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Mississippi Agricultural Industry Council

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1 Mississippi Agricultural Industry Council
Past, Present and Future

2 What is the Mississippi Agricultural Industry Council? Our Past
Organized in the early 1960s as the Mississippi Plant Food Council, then progressing in the late 1960s to the Mississippi Agricultural Chemicals Council, today's Mississippi Agricultural Industry Council has and will continue to be focused on maintaining the viability of Mississippi agriculture. The founding membership consisted of members of industry, the Mississippi Department of Agriculture and the Mississippi Cooperative Extension Service. Through more than four decades of service to Mississippi agriculture, MAIC has provided leadership, communication and education to all aspects of the plant foods industry. In more recent years, the group has expanded its efforts to become a voice for important agricultural issues and to serve all segments of Mississippi agriculture.

3 What is the Mississippi Agricultural Industry Council? – Our Present
Today's MAIC membership represents a broad cross section of the agricultural industry from chemical, seed and fertilizer companies to regulatory groups, the MSU Extension Service, USDA, the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station, the Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce, ag media and growers. MAIC, led by a slate of experienced and progressive officers and committee chairmen, work continually to keep MAIC members informed and up to date on the issues of importance to the industry. They also offer input to other organizations and agencies charged with regulatory and farm policy issues.

4 What is the Mississippi Agricultural Industry Council? – Our Present
Using newsletters, , a Web site, quarterly board of directors' meetings and an annual summer meeting as opportunities for sharing and relaying ideas and concerns, MAIC members are always aware of the news of agriculture, which could impact their business and/or responsibilities. In addition, MAIC provides scholarships for students, offers excellent training sessions for members to earn Certified Crop Advisor credits or Continuing Education Units and supports Mississippi State University through a financial endowment.

5 What is the Mississippi Agricultural Industry Council? Our Future
Economic relief for the nation's agricultural industry won't come quickly and it won't come without continued mergers and cutbacks so prevalent the last few years. MAIC, recognizing that every segment of the industry will continue to be faced with doing more with less is committed to making that ominous burden easier for its members. We will continue to search for educational opportunities that help our members move toward the future. We will strive to advise our state and national leadership on environmental, economic and farm policy issues and we are expanding our efforts to be proactive in telling the good stories and events of agriculture through meetings, media outlets and ag-related events.

6 What is the Mississippi Agricultural Industry Council? Our Future
In the lifetimes and careers of our membership, we've seen technological advances that we seemingly read about one day and put into practice on the turnrow the next. We can't foretell the future; we can't even imagine it, but we are committed to be the agriculture organization, which prepares each of us for it and leads us optimistically, if not eagerly into agriculture's next generation. All we need to make it happen is you. Join MAIC now and prepare for the future.

7 How do I join? The mission of the Mississippi Agricultural Industry Council is to represent all segments of the state's agricultural industry and to provide opportunities for education, problem solving and communication to ensure the viability of agriculture at every level. We want YOU to be a member of the organization that serves and leads Mississippi Agriculture……………………………. Continuing education Networking Liaison with regulatory and government agencies Scholarships Communications Service Leadership

8 For Membership Information Contact:
Butch Alpe    Tracy Gregory or

9 Officers President: Larry Walton 1st VP: Hugh Beckham 2nd VP: Cole Gholston Exc VP: Angus Catchot Sec/trea: Butch Alpe Admin Asst.: Tracy Gregory

10 Directors Andy Bogue Bubba Morris Woody Woodson Wesly Edwards Trey Koger Patrick Woods Josh Byford Dave Cummins Will Riddick Keylon Gholston –Advisor Ward Bloodworth – Past President

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