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TOTAL MAINTENANCE Organizing of Maintenance process.

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Presentation on theme: "TOTAL MAINTENANCE Organizing of Maintenance process."— Presentation transcript:

1 TOTAL MAINTENANCE Organizing of Maintenance process

2 TYPES OF MAINTENANCE Preventive Maintenance Predictive Maintenance Corrective Maintenance

3 TOTAL MAINTENANCE Application for organizing of Maintenance process TOTAL MAINTENANCE YOUR NEXT STEP

4 Access by every point with Internet Web – based application Different level of access depends on company structure Personalization of application

5 Protected Users Needed Username Password

6 Creation of Technical Passport Possibilities Detailed description of Equipment Keeping of Manuals, Drawings Technical data sheets Presentation of Working parameters Category of Equipment (Mechanical, Electrical, Electronic)

7 Creation of Technical datasheet of Installed Equipment Type of Maintenance Scheduling of Preventive Maintenance Scheduling of Predictive maintenance

8 Production Structure without limits of included Equipment

9 Scheduling of Preventive Maintenance Possibilities Detailed description of needed activities Timing of activities Easily correction of schedule according needs of organization by authorized person

10 Scheduling of Predictive Maintenance Possibilities Detailed description of activities Timing of activities Easily correction of schedule according needs of organization by authorized person

11 Scheduling of Corrective Maintenance Possibilities Scheduling of Corrective activities Including of all unplanned Technical down times in Corrective Maintenance

12 Monthly calendar with scheduled activities Possibilities Add of new activities (corrective maintenance) Prioritizing of activities - easily re-arranging of activities directly from calendar according availability of production by authorized person

13 Monitoring New Orders New Orders New Orders Distribution and control Distribution and controlling of activities Orders by ТМ

14 Detailed review of the task Possibilities Timing of the task Reporting of actual needed time Order for performers

15 Calendar Daily Scheduled activities Possibilities Timing of the Tasks Easily prioritizing of activities by authorized person

16 Task Distribution Possibilities Distribution of the Task Permanent control over Maintenance process – all activities with deviation form set time will be in red Easily including of postponed task in daily schedule

17 Daily check list Index Daily Preventive Maintenance activities Description of activities Confirmation or notifying about found problems

18 Daily Check List -Hard copy

19 Inbox Possibilities Information about found problems during daily check Information about late task Information about coming important activities

20 Reports Possibilities Detailed History of performed activities per device Evaluation of employees Evaluation of working hour invested per device Evaluation of Invested spare parts per device Financial evaluation


22 Please visit Total Maintenance website when you will find training video lessons

23 THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME! FOR DEATILED INFORMATION ABOUT TOTAL MAINTENACE Eng. Ivan Lazarov– Developer email: Cell phone: +359886444793 eng. Nikola Hadzihristev– Developing and Implementation of Maintenance systems email: Cell phone: +359887787015

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