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Epidemiological Update on Public Health Emergencies

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1 Epidemiological Update on Public Health Emergencies
WHO Country Office, Liberia 3 August 2018

2 Content Ebola Virus Disease: DRC RVF and CCHF: Uganda
Measles: Ethiopia Monkey Pox: CAR Other Events Under Follow - up

3 Public Health Emergencies (AFR)
10 Humanitarian Crises 44 Outbreaks 2 Grade 3 events 4 Grade 1 events 36 Ungraded events 3 Grade 2 events Health EMERGENCIES Program

4 Ebola Virus Disease: DRC
On 30 July 2018, the Government of the DRC announced a cluster of cases of Ebola virus in North Kivu province hosts over 1 million displaced people. shares borders with Rwanda and Uganda with a great deal of cross border movement due to the trade activities The announcement was issued little more than a week after the MoH declared the end of an outbreak in Equateur Province some 2500 km from North Kivu. Since 28 July 2018: a total of 26 suspected cases with no deaths reported 4 tested positive for EVD Further testing is on-going The majority of the cases are in the Mangina health area: an active conflict zone. The major barrier will be safely accessing the affected population The Government was quick to provide public updates, with press releases on 30 July and 1 August. WHO will continue to work with neighboring countries to ensure health authorities are alerted and prepared to respond Geographical distribution of EVD cases, DRC, 28 July 2 August 2018

5 EVD (BATS) : Sierra Leone
On 26 July 2018: A new Ebola virus was reported in bats in Sierra Leone, two years after the end of an outbreak that killed over 11,000 across West Africa, (MOH) It is not yet known whether the new Bombali species of the virus — which researchers say could be transmitted to humans — can develop into the deadly Ebola disease Researchers who found the new virus in the northern Bombali region are now working with the Sierra Leone government to determine whether any humans have been infected As precautionary measures, people should refrain from eating bats

6 RVF and CCHF: Uganda Public Health Measures:
The Nakivale Refugee Settlement, Isingiro District, bordering Tanzania continues to suffer twin outbreaks of RVF and CCHF. On 28 June 2018: the Uganda MoH notified WHO of two laboratory confirmed cases of RVF, RT-PCR results from UVRI Laboratory On 13 July 2018, a case of CCHF was confirmed by the Uganda UVRI in a 30-year-old female, originally from Rwanda and DRC, who presented with a 4 day history of fever and bleeding on 7 July 2018. On 17 July 2018 the husband of the index case tested positive for CCHF. Both cases are in isolation in Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital 42 contacts listed 17 July 2018, As of 9 July 2018, 8 suspected cases of RVF, 4 laboratory confirmed including 2 deaths (CFR - 50%) Geographical distribution of RVF and CCHF cases in Uganda, 20 June - 17 July 2018 Public Health Measures: A RRT as been deployed by the MoH, supported by WHO CM is being provided at Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital Initiated field investigation and active case search Rift Valley fever, Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever

7 Measles: Ethiopia Geographical distribution of measles cases in Ethiopia, week 25 - week 29, 2018 The measles outbreak which started in Ethiopia at the beginning of 2018 continues. During week 29 (ending 22 July 2018), 98 new cases were reported from six regions From week , a total of 2, 878 suspected measles reported including 794 (28%) confirmed cases laboratory-confirmed - 119 Epidemiologically-linked - 624 Clinically compatible cases - 51 Children ≥5 years and children aged 5-14 years are the most affected age groups vaccination coverage remains sub-optimal and varies across regions PUBLIC HEALTH ACTIONS Active surveillance is being reinforced in affected regions. Treatment guidelines have been distributed Mini measles vaccination campaign plan in the affected areas

8 Monkey Pox: CAR Since 2018, outbreaks of Monkey Pox have been reported in three health districts, in the country: Bambari in the centre Bangassou more recently Mbaïki in the south-west Cumulatively, since 2 March 2018: 29 cases of Monkeypox including one death (CFR -3.4%) have been reported 11 cases laboratory confirmed out of 23 samples tested Among the confirmed cases, 63% (n=7) are female and 45% (5) are aged between 20 and 30 years Geographical distribution of Monkey Pox cases in CAR, 4 March – July 9, 2018 Public Health Measures: Active surveillance has been strengthened in the country Capacity for CM and IPC measures enhanced at HF Level Awareness campaigns have been conducted

9 Cholera: Nigeria Geographical distribution of cholera cases in Nigeria, 27 May - 18 July 2018 The outbreak of cholera in Nigeria has remained persistent since the beginning of 2018. In epi-week 28 (ending 15 July 2018), 367 new suspected cases with four deaths (CFR-1.1%) were reported from six states As of 18 July 2018: a total of 16,892 suspected cases Including 201 deaths (CFR - 1.2%) have been reported from 17 states There are a nearly equal proportion of males to females affected while 72.9% of cases are above five years of age NCDC is coordinating the response to the outbreak at the national level through the EOC the support PUBLIC HEALTH ACTIONS Active case search with the daily update of the line list is ongoing in affected states.. Management of cholera cases in different CTUs WASH & IPC practices are being improved

10 Other Events Under follow -Up
Cholera in Niger: As of 17 July 2018, a total of 123 suspected cases with four deaths (CFR - 3.3%) have been reported from ten villages in Madarounfa district, Maradi region on the border with Nigeria Cholera in DRC: Since January 2018, a total of 13,777 cholera cases with 432 deaths (CFR – 3.1%), has been reported cVDPV2: DRC A cumulative total of 29 confirmed cVDPV2 cases have been reported from six provinces, with no death Measles : DRC Since week 1 of 2018, a total of 15,551 cases with 165 deaths (CFR1.1%) have been reported of which a total of 1,395 suspected cases have been investigated Measles : Mali: Since week 1 of 2018, a total of 1,136 suspected cases with zero deaths have been reported Of these, 265 have been confirmed (IgM-positive) Measles in Mauritius: As of 8 July 2018, a total of 435 cases, including three deaths (CFR - 0.7%) have been reported from nine districts. All 435 cases have been confirmed


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