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ENG 1D1 Wednesday February 18, 2015.

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1 ENG 1D1 Wednesday February 18, 2015

2 Meme of the Day

3 Today’s Agenda Grammar Package - “Parts of Speech” Crossword (pages 2-3) Finding Theme - Video Clip The Fox and the Stork Themes in Popular Stories Examining Theme in Poetry Theme Group Activity Homework: Read the other 2 poems in the package Poetry Analysis Test - Friday

4 “Parts of Speech” Crossword Answers
Accross: 2. again 5. waited 6. she 8. can 10. they Down: 1. but 2. and 3. inside 4. help 5. with 11. other 13. Rich 14. four 16. then 17. me 7. patiently 9. four 10. three 12. report 15. older

5 Finding Theme - Video Clip

6 The Fox and the Stork - Video Clip

7 The Fox and the Stork - Video Clip
Think-Pair-Share What is the theme or main message in the clip about the fox and the stork?

8 Finding Themes in Popular Stories
Little Red Riding Hood

9 The Little Red Riding Hood Theme
- Don’t Talk to Strangers - There is a difference between nice and trustworthy What themes/ messages can you think of?

10 Finding Themes in Popular Stories
Hansel and Gretel

11 Hansel and Gretel Themes
family loyalty - disloyal parents vs loyal siblings resist temptation, as it can have dire consequences What other themes can you think of?

12 Finding Themes in Popular Stories
The Tortoise and the Hare

13 The Tortoise and the Hare Themes
Slow and steady wins the race Do not judge others based on broad generalization or appearances What themes or messages can you think of?

14 Finding Theme in Popular Stories
Harry Potter

15 Harry Potter Themes One individual can change the result for many
Friendship is integral in life and overcoming obstacles What themes or messages can you think of?

16 Finding Theme in Popular Stories
The Hunger Games

17 The Hunger Games Themes
Do not underestimate the power of hope The power of the people/masses What themes or messages can you think of?

18 Finding Theme in Popular Stories
Beauty and the Beast

19 Themes in Beauty and the Beast
Do not judge others based on appearances Material wealth and beauty do not help gain happiness What themes or messages can you think of?

20 How do you find theme in a poem?
It is normal to feel anxious about trying to understand the meaning of a poem because they often feel mysterious and confusing. If you know how to read and poem and where to search for themes and meaning, then reading poetry and writing about it will be less scary. Finding the Theme of a Poem

21 Theme Group Activity Now we are going to practice identifying theme.
Listen for your number so you know which poem you are studying. 1= Dreams 2=On Watching the Construction of a Skyscraper 3=Apartment House 4=Dreams 5=On Watching the Construction of a Skyscraper 6=Apartment House 7=Dreams 8=On Watching the Construction of a Skyscraper 9=Apartment House

22 Theme Group Activity Read your poem several times.
Work together to answer the analysis questions on the paper provided. 1= Dreams 2=On Watching the Construction of a Skyscraper 3=Apartment House 4=Dreams 5=On Watching the Construction of a Skyscraper 6=Apartment House 7=Dreams 8=On Watching the Construction of a Skyscraper 9=Apartment House

23 Homework Read the other two poems in the package.
Be prepared to engage with this material tomorrow!

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