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Alternative Energy: Echelon Powered Photovoltaic Solar Systems

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Presentation on theme: "Alternative Energy: Echelon Powered Photovoltaic Solar Systems"— Presentation transcript:

1 Alternative Energy: Echelon Powered Photovoltaic Solar Systems
Echelon ASEAN Partner Conference Mark Buckland Manager of Customer Support and Training EMEA

2 Photovoltaic Solar Systems
Fastest growing power generation technology in the world Some 21,000 MWs installed world wide 20,000 MW to be installed in India by 2022 Germany, US and Japan have 89% of installations Projections show 14% of the world’s power from photovoltaic power in 25 years time

3 Photovoltaic Solar Systems (continued)
Building Integrated photovoltaics Law in Spain Solar roadways under investigation Incentives in Europe, US and China UK feedback price £0.444/kWh Sahara desert could potentially supply 630 TW World needs ~13.5 TW Grid Parity

4 Solar Global Market Size
10 manufacturers account for 61% of market Growth slowed significantly in 2009, but is well poised for rebound in 2010 Panel prices projected to decline 19% per year

5 Solar Inverters Market Opportunity
Inverter changes direct current (DC) electricity generated by a solar panel into alternating current (AC) for use in buildings, homes or feeding into the grid SMA, market leader with 50% share, $1.45B revenue

6 Generic Module/String and Micro Inverter Configuration – On or Off Grid
VAC Micro Inverter PV Module PV String

7 Generic Array and Inverter Configuration – On or Off Grid
Strings are connected in parallel Poor individual string performance can drastically affect overall efficiency VAC Inverter ~ VDC PV String PV Module

8 LonWorks in PV Systems - Monitoring

9 SmartServer 2.0 in PV Systems
Higher function, lower cost than purpose built communications Use any IP connection—wired, wireless, or dial-up Use industry-standard machine connections LonWorks (power line), Modbus, M-Bus, RS232/485, digital I/O or pulsecount input Use SmartServer as gateway to existing inverter interfaces though custom drivers

10 SmartServer 2.0 in PV Systems
Web server – user interface for: Data logging Alarming Monitoring and control Voltage Current Efficiency PDA interfaces

11 SmartServer 2.0 in PV Systems (continued)
Reduce development and maintenance cost Increase the value of your performance contracts Improve performance by ensuring uptime Applicable to many renewable energy sources Revenue grade power generation data can be used for energy verification and rebate programs

12 SmartServer 2.0 in PV Systems (continued)
Integrate with off the shelf monitoring applications SOAP/XML Valence Energy Renewables widget WonderWare

13 LonWorks in PV Systems - Control and Optimization

14 Fault Tolerant Energy Harvest Optimization
It is all about optimizing energy harvest from PV modules Intelligent control and fault detection can significantly increase harvest levels Maximum Power Point Trackers (MPPT) are high efficiency DC to DC converters that presents an optimal electrical load to a PV module/string/array PV cells have a single operating point where the values of the current (I) and voltage (V) of the cell result in a maximum output power. These values correspond to a particular load resistance Array level MPPT will not provide optimum performance from all strings At string level not all modules have the same IV curves, so not all will be working optimally due to manufacturing tolerance or shading String level MPPT provides near optimum solution PV module optimizers provide optimum output from all modules in a string and hence an array Per module protection diodes are not optimum solution

15 Array and Inverter Configuration
Optimization can be made at string or module level Embed control and monitoring down to individual string or module level Monitor performance data Fault detection Eliminate “Christmas Tree Light Effect” Inverter Power Optimizer/ Combiner 15

16 Array and Inverter Configuration
Power Optimizer Maximizes energy harvest Overcomes irregularities in DC levels from strings High granular control of modules, strings and arrays Can supports mixed panel types Inverter Optimizer/ Combiner

17 Array and Inverter Configuration
Use power line communications between optimiser, inverter, strings or modules SmartServer for monitoring and control Inverter Optimizer/ Combiner ~ VDC ~1000VDC Internet

18 Multi Combiner/Optimizer and Inverter Configuration

19 Array and Inverter Configuration
Single or dual axis sun tracking Time of day, day of year

20 Module/String and Micro Inverter Configuration
SmartServer Web based monitoring and control Synchronisation of micro invertors Fault detection Internet Internet

21 Module/String and Micro Inverter Configuration
Integrated panel and micro inverter Internet Internet

22 Monitoring and Control Communications
Echelon’s Power Line communications works just as well over AC or DC AC Inverter to inverter communications DC Optimizer to string/module communications SmartServer has external coupling option

23 SmartServer Custom Apps
Custom Applications String/optimizer monitoring Micro inverter to micro inverter communications Custom gateways ModBus RS485 RS232 Development tool

24 ASP Model Db Db Db Webpages ASP .net Application SOAP/XML SS2.0 SS2.0

25 Case Study In our infrastructure business we continue to drive the control networks market even further – expanding the market through a systematic roll-out of new products and technologies that deliver unprecedented value. We believe that this will one day be instrumental in bringing about a world where every device in connected in a network.

26 SMA Problem World leader of solar inverter technology, SMA, needed a way to monitor health and measure the electricity generated by panels in a solar array Project Results Automatically reads data from the inverters, and makes it accessible via standard web-based and local control protocols, enabling the data to be utilized by existing systems Revenue grade power generation data can be used for energy verification and rebate programs Solution Partners Reference IBM conducted more than 30 energy assessments around the world and found the average data center infrastructure efficiency (DCiE) index was 43 percent. This means 43 cents of every energy dollar are spent to power IT, while 57 cents are spent on the physical infrastructure for conditioned power and cooling. Energy is used by the IT equipment (servers, storage and network equipment), as well as the physical infrastructure equipment, like the computer room air conditioners, uninterruptible power supplies and chillers. As a result 60 to 70 percent of the energy in a data center is used on the physical infrastructure equipment, while only 30 to 40 percent is used on the IT equipment.

27 Sarnia Project, Ontario - First Solar
Worlds largest solar farm (at least for a couple of months) 80MW when finished Initial 50 SmartServers installed with SMA

28 Partner Quotes "Echelon's technology provides a high level of reliability and flexibility, which we considered necessary in order to offer a more efficient and diverse solution to our customers“ "Because the LonWorks platform is an open technology, it interfaces well with most existing subsystems that our clients use, making data more accessible and helping to reduce overall systems costs.“ -Jeffrey Philpott, SMA America

29 Summary Echelon’s SmartServer and power transceivers along with off the shelf third party software provide a composite solution to optimize and monitor energy harvests from PV Solar applications

30 Q&A Thank You

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