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S519: Evaluation of Information Systems

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1 S519: Evaluation of Information Systems
Meta-evaluation D-Ch11

2 Meta-evaluation It is evaluation of an evaluation (Scriven, 1991) to determin the quality and/or value of an evaluation

3 Five criteria Validity Utility Conduct Credibility Costs

4 Validity To what extent, the conclusions of the evaluation are justified Check carefully the facts they use and values they assign Question everything Constraints (budget, time, etc.) Using KEC checkpoints Using standards (

5 Validity Covers all relevant sources of value
Comprehensively covers process, outcome and cost Include no irrelevant or illicit criteria Data used to directly address the criteria Include analyses that are appropriate for the data Clearly states how data are interpreted Is clear about where evaluative conclusions come from Include valid recommendation

6 Utility Are the findings
Relevant to the questions or decisions being faced by the audience Timely Clearly communicated Cost effective

7 Conduct Legal Ethical Professional standards Cultrual appropriateness
Unobtrusiveness Minimal disruptive to the evaluand

8 Credibility Familiar with the context
Independence, impartiality, and/or lack of conflict of interest Expertise in evaluation and in the evaluation subject field

9 Cost How reasonable the costs of an evaluation

10 Meta-evaluation rating table

11 Exercise D-p217, exercise 2 Form a pair, do the evaluation
Form a group to select the best result, Design a poster Present them in a poster Using three sentenses to summarize your evaluation What you learn What you feel How to improve

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