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Finance Learner Engagement Achievement Partnership

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1 Finance Learner Engagement Achievement Partnership
Information for schools looking to join our multi academy trust (MAT) “Achieving Excellence”

2 “Achieving Excellence”
Who are we? Finance The Trust formed in February 2015 and we are: Brinsworth Academy - OFSTED Good (2017) secondary school with 1350 students Dinnington High School – OFSTED Good (2014) secondary school with 1150 students We are approved for expansion and have considerable financial reserves and educational capacity “Achieving Excellence”

3 “Achieving Excellence”
What is our vision? Finance Vision Achieving excellence is the overriding ambition of the LEAP Multi Academy Trust. We place students at the centre of everything we do, creating a culture of success and a love of learning which enhances students’ achievement and their personal, social and emotional development. Aims Our aim to achieve excellence drives policy, practice and governance. Professional excellence at all levels underpins our approach. A high quality educational experience will be an entitlement for every student: it is an absolute priority that every student, irrespective of their starting point, succeeds and achieves. In raising standards for our students we will contribute to the raising of educational standards and secure significant benefits for business and the wider communities that we serve. We seek at all times to build positive partnerships with parents/carers, primary schools and the wider community to achieve excellence for all of our young people. We recognise, value and embrace each school’s uniqueness and the communities we serve. Drawing on very best practice, we share expertise across the trust in order to achieve excellence. “Achieving Excellence”

4 Finance We achieve our vision through We achieve our vision through:
Inspiring, challenging, engaging and supporting all of our students to achieve excellent outcomes irrespective of their starting points Striving for excellence in all aspects of teaching and learning and Implementing a curriculum that meets the needs and aspirations of all students Providing every student with the skills, knowledge and qualifications to enable them to access the next stage of their education/career Enhancing central and shared services to maximise organizational and cost efficiencies Building positive partnerships with our parents, primary schools and the wider community “Achieving Excellence”

5 “Achieving Excellence”
How does our MAT work? Finance The Trust is strategically led by a Board of Trustees with the skills, expertise and experience to drive school improvement Each academy maintains its Local Governing Body (LGB) and that must consist of at least 2 parent representatives The scope of the authority of the Board and the LGBs is set out in the Trust Scheme of Delegation that can be found on the LEAP MAT website “Achieving Excellence”

6 “Achieving Excellence”
How does our MAT work? Finance We have a skilled central team with strong capacity to support and drive school improvement The central team comprises: Executive Principals Associate Principals Assistant Principals Finance, Premises and HR Specialists The team is deployed on a bespoke basis in order to respond to member school needs “Achieving Excellence”

7 “Achieving Excellence”
Our Trust’s offer Finance As a Trust, we have significant financial capacity to support school improvement in order to ensure that all our member schools ‘Achieve Excellence’ We provide a range of central services including: School Improvement Assessment Business, Finance and Estate Management Data Management Timetable Planning Teaching and Learning Consultancy Post-16 Consultancy Safeguarding Assessment Marketing Team “Achieving Excellence”

8 “Achieving Excellence”
Our Trust’s offer Finance Our Trust also has a number of core elements that are implemented in all member schools and academies, including a trust wide approach to: Uniform Behaviour Rewards Curriculum Assessment Appraisal and CPD In addition, we have access to a wide range of resources and expertise to support accelerated school improvement. These are provided to member schools and academies on a bespoke basis. “Achieving Excellence”

9 “Achieving Excellence”
Growth Plans Finance We have built capacity in readiness to become an academy sponsor and to enhance provision within LEAP MAT. We are also actively discussing membership of our MAT with a number of ‘Good’ single academy trusts and LA schools, in order to further build capacity within our Trust for mutual school-to-school improvement work. We aim to become a 4 school MAT by no later than summer 2018, with the aspiration to become a 5+ school MAT by summer 2019 at the latest. Our Trust is keen to welcome primary phase schools, too, in order to develop greater expertise and capacity for school improvement work. “Achieving Excellence”

10 Contacting Us Finance More information can be found on our website We are happy to discuss the exciting opportunities LEAP presents either face-to-face or over the phone. Wayne Barsby, Executive Principal ext. 214 Andy Riches, CEO ext.233 Brian Rossiter, Chair of Trustees via Clerk to LEAP MAT Board of Trustees “Achieving Excellence”

11 Achieving Excellence Achieving Excellence

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