To cite just the song: Artist. “Song Title.” Album Title. Publisher, release date. Nirvana. “Smells Like Teen Spirit.” Nevermind. Geffen, If you use a website: Artist. “Song Title.” Website Title. Date published. Date accessed. Nirvana. “Smells Like Teen Spirit.” May 2009.

12 In-Text Quotations Quote song lyrics with breaks using a slash and a space (as you would a poem): “With the lights out/ it’s less dangerous/ here we are now/ entertain us” (Nirvana).

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