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Introduction to Biology

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1 Introduction to Biology
Essential Questions: What are the characteristics of life? How can experiments and observations help inform our understanding of biology? Copyright Cmassengale

2 Biology – The Study of Life
Life arose more than 3.5 billion years ago First organisms (living things) were single celled Only life on Earth for millions of years Organisms changed over time (evolved) Copyright Cmassengale

3 Copyright Cmassengale
Fields of Biology Copyright Cmassengale

4 Units of Biology : Biochemistry
Properties of water Macromolecules Enzymes Copyright Cmassengale

5 Units of Biology : Cell Biology
Plant and Animal Cell Cell Membrane Photosynthesis Respiration Plants Cell Cycle and Mitosis Copyright Cmassengale

6 Units of Biology : Genetics
Meiosis Human Reproduction Mendel’s Laws Protein synthesis Copyright Cmassengale

7 Units of Biology : Evolution
Natural Selection Theory of Evolution Classification Copyright Cmassengale

8 Units of Biology : Ecology
Food web Changes in Ecosystem Loss of Biodiversity Human Impact Copyright Cmassengale

9 Units of Biology : Human Physiology
The Brain Blood Flow Immune Systems Copyright Cmassengale

10 Copyright Cmassengale
What is Life? How do we know something is living? Copyright Cmassengale

11 7 Characteristics of Living Things
1. All living things are made of cells. Cells are the basic unit of life. 2. All living things uses energy. Energy comes from the sun. 3. All living things respond to stimulus (stimuli- pleural). Stimulus- change in environment (hot= sweat) Copyright Cmassengale

12 7 Characteristics of Living Things
4. All living things reproduce. Sexual or asexual 5. All living things grow and develop. 6. All living things change to fit their environment (adapt). If not, they risk becoming extinct. Copyright Cmassengale

13 7 Characteristics of Living Things
7. All living things have DNA. DNA provides instructions for making molecules called proteins. Proteins build cells. DNA carries the genetic material from parent to offspring (heredity). Copyright Cmassengale

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