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2 European Company Law on the Move
Jaap Winter Industry Lawyers Winter Seminar 3-6 March Vinstra, Norway 26/11/2018

3 Introduction Report High Level Group November 2002 General themes
Specific subjects EU Company Law Action Plan Short term Medium term Long term Corporate Governance Regulation in the EU Industry Lawyers Winter Seminar 3-6 March Vinstra, Norway 26/11/2018

4 High Level Group Report, General Themes
Industry Lawyers Winter Seminar 3-6 March Vinstra, Norway 26/11/2018

5 General Themes Facilitating efficient and competitive business in EU
primary purpose company law cross-border activities Modern company law making petrifaction of rules and reduced shelf life alternatives: secundary legislation, standard setting, models Industry Lawyers Winter Seminar 3-6 March Vinstra, Norway 26/11/2018

6 General Themes Disclosure instead of substantive regulation
transparency, accountability, best practice more scope for development, subtle enforcement Types of companies public vs. private listed, open, closed A well known theme, increased importance. In number of areas disclosure more efficient and powerful regulatory tool than substantive regulation Through disclosure corporate reality becomes visible: increases accountability; market participants can react on basis of information; market reaction provides incentive to apply best practice Rationale for disclosure of capital and control structures in our report on takeover bids Clear overlap with securities regulation. We see that securities laws already require wide disclosure, will increase. We should be careful not to fill company law with loads of substantive rules in the same areas, leads to overkill. Light regulatory regime, less prescriptive rules, with more subtle enforcement through market reactions; more scope for development, greater flexibility Industry Lawyers Winter Seminar 3-6 March Vinstra, Norway 26/11/2018

7 General Themes Abuse of company law
outside objectives: combat fraud or terrorism mobile phones specific enforcement instruments Modern technology listed company’s website central filing place central electronic filing system per Member State It seems governments have discovered company law as a part of law under their control they can use to achieve a number of different objectives Tax/financial fraud Terrorism, particular after 11 September, the day the HLG started its work; policy proposals from Jumbo Council meeting in November To catch crooks: more burdens in company law, heavier formalities, loss of choice (abolition of bearer securities), loss of flexibility (no nominee shareholdings), heavier monitoring and enforcement Burdens for all: good suffer for the bad Mobile phones parallel: crooks use mobile phones so we introduce a three week waiting period for everybody who wishes to acquire one, plus government check on credentials We wanted to take a strong position here that that is in fact abuse of company law, with mainly negative effects for all. Catching crooks requires specific enforcement approach and instrument outside company law Industry Lawyers Winter Seminar 3-6 March Vinstra, Norway 26/11/2018

8 High Level Group Report, Specific Subjects
Industry Lawyers Winter Seminar 3-6 March Vinstra, Norway 26/11/2018

9 Capital maintenance Current ineffective and rigid rules in 2nd directive Simplification Npv shares/share buy back/pre-emption rights/financial assistance Alternative system Urgent because of IFRS Solvency-test Wrongful trading Pre-emption rights/ fair value contribution Industry Lawyers Winter Seminar 3-6 March Vinstra, Norway 26/11/2018

10 Groups and Pyramids Enhanced disclosure of group relationships Control
Financial relations Concerns about pyramid structures Tool to finance control by CMS No transparency, minority shareholder protection, takeover proof No listing for holding company whose sole or main asset is stake in other listed company Industry Lawyers Winter Seminar 3-6 March Vinstra, Norway 26/11/2018

11 Restructuring and mobility
10th and 14th Directive on cross-border mergers and transfers of seat Limited scope for real seat theory (cf. ECoJ Centros, Uberseering, Inspire Art) Simplification 3rd and 6th directive Squeeze-out and sell-out rights Threshold 90-95% of capital Industry Lawyers Winter Seminar 3-6 March Vinstra, Norway 26/11/2018

12 European Private Company
SE’s little sister Real need? Feasibility? 10th directive first, then reasses need and feasibility Industry Lawyers Winter Seminar 3-6 March Vinstra, Norway 26/11/2018

13 Other European Legal Forms
European Co-operative Common position of Member States European Association, Mutual Society, Foundation Wide variety of national forms, no harmonisation Need? Feasibility? Industry Lawyers Winter Seminar 3-6 March Vinstra, Norway 26/11/2018

14 EU Company Law Action Plan
Industry Lawyers Winter Seminar 3-6 March Vinstra, Norway 26/11/2018

15 Objective and Agenda Objectives Agenda
to strengthen shareholder rights and third party protection, with a proper distinction between categories of companies, and to foster efficiency and competitiveness of business, with special attention to some specific cross-border issues. Agenda Short term Medium term Long term Industry Lawyers Winter Seminar 3-6 March Vinstra, Norway 26/11/2018

