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BIG IDEA How does the Indian Act of 1876 continue to affect First Nations in contemporary society, and does its effects represent progress, decline or.

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Presentation on theme: "BIG IDEA How does the Indian Act of 1876 continue to affect First Nations in contemporary society, and does its effects represent progress, decline or."— Presentation transcript:

1 BIG IDEA How does the Indian Act of 1876 continue to affect First Nations in contemporary society, and does its effects represent progress, decline or stasis?

2 Indian Act 1876 Gave legal power to the government to control the lives of First Nations. It included clauses about: Indian Status Land Local Government

3 Indian Act "The great aim of our legislation has been to do away with the tribal system and assimilate the Indian people in all respects with the other inhabitants of the Dominion as speedily as they are fit to change," stated John A. Macdonald, in 1887.

4 Indian Act – Indian Status
It defined who could be an “Status Indian” Wards of the government Before 1951, Status Indians were not ‘people’ under the laws of Canada. “people” if they relinquished Indian Status. They could then vote, own property or have rights of other citizens.

5 8th Fire

6 Indian Act - Land Reserve land was set aside for the use of status Indians. Specified who could live on the Reserves.

7 Indian Act - Government
Local government modelled on Euro-Canadian town councils / ignored traditional First Nations forms of governing. Traditional government – leadership was hereditary Band councils - elected

8 The Indian Act was imposed on First Nations and they had NO SAY whatsoever.

9 Residential Schools

10 1876 In 1876, Indian Act placed residential schools under the jurisdiction of the Federal government

11 1920 Law – All First Nations children had to attend Residential school is there was no day school near their home

12 Quote from 1920 “Our objective is to continue until there is not a single Indian in Canada that has not been absorbed into the body politic, and there is no Indian question and no Indian department.” …Duncan Campbell Scott, Deputy superintendent General of Indian Affairs

13 Why did First Nations children go?
It was the law Indian agents on the reserve would withhold food and benefits from those who did not go Children were forcibly taken Parents could face jail time if they refused to let their children go

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