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EMDR Europe Consultants Day
Trauma Aid UK EMDR Europe Consultants Day January 2017
Accreditation process
Making an application Completing the Competency Framework documents Child and Adolescent Practitioner and Consultant New Competency Framework document Re Accreditation Outlie process Please feel free to ask questions during the sessions and we will have time later as well practical aspects of making applications, and about some of the professional issues We will speak about Child and Adolescent accreditation proposed changes to the Competency documents. Derek Farrell will talk in more detail issues around re accreditation
Accreditation Accreditation
The Association currently has 179 Accredited Consultants 483 Accredited Practitioners and 4 Accredited Child and Adolescent Practitioners Accreditation Importance of accredited workforce,therapists and consultants. Numbers accredited now growing fast. Great to see so many today working to consultancy During the past year the Association has processed over 200 applications for accreditation and re accreditation Added more from jan mtg Process applications for Trauma Aid ,formerly HAP. We do this where countries have yet to establish an association and or accreditation process.
Documentation to administrator
Making an Application 1 Documentation to administrator Documentation checked by administrator and receipt acknowledged If incomplete, applicant contacted If complete, documents placed in Dropbox So what is the process.? We meet every 2 months to consider the applications. All applications must be with us no less than 10 working days before the meeting. We ask for documents to be word processed and not handwritten. We ask for the documents to be presented as one continuous file, not for example on 17 or 18 separate pages. If they are sent as separate pages it can take 10,20,30 or seconds or often longer for each page to open. For our last meeting we had 31 applications to consider. It can make the process very very lengthy for us if the documents are not in the correct format. And if like me your internet is rubbish it can take forever to open some docs. It is only in the last year that we have had dedicated admin time for the accreditation process. It has made the system much more efficient.
Accreditation Committee meet to discuss applicants and recommendations
Making an Application 2 Members of Accreditation Committee consider documents prior to committee meeting Accreditation Committee meet to discuss applicants and recommendations Board meeting considers recommendations for ratification Administrator contacts applicants following Board meeting Making an application 2. Four Members of the committee consider all applications prior to the committee meeting.. majority of applications are completed well and satisfy the criteria four of us will agree to recommend these to the full committee and for ratification. Where we have queries about an application, that application will be scrutinised by all members of the committee during the meeting and decisions made at that time. A small number of applicants need to provide further information or clarification. Will look again at these when have the info The committee makes recommendations only. The main Board need ratify the recommendations Dawn, admin,once ratified notifies applicants and certs sent. The names of those accredited are added to the web
Completing the Competency Framework Documents
Training Training must be by a Europe accredited trainer Supervision 20 hours supervision is minimum. COMPETENCY IS KEY. Supervision can be 1:1,group, face to face, telephone, Skype Only those trained since 2011 can count supervision hours from training Some training not Europe Accredited. Do check your supervisees have done an approved training. The criteria are set for us by Europe. We can add to these but not accept anyone who doesn’t fulfil the criteria. A word about group supervision. Last year Europe confirmed that supervisees can count group supervision on the same basis as individual. That is if you have 2 hour group supervision, all participants can count 2 hours of supervision.
Completing the Competency Framework Documents
Cases 80% of the cases you cite must involved EMDR processing. Grounding and Resource may be included but cases submitted must reflect a through understanding and competency in all 8 phases. All cases must be signed off by the supervising consultant How do you decide who to list? Some applicants count every session with a client, others only those sessions where desensitization and re processing took place. You may have cases where it was not possible for whatever reason to get to EMDR processing. But you may include only a small number of such cases. Where an applicant has changed supervisor he must have any cases he is listing signed off by the consultant who provided supervision. Any case cited must have been supervised by an accred. consultant.
Completing the Competency Framework documents
‘Detailed comments in support of each competency’ NOT sufficient to write ‘Yes,competent RATHER For example ‘He has demonstrated a thorough knowledge of the standard protocol. He is experienced in history taking and has evidenced in supervision and in video that he gathers a significant amount of biographical information’ We are looking to have enough information to be confident that the supervisor really knows the supervisees work We have been asked about providing exemplar reports? And there are varying views about doing this I would be interested in your views.
Disclaimer I confirm that I have personally supervised the work of……. as outlined in 1. The enclosed reference 2. The attached competency framework document ………………………….. I understand that if for any reason information is forthcoming to suggest that the above conditions were not met the consultant and or supervisee may forfeit their accreditation and possibly Association membership During the past year we have added an additional form of words to the Competency Framework Documents and the letters of reference we need for reaccreditation. It is very important that we maintain the high standards which a robust Accreditation process supports.
Child and Adolescent Practitioner /Consultant
Requirement to be generic practitioner initially Complete Level 1 and 2 Europe Accredited Child training Cases and supervision from generic application may be counted Consultant Not required to be generic consultant initially. Period of grand-parenting agreed in the UK C and A Practitioner approved in Can count cases and supervision used in generic application as long as are child cases and supervision is from consultant who works mainly with this population. Delays in getting the necessary documentation on the web has meant that we have only begun to receive applications during the past year. Creation of position of C and A Consultants received approval in Europe in November 2016. The UK and Ireland Association is currently looking at a period for grandparenting of C and A consultants many of you will work with adults with complex trauma who may have been traumatised as children . Many have found the child trainings very valuable. If most of your work is with children, we would encourage you to puruse C and A accreditation
Re-accreditation A word about reaccreditation.
50 CPD credits needed of which 50% EMDR specific References One consultant reference and one professional reference required for Practitioner re accreditation Two consultant references required for Consultant re accreditation It is your responsibility to maintain your Association membership A word about reaccreditation. It is important that people take responsibility throughout the 5 year period to keep their CPD up to date and to ensure that they receive supervision and link into the association. We are required to ensure our CPD for professional registration and EMDR requirements are not overly demanding. Amounts to no more than equivalent day and a half of EMDR specific each year The information which was ,until recently, on our web pages was misleading and there is no requirement for 3 references. New dedicated admin means you are now reminded when reacc. due Worked to provide info about this on our web pages . Hope now comprehensive,clear and complete Thank you for listening Any Questions
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