16 Short term priorities (2003-2005)
Corporate Governance Recommendations Simplifying 2nd directive Proposal sep 2004: simplification New drafts for 10th and 14th directive Proposal 10th directive nov 2003, MS agreed nov 2004: cross-border merger + co-determination Amendment 4th and 7th directive Proposal oct 2004: related parties and off-balance Feasibility study into European Private Company Industry Lawyers Winter Seminar 3-6 March Vinstra, Norway 26/11/2018

17 Medium term priorities (2006-2008)
Feasibility study into alternative to capital maintenance rules (too late?) Framework for groups (9th Directive?) Prohibition of stock exchange listing for pyramid holdings Simplification 3rd and 6th Directive (merger and split) Possible proposal for EPC Basic disclosure for all legal forms Industry Lawyers Winter Seminar 3-6 March Vinstra, Norway 26/11/2018

18 Long term priorities (2009 onwards)
Possible proposal to amend 2nd directive to introduce alternative to capital maintenance rules Industry Lawyers Winter Seminar 3-6 March Vinstra, Norway 26/11/2018

19 And more ECJ case law re: freedom of establishment
European Company Statute to be implemented by October 2004 13th Directive on Takeover Bids agreed, implementation summer 2006 Harmonisation and Regulatory Competition Industry Lawyers Winter Seminar 3-6 March Vinstra, Norway 26/11/2018

20 Corporate Governance Regulation in the EU
Industry Lawyers Winter Seminar 3-6 March Vinstra, Norway 26/11/2018

21 Corporate governance crisis and regulation
US corporate scandals: Principal-agent conflict Regulation focused on combatting fraud, specificly relating to financial reporting Europe scandals as well Vivendi, Ahold, Parmalat, Shell Report High Level Group Industry Lawyers Winter Seminar 3-6 March Vinstra, Norway 26/11/2018

22 EU approach Diversity of corporate governance systems
Flexibility in governance structures Effect of (mandatory) legal rules doubtful Fraud is only tip of iceberg Code of best practice, comply or explain Flexibility and accountability Long standing experience in UK (listing rules, « 1/3) Since 2002 in Germany (company law, »90%) Sinds 1999 in France (voluntary + criminal law) Industry Lawyers Winter Seminar 3-6 March Vinstra, Norway 26/11/2018

23 No EU Code Underlying diversity makes single EU code impossible or useless National codes on corporate governance EU corporate governance forum to discuss national codes, monitoring, enforcement But EU rules for disclosure And EU guidance in two key areas of substance: Role of non-executive directors Director’s remuneration Industry Lawyers Winter Seminar 3-6 March Vinstra, Norway 26/11/2018

24 Company Law Action Plan
Corporate governance agenda Role of non-executive directors Director’s remuneration Responsibility for financial reporting, corporate governance disclosure Shareholders’ rights EU Corporate Governance Forum Draft Directive on Statutory Audit Industry Lawyers Winter Seminar 3-6 March Vinstra, Norway 26/11/2018

25 Recommendation on role of non-executive directors (Oct 2004)
Scope: listed EU companies and non-EU companies with primary listing in EU Recommendation to Member States Commission monitors compliance by Comply or explain or (mandatory) legislation Sufficient independence Chairman-CEO separation or other safeguards Three committees (nomination, remuneration, audit), preparing board decision taking Industry Lawyers Winter Seminar 3-6 March Vinstra, Norway 26/11/2018

26 Recommendation on Appropriate Regime for Remuneration of Directors (Oct 2004)
Scope: listed EU companies and non-EU companies with primary listing in EU Recommendation to Member States Commission monitors compliance by To take appropriate measures Remuneration statement Shareholder vote on remuneration policy Disclosure individual director´s pay Shareholder approval of share based pay Industry Lawyers Winter Seminar 3-6 March Vinstra, Norway 26/11/2018

27 Responsibility of directors and disclosure (Oct 2004)
Draft directive amending 4th and 7th directive Collective responsibility board members for financial statements Transparency on related party transactions Transparency on off-balance vehicles Corporate governance statement by listed EU companies Reference to code, comply or explain, description of internal control, takeover defenses, operation AGM, composition and operation of board Industry Lawyers Winter Seminar 3-6 March Vinstra, Norway 26/11/2018

28 Shareholders´rights (Consultation, draft directive expected fall 2005)
Cross-border voting Intermediaries and ultimate accountholder Communication of information Share blocking prohibited Electronic participation to be facilitated Questions and proposals Voting in absentia to be facilitated Confirmation of GM results and voting execution Depositary receipts and stock lending Industry Lawyers Winter Seminar 3-6 March Vinstra, Norway 26/11/2018

29 EU Corporate Governance Forum (set up Oct 2004)
15 members, business, shareholders, employees, academics, appointed for three years Enhance convergence of national developments Convergence as an EU objective? Harmonisation vs. Competition Diversity and innovation Will good corporate governance create value? Cross-border application of codes Methods of monitoring and enforcement What does comply or explain really mean? Industry Lawyers Winter Seminar 3-6 March Vinstra, Norway 26/11/2018

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