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Introducing Advance HE

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2 Introducing Advance HE
Andy Shenstone, Director HUBMCS Conference, University of Essex, 5/9/18

3 About Advance HE

4 Genesis Formed through the merger of the Equality Challenge Unit, Higher Education Academy and Leadership Foundation for Higher Education in March 2018 First full year of operation from August 2018 Analysis of insights from consultation continue to inform the development of a final strategic plan and a more integrated value proposition for members for August 2019 onwards Transition year to facilitate alignment, development and innovation

5 Membership 323 members confirmed for 2018-19:
239 UK organisations (of 271 invited to renew)   71 additional members 19 teaching and learning international members (of 23 invited to renew)  

6 Sector consultation An independent consultation agency undertook one-to-one interviews with a cross-section of Vice-chancellors representative of the widest extent of the members of the three organisations An open survey was completed by a wide range of stakeholders ‘Soft’ consultation continues to be undertaken with sector leaders The outcomes will inform Advance HE’s membership offer, range of associated products and services, and structure for the academic year onwards

7 Identity We are driven by the strategic needs of higher education (HE). Through our passion for excellence we aim to create an inclusive culture that champions the continuous development of teaching, leadership and research. We use an evidence-based approach to identify what works, and develop practice-based solutions. Where we’ve got to.

8 Identity – continued Working in partnership, our role is to champion, enable and inspire individuals, institutions and the HE sectors in the UK and Ireland to help deliver world leading teaching, research and scholarship, outreach and student outcomes Our purpose is to advance the professional practice of HE to improve outcomes for the benefit of students, staff and society Our vision is that the world-class reputation and standing of HE is enhanced and recognised for transforming lives, enriching society and developing the economy for the better Where we’ve got to.

9 Facets “Of and for the sector” in the UK and Ireland
Bring HE focused expertise in, across and beyond our strategic functions Support institutions and other stakeholders to put their strategies into practice Not part of any regulatory framework Create ‘safe places’ for the HE sectors Advance HE has been created to be “of and for” the sector and is jointly owned by GuildHE and Universities UK. We also operate in Ireland. We are the new sector agency formed through the merger of the Equality Challenge Unit, Higher Education Academy and Leadership Foundation for Higher Education. We bring HE focused expertise in, across and beyond our strategic functions of advancing governance, leadership, teaching and learning, and equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI). We are facilitative and work in partnership to support institutions and other stakeholders to put their strategies into practice in the context of the changing and challenging operating environments. We are not a regulator or part of any regulatory framework. We are fundamentally developmental in nature and supportive of the sectors in advancing professional practice. As a result of the point above, we represent a ‘safe place’ for the sectors to address challenges without the need for external intervention.

10 Attributes Combined strength of specialist, contextualised expertise
HE focus and understanding Institutional and sector-wide insight and benchmarking Integrated and holistic approach that adds value and transcends traditional boundaries and barriers in HE Forward looking and developmental Evidence-based and outcome-focused Not for profit Advance HE represents a distinctive model of support to drive positive change for institutions and the HE sectors in the UK and Ireland. Underpinning and animating our facets, our strengths consist in: Specialist expertise. Advance HE brings a combined strength of HE focused expertise across our strategic functions of governance, leadership, teaching and learning, and EDI. We have uniquely contextualised and nuanced knowledge of these areas of work and the synergies between them as they pertain across activities, functions and levels in diverse institutions and at a sector level. HE focus and understanding. We are “of and for the HE sector” and have extensive experience working in HE in the UK and Ireland. We have deep understanding of the impact and implications of the changing operating environments for HE and how institutions can respond, and are responding, to the challenges and opportunities through new or recalibrated cultures, structures, strategies, processes, policies, practices and behaviours. Institutional and sector-wide insight and benchmarking. Through our work, we afford insight into strategy, policy and practice within, between and across institutions. We offer a rich source of research, data and evidence and resources on impactful solutions across HE in the UK and Ireland, and also in HE sectors in other jurisdictions and in other sectors where our expertise is also sought. An integrated and holistic approach that adds value. As a result of our combined strategic functions and interrelated core services, we are able to provide a groundbreaking perspective with bespoke solutions that transcend traditional boundaries and barriers in HE in new and powerful ways. Forward looking and developmental. As well as reviewing and reflecting on existing assumptions and activity, we draw on emerging practice and stimulate discussion and development of new approaches within the context of the dynamic external environments for HE. Evidence-based and outcome-focused. Advance HE’s work is predicated on rigorous quantitative and qualitative research that provides strength, depth and focus to all of our activities. We use this evidence-based approach to identify what works, and develop and share practice-based solutions that result in measurable, meaningful and lasting change. Not for profit. As a registered charity, all funds are directly reinvested into furthering Advance HE’s mission for the benefit of stakeholders.

11 Activities Develop and deliver strategic programmes and targeted interventions Generate knowledge and insights Recognise and accredit the achievements of individuals and institutions; making institutions ‘destinations of choice’ Deliver a co-ordinated series of programmes and events Provide membership and other services and facilitate extensive networks and partnerships We support institutions and others to put their strategies into practice in the context of changing and challenging operating environments through a set of interrelated core services across our strategic functions, including: Developing and delivering strategic programmes and targeted interventions that foster innovation, growth and transformation across a range of institutional and sector priorities for our members and for those who commission services from us. Generating knowledge and insights through analysis of research, data and evidence and providing thought leadership in complex, convergent areas; identifying what works to develop and disseminate practice-based solutions. Recognising and accrediting the achievements of individuals and institutions; catalysing and learning from positive change in HE, improving the student and staff experience, and supporting institutions in the UK and Ireland in being globally competitive as ‘destinations of choice’. Advance HE owns and manages the Athena SWAN Charter, Race Equality Charter and HEA Fellowships. Delivering a co-ordinated series of programmes and events that enhance individual, institutional and sectoral capacities and capabilities to respond to evolving challenges and opportunities. Providing membership and other services and facilitating extensive networks and partnerships that both respond to bespoke needs and share impactful practice.

12 Challenges and opportunities?

13 Challenges and opportunities
Funding, policy, regulatory and operating environment: marketization, stratification; TEF; REF; KEF; OfS; EHRC; WP; executive pay; Brexit and immigration; internationalization and attracting staff and students Related to this, student: information and data; choice and competition (APs, FE); experience; wellbeing; outcomes; value Universities as engines of growth and recovery: industrial strategy; UKRI; research funding; efficiencies; financial health and sustainability; USS; PT, mature and PG students; CPD Role models and agents for social solutions and change (degree apprenticeships, social mobility, EDI, gender-based violence); civic mission; community beacons; global citizenship; social cohesion (Prevent); freedom of speech; transforming lives Digitization and flexible delivery. Environmental standards and CO2 emissions. For illustration only. Some of these are set out as a flavour and to be amended according to the national constituency.

14 Thank you and questions
Andy Shenstone, M:


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