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Effective Workplace Team Characteristics

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1 Effective Workplace Team Characteristics
Speaker notes here: There are many different characteristics that will build an effective workplace team. Group Presentation by Rachel Holcomb, Lori Stansbury, and Ginny Smith

2 Characteristics of Effective Workplace Teams:
Individual members who focus on team goals rather than personal goals Good leadership Members with the skills, experience, and education to do the job Individual members who take responsibility for the success or failure of the team The ability to work with a diverse group of people The capacity to reach an agreement when making decisions Goals that are practical and well defined Members who respect and trust one another Speaker notes here: List off the workplace characteristics. “Today, we will focus on three. Leadership, setting goals, and communication.”

3 Leadership Establish clear expectations for your team
Set procedures for meeting and communication Keep the team on schedule Plan and organize meetings Report team progress to supervisors Make work assignments Encourage openness and collaboration among members Be a trustworthy leader Get to know the skills & strengths of each team member for their effective use Be a good listener First essential effective workplace characteristic is: Leadership Leading a team starts with establishing the purpose of the team and what is expected of them. People like to know what is expected of them and will generally rise up to meet those expectations. The purpose of the team helps develops it focus, without purpose and focus the team can get sidetracked and off topic quickly. Set an example of service to your team by keeping everyone informed about changes or issues concerning the team’s assignment. DO NOT wait until the last minute to schedule meetings. Let all team members know the agenda or purpose of the meeting in advance. Let the team know that it’s a group effort and that their input is valuable.

4 Set Goals Well established and practical goals Organization
Schedule or timeline Be prepared and well-informed about the topic Setting Goals for the project allows for everyone to stay on track and accomplish the end result efficiently.

5 Communication Actively listen to other team members with an open mind
Respect one another as you would want to be respected Collaborate with the group Resolve conflict in a group by being objective Contribute ideas to the best of your ability Communication in any team atmosphere is key to achieving the best results possible. There are many factors that contribute to good communication including actively listening to others and giving them the chance to express their ideas. Most teams are made of a diverse group of people so respecting one another is a must in order to collaborate ideas as well as resolving any conflict of opinions that may arise. Everyone should get the chance to contribute something and do it to the best of their ability. Communicating your ideas to other team members clearly is the best way to succeed as a team.

6 In Conclusion Leadership Communication Well Set Goals
In conclusion, the most effective workplace team characteristics are leadership, well established goals, and good communication between all team members. A group effort is only as good as its weakest link so if everyone involved is well prepared with the main characteristics its hard to fail.

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